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Phase II, The Pilot Area Kick-off

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Presentation on theme: "Phase II, The Pilot Area Kick-off"— Presentation transcript:

1 Phase II, The Pilot Area Kick-off

2 Welcome & Introductions

3 Agenda Project Progress-to-Date Phase II Activities Overview
Team Approach – R & R Testing Process Reporting and Change Control Next Steps Q & A Quick review of today’s agenda

4 Progress-to-Date Phase I Design & Planning
Let’s take a minute to look at what’s been accomplished so far

5 Milestones (MS) MS 1 – Solidifying project approach
Deliverables included: Project Approach Document High-level WBS, WBS Dictionary & RAM Web-based Project tracking tool Issue Defect & Resolution tracking tool Reporting Requirements Document MS 1 was delivered on-time and to specifications A quick recap of Milestone 1 that established our project approach between the vendor and the TxDOT team and established our on-line tracking tools

6 Milestones (cont.) MS 2 – Joint Application Design (JAD)
Deliverables included: JAD schedule and assignments document JAD sessions themselves JAD Summaries Design Documents for application modules, databases (data models), data conversion, and external systems interfaces MS 2 deliverables were presented on-time and approved

7 Milestones (cont.) MS 2 – Activities Recap Design Documents included:
System Overview Data Conversion Systems Interface User Interface/Mapping Restrictions Management Routing Re-Route Identification Report Generation Database Design documents for GIS, Bridge, Restrictions, Permits, Users, Saved Trips and Audit Administrative Trail As you can see, the list of detail design documents generated following the JAD sessions were extensive. These documents will, in fact, be “living documents, as we move forward into the prototype and the pilot area and will be revised as we further refine the approach.

8 Milestones (cont.) MS 3 – Project Planning
Deliverables included Plans for: Data Acquisition, Conversion, and Integration Infrastructure Design/Development Application Development & Testing Security Considerations Documentation, Training & Marketing Implementation and Transition to Production MS 3 deliverables were presented on-time and approved

9 Milestones (cont.) MS 4 – WBS & Project Scheduling
Deliverables included: Expanded WBS & WBS Dictionary Expanded Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) Precedence Diagram & Critical Path document Detail Work Schedule MS 4 deliverables were presented on-time, reviewed, revised and are in final review for approval

10 Pilot Area Development
Phase II Pilot Area Development Activities Overview

11 Phase II Milestones MS 5 – Data Acquisition & Integration
Primary Deliverables include: PSDC’s Acquisition of Tele-Atlas & TxDOT data Data Conversion/Integration prototype Pilot Area GIS Map Testing/validation Primarily by PSDC and Permit’s Map Coordinators with assistance from the Districts, TPP, BRG, CST/PAV and TSD’s GIS

12 Phase II Milestones (cont.)
MS 6 – Application Modules Primary Deliverables include: Restrictions Management Prototype Testing/Validation – Districts/Permits MC Routing Module Prototype Testing/Validation – Permits/Customers Reporting Module Prototype Testing/Validation – BRG, CST/PAV, Districts, Permits

13 Phase II Milestones (cont.)
MS 7 – Map Data Maintenance Primary Deliverables include: Map Data Maintenance Pilot Program Updated Pilot Area GIS Map Testing/validation Primarily by PSDC and Permit’s Map Coordinators with assistance from the Districts, TPP, BRG, CST/PAV and TSD’s GIS

14 Phase II Milestones (cont.)
MS 8 – Pilot Area Integration Testing Primary Deliverables include: Documented Test results of full system integrated testing which will entail a planned out, synchronized, test process to ensure all aspects work together and compliment each other Testing/validation Testing will involve PSDC, Permit’s Map Coordinators, Permit routing staff, Districts, BRG, CST/PAV, TPP, TSD’s GIS and possibly select customers. Basically, all of us here.

15 Team Approach R & R


17 Phase II - Players and their roles
PSDC (Promiles) GIS Data integration/manipulation Application development of Prototype modules Unit Testing Defect repair and unit re-test Documentation

18 Phase II - Players and their roles (cont.)
MCD Permits Staff Map validation Test scenarios development Restrictions, Routing & Reporting Testing Defects and recommendations recording

19 Phase II - Players and their roles
Districts (ME and PC roles) Map validation assistance Restrictions test scenarios Restrictions & Reporting Testing Defects and recommendations recording

20 Phase II - Players and their roles
Customers (Work Group members) Routing Testing Defects and recommendations recording

21 Phase II - Players and their roles
TPP TRM/Roadway data source Map validation assistance TSD’s GIS Group GIS interface support (TPP, BRG & CST/PAV data to PSDC)

22 Phase II - Players and their roles
BRG Bridge information data source (SME) Map validation assistance Reporting Testing Defects and recommendations recording

23 Phase II - Players and their roles
CST/PAV PMIS/Load Zone data source (SME) Map validation assistance Reporting Testing Defects and recommendations recording

24 Phase II - Players and their roles
MCD Tech Support CPS interface support In-house technical support Defects and recommendations recording

25 Phase II - Players and their roles
PMT & Project Sponsor Project leadership/over sight Defects and recommendations recording/tracking ICCC for recommended changes

26 Reporting & Change Control
Here we turn the session over to PSDC for them to demo the route testing prototype?

27 PSDC’s Defect and Issue Identification / Reporting

28 Change Control

29 Change Control Process

30 Change Control Process

31 Change Control Process

32 Next Steps What’s on the schedule next

33 Between Now & 9/30/08 Establish specific sub-teams for the various testing needs Teams develop testing scenarios, data/scripts, and schedules Assignments within Teams for specific Roles & Responsibilities Conduct testing & report results Repeat process to test prototype changes made in response to bug reports until done………………

34 Next Steps (Cont.) What will be left?
Phase III – Statewide Application Basically Phase II over again but on a state wide basis Initial development of training material Phase IV – Performance/Acceptance Testing To establish scalability (performance/stress testing) and benchmark the capability Full blown acceptance testing against a rigorous criteria and external customer beta testing

35 Next Steps (Cont.) Phase V – Training, Marketing & Documentation
Finalize materials Identify & schedule resources Conduct training (MCD, Districts/Divisions and external customers) Phase VI – Implementation & Acceptance Implementation and transition to full production mode Project close out

36 The Project management Team and the Sponsor stand ready to respond to any questions that you might have. Q & A

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