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November 29 & 30 Today’s Agenda Closure

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Presentation on theme: "November 29 & 30 Today’s Agenda Closure"— Presentation transcript:

1 November 29 & 30 Today’s Agenda Closure
Objectives (64) Explain the importance of nonverbal communication in the workplace. Homework None Today’s Agenda Nonverbal Communication PowerPoint + Notes. Hidden Language of Culture. Introduce Cultural Project. Closure What is an example of a variation in nonverbal communication in another culture?

2 Nonverbal Communication
Introduction to Business & Marketing

3 Explain the importance of nonverbal communication in the workplace.
Task 64 How can nonverbal communication impact a company’s public image? What is the importance of nonverbal communication in conveying and interpreting a message in the workplace? How might a nonverbal message conflict with the accompanying verbal message? What can be the results of such “mixed messages”?

4 What is Nonverbal Communication?
Nonverbal communication includes sending & receiving messages without using words. Examples include: Physical Appearance Body Language Pictures, Symbols & Drawings

5 First Impressions You only have seven seconds to make a first impression! Studies have shown that nonverbal cues have 4x the impact on the impression you make over anything you say. What can you do? Attitude Posture Smile Eye Contact Good handshake Lean in (body language) Seven Seconds to Make a First Impression (Forbes)

6 Body Language What three tips does Faye give?
Posture Where are your shoulders? Gesture What are you doing with your hands? Stance Are you stationary or moving? Body Language Do’s & Don’ts – Good Manners (2 min, 43 sec) YouTube Link 

7 Nonverbal Communication in Workplace Exchanges
Body language is important when you speak, but it is equally important as you listen. Active listening is the process of giving the sender feedback that indicates your receipt and understanding of the message. Connect – smile, eye contact Feedback – lean in, nod, take notes Observe –speed, pitch and volume

8 Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are
Social psychologist Amy Cuddy shows how “power posing” can impact chances for success. Consider what you see in the audience. Does your body language at this moment reflect the attitude that you would like others to perceive? List one interesting research statistic about first impressions and / or body language. How do “alphas” display their nonverbal communication in the classroom? How is nonverbal communication most commonly expressed by the millennial generation (technology trends)? Does this societal shift positively or negatively impact your face-to-face interactions? Video Link  Stop at 6:30 minutes.

9 Think About It! We know that appropriate nonverbal communication is essential in all workplace exchanges. How might a nonverbal message conflict with the accompanying verbal message? What can be the results of such “mixed messages”?

10 Demonstrate understanding of non verbal communications

11 Global Impact Standards for communication vary among different cultures. Cultural aspects that affect business include: Language Culture refers to the knowledge, habits, beliefs, skills and morals of a society in a given time period. Religion Values & Attitudes Behaviors Nonverbal Communication “Culture” defined -- ways of living transmitted from one generation to anther through social institutions (family, educational, religious and business) Acculturation -- “… adjusting or adapting to a specific culture other than one’s own” … is “one of the keys to success in international operations.”

12 Global Impact – Body Language
India Shaking your head from side-to-side is an affirmative (yes) gesture. Japan Removing your shoes before entering a home or place of worship is a sign of respect. Middle East Showing the soles of one’s shoes is rude.

13 Think About It! In which countries are speakers expected to look at and speak directly to listeners? In which countries should speakers show respect by averting their eyes, speaking in soft tones and approaching their subject indirectly? Cultural Example A Canadian will say “no” by simply stating “no,” whereas a Korean who wants to communicate the same message may say, “That might be very difficult.” Eye Contact: US, Canada, Australia, Great Britain (English-speaking countries) Avoidance: Asian countries

14 The Hidden Language of Culture
Did you Know? Gallery Walk – Use “Nonverbal Plaques”

15 Expensive Mistakes When Nike learned that this stylized “Air” logo resembled “Allah” in Arabic script, the company apologized and pulled the shoes from distribution.

16 How can nonverbal communication impact a company’s public image?
Think About It!

17 Cultural Diversity Group Project!
European: Italy, Germany, England, Spain Asian: China, Japan, Korea, India Central America: Mexico, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Cuba Other: Russia, Australia, Brazil, Egypt, South Africa

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