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“VISION-MISSION” Recapturing the Meaning of Daily Life

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1 “VISION-MISSION” Recapturing the Meaning of Daily Life
RECOLLECTION “VISION-MISSION” Recapturing the Meaning of Daily Life By: Sr. Chrystal, CB

2 What is Recollection Merriam-Webster: the act of remembering something
Something in the past that is remembered Spiritual life: attention to the presence of God in the soul. Withdrawal of the mind from external & earthly affairs in order to attend to God

3 Recollection is two-fold:
Active recollection – may be acquired by our own efforts aided by the ordinary grace of God Passive recollection – does not depend upon our own efforts, but is an extraordinary grace infused by God, by which He summons together the faculties of the soul and manifests His presence & His perfections. (Mystical writers: first degree of infused contemplation)

4 Presence of God Doctrinal – faith that God is present by His Essence everywhere and in all things by reason of His Immensity Ascetical – to live in the presence of God; the exercise of reason directed by faith – God as present to the mind, & live in the consciousness of His presence. Devotional – practice the devotion of living in the presence of God: Lively faith in that Divine presence, that He is near & within us When distracted the mind, “The Lord is here” When occupied, keep the mind recollected – breathing secret aspiration for God

5 … our attitude towards our work has a great deal to do with the persons we are becoming and the world we are shaping. Real life heroes

6 Vision and Mission What do you understand about vision?
What kind of feelings accompanied your vision? How do you understand mission? Do you feel the connection between vision and mission? Why?

7 Jesus Luke 4:14-21 “Proclamation of the Mission of Jesus”
After baptism (by John in the Jordan river) Jesus tempted in the wilderness Jesus acted with the power of the Spirit, return to Galilee He begun teaching in the synagogue (as he usually did) Nazareth – where He was brought up Book of the prophet Isaiah: bring good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives, new sight to the blind, to free the oppressed, announce the Lord’s year of mercy

8 Confirmation Matthew 11:1-6
“…when John the Baptist heard in prison about the activities of Jesus, he sent a message by his disciples, asking him: “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?” Jesus answered them, “Go back and report to John what you hear and see: the blind see, the deaf hear, the dead are brought back to life and good news is reaching the poor..”

9 Serving that goes beyond good intentions
“there are always many questions requiring answers as we seek to gain direction for our lives.”

10 How are you realizing your vision?

11 Stella Duce Learning Center
Vision ..committed to give quality Christian education especially to the poor and marginalized in a nurturing and safe environment Mission ..we commit ourselves to create a joyful and meaningful learning experiences for our students providing quality education founded in Catholic faith to become a conscientious Filipino citizen with concern to his environment.

12 Teacher

13 Teacher Teacher should be a role model…
..if a child cannot learn in the way we teach… We must teach in a way the child can learn.” Teacher should be a role model… Being a teacher is not a role that one plays. It is a life that one lives. (Antonio Toralba) Teacher teaches students, not subjects Teacher teaches ideas, not “loyalties” (the ultimate motive ought to be service of God and society) Teacher teaches so that students learn and serve.

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