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Using Social Care Online: an overview

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1 Using Social Care Online: an overview
Version 1.0 March 2017

2 Overview content About Social Care Online
Key features of Social Care Online Standard search 1. 0 Getting started 1.1 Results pages 1.2 Filtering search results 1.3 Full record example Advanced search 2.0 Advanced search 2.1 Search screen 2.2 Single field search 2.3 Results pages 2.4 Multiple field search using AND 2.5 Single subject term search 2.6 Multiple field search using OR & AND 2.7 Export search results 2.8 Saved search Further information and support

3 About Social Care Online
UK's largest online database of information on all aspects of social work and social care Updated daily SCO contains over 150,000 records from the 1980s onwards Includes: legislation, government documents, practice and guidance, systematic reviews, research briefings, UK grey (informally-published) literature, books, and journal articles Full text resources and web links are provided where available Free to use. Register/Login to use all SCO features

4 Key features of Social Care Online
Fast Google-type standard search Advanced search Saved searches alerts Updated daily Free to use! Register/Login to use all SCO’s features

5 Standard search 1.0 Getting started
2 3 As you type, suggested topics /terms, titles, authors or publishers appear in the drop down list. Select from the list or type your own search terms Click on Search

6 1.1 Results page Key features 1 7
Sort the results [Default is Relevance] Advance through results pages Identify resource type & full text availability View full abstract, link to free resource if available & subject term search options Go to full record details Filter results [Requires registration or Login] Use Search box to change or start a new search 5 2 3 4 Note: Search results can range from an exact match (most relevant) to records containing all or some of your search terms eg Care Act 2014 to Changes to care.…Children and Families Act 2014 6

7 1.2 Filtering search results – Register/Login to use this feature
Click on filter link (in this case Free) to limit search results. More than one filter can be used to refine search results, but only one within each category eg Format types Clear all filters or click on individual Filter link to remove it Note: To search using more than one filter from each category use Advanced search 1

8 1.3 Full record example Note: Register/Login to view the full document

9 Advanced search 2.0 Getting started
1 2 Click on Advanced search button to register or sign-in Or 2. Click on Register/sign-in button Note: Social Care Online is free to search but to use all of its features you will need a Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) account

10 2.1 Search screen Key features Single field search
Drop down list of all fields Add fields to build up complex searches Combine search word or terms using AND, OR, NOT Saved searches can be used to create & rerun complex searches & set up alerts On screen search tips 5 6 1 2 4 3

11 2.2 Single field search From the drop down field list select a field eg Author Type your search query eg Author surname and select from the drop down list Click on Search 2 1 3

12 2.3. Results page 6 5 1 2 3 4 Sort by Publication Year or Title [Default is Relevance] Advance through results pages Identify resource type & full text availability View full record details View and select records for export Search result tools bar (Save searches, alerts) Tip: Select your Sort by preferences before reviewing and exporting your results

13 2.4. Multiple field search using AND
1 4 3 6 5 7 From the drop down field list select a field eg Publisher Type name of Publisher eg social care institute… & select from drop down list Select another field from the drop down list eg Format type Select Format type eg Digital media Select another field from the drop down list eg Publication year Type date range eg 2013 to 2015 (if one year only put same date in both boxes) Click on Search

14 2.5. Single subject term search
1 3 4 6 5 From the drop down field list select Subject Term Type search term eg adoption & select from drop down list Broader, Narrower & Related terms can be included to build up a complex search strategy View the term details for the Subject term Select terms for inclusion in your search eg Narrower Click on Search Term details for 'adoption' Broader terms social care Narrower terms intercountry adoption, open adoption, post adoption services, transracial adoption Related terms access to birth records, adopted children, adoption agencies, adoption allowance, adoption contact registers, adoptive parents, birth parents, permanency planning

15 2.6. Multiple field search using OR & AND
Note: For multiple field searches Boolean operators must be use in the order OR, AND, NOT 6 2 1 4 3 5 7 8 9 10 11 Select field from drop down list eg Subject term - 2. Type adoption & select from list Include narrower terms Change Boolean operator to OR Select field from from the drop down list eg Subject term & 6. Type adoption again 7. Include related terms 8. Change Boolean operator to AND Select field from drop down list eg Content type & Select Government publication 11. Click on Search

16 2.7. Export search results Key features 1 3 2
Choice of export types [CSV, RIS, TXT, XML] View abstract – click on ‘arrow’ Select All records for Export or use tick box to select individual records

17 2.8. Saved searches Use Saved searches to: Rerun searches
1 Use Saved searches to: Rerun searches Build complex searches Set up alerts - weekly updates on content matching your search criteria. 2 3 4 Run Search eg “care act 2014” All fields Name the search eg CA2014 [AF] Save Search Tick box to enable action menu

18 Further information and support
View our YouTube introductory video See About pages Give us your feedback Go to Help pages Contact us 2 5 4 2 1 5 3 4 Connect with us via Facebook or Twitter

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