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CERN-Korea Theory Collaboration

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1 CERN-Korea Theory Collaboration
Urs Achim Wiedemann (CERN Theoretical Physics Department) Seong Youl Choi (KPS/Chonbuk Nat’l U) Activities (’16.10~’17.04) Plan (‘17.05~’18.02: 10 months) 20th CKC Meeting on April 24 (Mon), 2017 at CERN

2 A new ex-officio steering member will be appointed by KPS soon.
Present Team [14=6+8] Seong Youl Choi Chonbuk Chair P Soonkeon Nam Kyunghee Steering S Deog-Ki Hong Pusan P, H Su Houng Lee Yonsei H Piljin Lee KIAS Hyung Do Kim SNU Hang Bae Kim Hanyang C Seok Kim Sang Min Lee Seong Chan Park Seung Jun Lee Korea Hyun Min Lee Chung-Ang Ki-Young Choi Chonnam Nak-Woo Kim A new ex-officio steering member will be appointed by KPS soon.

3 Budget (by ‘17.04) Program Budget Paid Rest
[1 CHF = 1142 Won?] Program Budget Paid Rest CERN Fellows Graduate Students TH Institutes 440 M Won 447 M Won (102%) -7 M Won Other activities 60 M Won 49 M Won (82%) 11 M Won Total 500 M Won 496 M Won (99%) 4 M Won The budget allocation is flexible, mainly because the support for fellows cannot be fixed in advance.

4 7 fellows produced so far
Name Period Position Current (Position) Hyun Min Lee ~ Fellow Chung-Ang (Professor) Chul Kim ~ Seoultech Jin Ouk Gong ~ APCTP Myeonghun Park ~ IBS-CTPU (Tenure-track) Chan Beom Park ~ KIAS (Research fellow) Ian-Woo Kim ~ UpHere, Inc. (Founder) Hye-Sung Lee ~

5 7 students produced so far
Name Period Position Current (Position) Jihun Kim ~ Student UpHere, Inc. (Researcher) Doyoun Kim IBS-CTPU (Research fellow) Kwangwoo Kim ~ JLab (Senior researcher) Imtak Jeon Harish-Chandra Res. Inst. Sung Hak Im ~ Do Young Mo ~ Dong Woo Kang ~ SKKU

6 Activities (‘16.10~’17.04) - Ji-Haeng Huh (‘15.10. ~ ‘17.09 : 2 years)
3 CERN Fellows at Work - Ji-Haeng Huh (‘ ~ ‘17.09 : 2 years) - Hee Sok Chung (‘ ~ ‘17.08 : 1 y + 4 m) - Doojin Kim (’ ~’18.08 : 2 years) * 9 papers (See next slide) + 5 talks (by Doojin Kim)

7 Papers (’16.10 ~’17.04) No Title Authors Journal or arXiv No 1
Testing Invisible Momentum Ansatze in Missing Energy Events at the LHC D. Kim, K. Matchev, F. Moortgat, L. Page arXiv: [hep-ph] 2 Identifying a new particle with jet substructures S. H. Kim, C. Han, D. Kim, M. Kim, K. Kong, M. Park JHEP 1701 (2017) 027 3 Detecting kinematic boundary surfaces in phase space: particle mass measurements in SUSY-like events D. Debnath, J. S. Gainer, C. Kilic, D. Kim, K. Matchev, Y.-P. Yang axXiv: [hep-ph] (submitted to JHEP) 4 LHC Signals from Cascade Decays of Warped Vector Resonances K. A. Agashe, J. Collins, P. Du, S. Hong, D. Kim, R. K. Mishra axXiv: [hep-ph] 5 Dark Matter “Collider” from Inelastic Boosted Dark Matter D. Kim, J.-C. Park, S. Shin arXiv: [hep-ph] (submitted to PRL) 6 Dark Matter “Transporting” Mechanism Explaining Positron Excesses arXiv: [hep-ph] 7 Higgs-Stoponium Mixing near the Stop-Antistop Threshold G. T. Bodwin, H. S. Chung, C. E. M. Wagner Phys. Rev. D 95 (2017) 8 New approach to the resummation of logarithms in Higgs-boson decays to a vector quarkonium plus a photon J. H. Ee, J. Lee Phys. Rev. D 95 (2017) 9 Assessing compatibility of direct detection data: halo-independent global likelihood analysis G. B. Gelmini, J. H. Huh, S. J. Witte JCAP 1610 (2016) 029

8 Activities (‘16.10~’17.04) ▶ 1 CERN fellow selected
- Selection was completed by ‘17.01 - Seung Joo Lee (string theory) - 2 years (to start from ’17.09) ▶ 2 graduate students selected - Youngbin Yun and Dongwook Kim - 6 months from ‘ ▶ CERN-EPFL-Korea TH Institute “New Physics at the Intensity Frontier” (’ ~’ ) - 90 participants including 16 Korean participants - 3 Korean speakers (Pyungwon Ko, Hye-Sung Lee, Doojin Kim)


10 10th anniversary ceremony of Korea-CERN collaboration
( ~03.31) Theory-collaboration Talks Gian F. Giudice (CERN) Keynote Speech: The Language of Physics Deog-Ki Hong (Pusan Nat’l U.) Last 10 years of CERN-Korea theory collaboration and its future Hyun Min Lee (Chung-Ang U.) The LHC era and recent developments in particle cosmology

11 Plan (‘17.05~’18.02: 10 months) ▶ Select 1 CERN fellow
- Regular fellow for 2 years (to start from ’18.09) - Selection to be completed by ‘18.01 ▶ Select 1 graduate students - 6 months (to start before ‘18.03) ▶ Have 2 CERN-CKC TH workshop and Institutes - The 2017 CERN-CKC Workshop: What is going on at the weak scale?” (‘ ~’ , Jeju Island, Korea) - Geometry of String and Gauge Theories (‘ ~’ , CERN)


13 Future Plan ▶ Continue monitoring CERN-CKC fellow and grad-student
programs with the aim of ensuring their impact on Korean science in the future, and optimizing this impact if possible. ▶ Organize 1 CERN-CKC TH Institute in Korea every 3 years ▶ Promote active collaborations with Korean experimental groups (KCMS and KoALICE) and active participations of other Korean particle theorists in TH institutes

14 Conclusion ▶ The CERN-Korea theory collaboration program have provided/ will provide Korean young researchers with great opportunities for accelerating their careers. ▶ The CERN-Korea TH institute program is going well in 2016 and It should keep being fully supported. ▶ We keep promoting close collaborations between Korean participating members (and other Korean particle physics theorists) with CERN staffs for world-class HEP researches.

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