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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Strategic Plan Statement of Why, Mission, Vision, Core Values, SWOT and Strategic Areas of Focus Task Force Teams.

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Presentation on theme: "~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Strategic Plan Statement of Why, Mission, Vision, Core Values, SWOT and Strategic Areas of Focus Task Force Teams."— Presentation transcript:

1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Strategic Plan Statement of Why, Mission, Vision, Core Values, SWOT and Strategic Areas of Focus Task Force Teams ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “Where there is no vision, the people will perish” Proverbs 29:18


3 St. John the Baptist Church provides an authentic experience of transformational love, healing, peace and the fullness of truth and salvation through Jesus Christ.


5 The Mission of St. John The Baptist Church is to reach out and welcome all people to live an Orthodox Christian life, grow spiritually and become disciples of Jesus Christ through serving others.


7 The Vision of St. John The Baptist Church is that we will:
Achieve consensus and begin to implement a plan for our Parish’s future (including our Parish home, size, mission churches, school, and the means to achieve these goals) Develop a more cohesive united community Pursue charitable acts Foster engagement in spiritual life and education Implement comprehensive stewardship Evangelize the broader community


9 CORE VALUES Cohesive, loving and hospitable community
Education and spiritual growth Maintaining / living Orthodox Faith / Tradition Sacramental / Liturgical life Living a prayerful and Orthodox life Community outreach and service to those in need Missions and evangelism Transparent communication


11 Strengths Commitment to accessible liturgical / sacramental life
Love for God and one another Sense of community Welcoming to all Commitment to spiritual growth and education Quality, caring and accessible clergy Vibrant ministries Demographically diverse Parish Family friendly

12 Weaknesses Inadequate stewardship (including time, talents and treasure (annual and capital)) Inadequate broad engagement Inadequate facilities Lack of Unity (Vision, parish size, building size and ASA) Lack of open communications Insufficient education regarding the church and its traditions Unwelcoming – cliquish – a lack of connectedness Distractions in church Inadequate outreach Too much emphasis on Greek cultural identity

13 Opportunities Evangelism among the larger population and growing numbers of seekers Increasing ethnic population and diversity Serve the great socio-economic need Partner with growing numbers of groups New and expanding technologies Increasing Pan-Orthodox interactions

14 Threats Moral decay, secularization, materialism, individualism)
Active antagonism and attempted brainwashing in education, media and politics that is antithetical to Orthodox Christian beliefs Societal redefining of Christian terms and beliefs Anti-Christian laws Rising cost of property and construction and church accessibility Perceived Greek ethnic exclusivity of the church


16 Strategic Areas of Focus
Charitable Acts and Service Cohesiveness and Consensus Evangelism Spiritual Life and Education Stewardship


18 Cohesiveness & Consensus Becker Michael Cherry Diane
Last Name First Name TASK FORCE Barnes Patrick Cohesiveness & Consensus Becker Michael Cherry Diane Charitable Acts & Service Chiprout Eli Evangelism Chosvig Erik Stewardship Contes Andy Spiritual Life & Education Corazza John Corozza Nathaniel Crosby Jessie Daniels Seraphim Davis Downs Bethany Duchow-Pressley Dn. Innocent Goldman Eleni Hafez Nicholas Hailey Jodi Hudanish Jill Cohesiveness and Consensus Thomaida

19 Cohesiveness & Consensus Mirras Demetri Spiritual Life & Education
Last Name First Name TASK FORCE Ketrenos Agape Evangelism Barry Stewardship Knight Naomi Cohesiveness & Consensus Mirras Demetri Spiritual Life & Education Powell Kathleen Charitable Acts & Service Psiropoulos Michael Solomon Eyob Souza Maria Swehla Fr. Matthew Trumpower Cindy Van Sickle Collene Matt Weick Joe Linda Whitton Paraskevi Ziton Anna Sophia Cohesiveness and Consensus

20 You have now been called as one of the 70 Disciples
Luke 10:1

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