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Signing Up: Due 8 am Sat Two forms: Calendar is fixed Critique

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1 Signing Up: Due 8 am Sat Two forms: Calendar is fixed Critique
Research Calendar is fixed Choose a game that you want to critique Actually 5 possible games Choose a topic Can choose a team to work with Again choose 5 topics

2 Why Serious games work

3 learning

4 Evolution Games to teach individual concepts Multiplayer classrooms
Schools structured as games Quest to Learn (NPR story)

5 What’s the idea? But is there science behind this? Games engage people
Engaged people work longer, learn better Along with a learning curve, there is a forgetting curve People forget slower with games … because they learned it better? But is there science behind this?

6 Learning Theory Support
Experiential learning Inquiry-based learning Authenticity Self-efficacy Goal-setting Continual feedback Cooperation

7 Biology Support Brain retains only the important
Important = emotionally significant Releases dopamine in amygdala Game playing increases dopamine But what about studies?

8 University of Virginia Studies
Business Economics Means of Test Scores Management

9 Games or Multimedia? New generation, New paradigms … Geology Explorer
North Dakota State University Geology Explorer Virtual Cell Lecture baseline Web-based presentation No significant increase Virtual world game 15-40% increase Lecture baseline Web-based presentation 13-30% increase Virtual world game 30-63% increase New generation, New paradigms …

10 Digital Natives (vs Digital Immigrants)
Receive information rapidly Parallel process Multi-task Prefer graphics first Prefer random access Thrive on instant gratification and frequent rewards Fundamentally think and process information differently

11 Population Changes Boomer ‘46-’64 Gen X ‘65-’79 Gen Y ‘80-’94 Gen Z
‘95- Training Too much and I’ll leave Required to keep me Continuous and expected Learning Style Facilitated Independent Collaborative and networked Problem solving Structured Collaborative Feedback Once per year Weekly or daily On demand Task changing Slows me down Necessary Part of my daily routine Lancaster & Stillman

12 Health

13 Managing Illness (2 SNE games 1995)
Bronkie the Bronchiasaurus Asthma 45% reduction in crises Packy and Marlon Diabetes 70% reduction in crises

14 Pain Management Free Dive SnowWorld

15 Rehabilitation: PTSD Tailor environments to traumatic experience
Relive as much as can tolerate Significant results Full Spectrum Warrior

16 Physical Therapy Injury Surgery Stroke Alzheimer Parkinson’s Burns
More fun = more time

17 Exergaming Started with Wii Better than videos? Now on
Wii Fit EA Active Now on Kinect (Microsoft, Nike) Playstation Move And smartphones Zombies Run! Better than videos? Are these games? Does it matter?

18 Games With A Purpose

19 Gaming can make a better world
Jane McGonigal Gaming can make a better world TED talk

20 The Big Idea There are things that people can do better than machines
There are lots of people with a bit of time The more people, the more diversity, the more different approaches Crowdsourcing!

21 Two Examples FoldIt GWAP Folding Proteins
Goal: to fold a protein according to constraints at the lowest energy level Recent: Misfolding and Alzheimer’s EteRNA: for RNA Knowledge Gathering Various Games Human association Image tagging

22 Social Impact Games

23 Social Change: Opinions
Letters to the editor Articles Books Television shows Documentaries Movies Web Sites Blogs Radio shows Music Paintings Sculptures Photographs Signs

24 Social Change Transform Awareness Commentary PeaceMaker Garbage Glut
3rd World Farmer Darfur is Dying

25 Resources

26 Some Interesting Web Sites
The Educational Game Database Games for Change Marc Prensky

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