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3.a.iii Medication Adherence Program (MAP)

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Presentation on theme: "3.a.iii Medication Adherence Program (MAP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 3.a.iii Medication Adherence Program (MAP)

2 MAP Reporting Requirements
Partners must send the following information to Refuah CHC: Roster of evaluated MAP Patients including Patient CIN, DOB, and date MAP questions were asked Self management question must be asked and answers documented Documentation from EHR or other EHR certified tracking tool that evaluated patients are on at least one behavioral health medication Documented MAP protocols and meeting schedule/agenda/minutes/attendees Copy of Staff training materials on MAP including list/date of training sessions and roster of participants List of care team members and their roles

3 How can Partners do this?
Note sessions with patients in which a review of medication adherence is performed Place reminders and allow for data entry within EHR Cite reasons for lack of adherence Avoid asking “yes’ or “no” questions if possible Make note of what patient has agreed to Patient engagement Patients will be counted towards MAP engagement only once per year After completing adherence each month partners will be expected to upload reports by the end of month to Refuah CHC’s secure file sharing platform (e.g. NO PATIENT DATA CONTAINING Protected Health Information (PHI) SHOULD EVER BE ED WITHOUT ENCRYPTION! Compliance Audits MAP Partners may be audited to ensure integrity of data reported to the PPS Compliance will reach out to MAP Partner and request a random subset of reported patient charts Audits will ask Partner to securely send screenshots of EHR, or other tracking tool, that demonstrates MAP/Self Management questions were reviewed with reported patients

4 Sample Questions to Ask Clients
Providers can change questions to be directed to the patient ie ( Why do you think you need to take this medication? How will you remember to take your medication? What can the provider help you better understand about this medication?

5 MAP Documentation in EHR Partner Example
Partner has created a free text option for providers to engage in more dynamic conversation. Structured data can be used to attest usage of MAP. This data can then be sent to Refuah CHC for review.

6 MAP Documentation on Paper (Scanned into EHR) Example
Name Jane Smith MAP Admin Date 2/10/17 DOB 4/28/60 Age 56 Sex F Medicaid Number XXXXXXXX Medication Review Medication Reconciliation Complete:  Y  N Reviewed Patient Compliance:  Y  N Reviewed Risk, Benefits, SE:  Y  N Answered Patient Concerns:  Y  N Updated Medication List:  Y  N Self-Management ( do not have to complete all options, but must include follow up plan) OPTIONS: One way to improve my health is _____________________________ My goal for the week: _____________________ When I will do it:______________________________ Where I will do it:_______________________________ How often I will do it: ______________________________ What might get in the way: _____________________________ What I can do about it: _________________________________ How confident am I that I can reach my goal: __________________________________ Follow up Plan ___________________________________

7 Partner Payment Process
Step 1: Login to Refuah’s secure file-sharing platform. Upload any files containing PHI (e.g. name, Medicaid CIN number, DOB) via this secure, encrypted method only. Step 2: all non-PHI containing documents (e.g. protocols, training materials, etc.) required by your agreement to Anne Cuddy at Step 3: RCHC reviews all submitted materials and alerts partner of any missing documents. Step 4: Once all documents required for a given payment have been confirmed, Refuah’s Accounts Payable will be notified to process the payment. Payment lead time is two to four weeks after all documents are received.

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