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Christianne Queiroz, Virginia Farm Workers Program (VFP) Director Carla Torres, Central Virginia Legal Aid Society (CVLAS) Navigator.

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Presentation on theme: "Christianne Queiroz, Virginia Farm Workers Program (VFP) Director Carla Torres, Central Virginia Legal Aid Society (CVLAS) Navigator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christianne Queiroz, Virginia Farm Workers Program (VFP) Director Carla Torres, Central Virginia Legal Aid Society (CVLAS) Navigator

2 VFP mission is to provide free legal assistance and holistic services to eligible farm workers statewide Outreach: approximately 5,000 farm workers reached annually Hundreds of yearlong outreach visits Staff travels average of 15,000 miles every year

3 Who are the farm workers served by VFP?
Local workers US Migrant workers Foreign workers: Mexico and Caribbean (Jamaica, Haiti) US citizens, LPR, TPS, and H2A workers eligible under ACA

4 Challenges faced by service providers
Isolation (dependency, lack of transportation or other services available in rural areas) Work journey Working and living conditions Cultural differences

5 Why it is necessary to reach out to farm workers?
Lack of knowledge of the US health care system Unique health care challenges

6 How to find eligible farm workers?
.gov/employers/rural- services/h-2a/2016 (click at Virginia state and enter time frame)

7 Outreach strategies Plan ahead Safety Language and communication
After working hours and Sundays Crops’ overview, where are the farm workers? What to expect?

8 Enrollment Sign up and sign out: 60 days to sign up after arrival in the US, usually between Feb-July AND cancel the plan before departure. If married, have to file taxes jointly and must not have employer provided coverage. Most H2A workers are single adults under age 65 who are not eligible for Medicaid. Therefore, they can get tax credits with 0-400% FPL and cost shared reductions if they choose a silver plan. Not all farm workers file taxes, but if they do and don’t get coverage might have to pay a fine. In $695. Farm workers annual income can be as low as $19,000.00, so for a single person, the fine can be significantly more than health coverage costs. Enrollment can be done at the camp or via 3 way conference call from your office

9 Exemptions If they meet the definition of “resident Aliens” under IRS under the tax code, they must file taxes, and either enroll in a HI or pay the penalty unless they meet any of these exemptions: Short Coverage Gap, if the farmworker is in the US for less than 3 continuous months. If they are below the tax filing threshold due to dependents they are automatically exempt If their income is below 138% of FPL. If the job base insurance is more than 8% of their yearly income Hardship Exemption

10 Special considerations
An initial educational visit is very important and a chance for them to learn about ACA, HI, penalties and to determine what they need next. At the second visit, gather all the paperwork for a possible exemption. Adjustments needed according to the camp size. Key question to ask: How long will they be in VA to determine exemptions and if they are subject to the penalty Use I-94 number or passport on immigration drop down menu (H2-A visa not added yet) H2A workers with family members in Mexico or Canada may be able to include these dependents when calculating household size for MP application Dependents must meet IRS definitions Dependents need to apply for ITINS Important to cancel plan before leave the US

11 Questions or comments? We want to hear from you!

12 To continue this conversation, please contact:
Christianne Queiroz, Virginia Farm Workers Program (VFP), CVLAS , Carla Torres-Barrera, Enroll-VA, CVLAS Office, Cell

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