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Walmart & Shared values

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1 Walmart & Shared values
Nhung Hoa Elena Smirnova Cao Thi Hong Duc

2 Agenda Introduction Findings Wages & Salary Working conditions
Associate discrimination Conclusions

3 Introduction Walmart background
The world’s largest company by revenue ($ 482Bn) The largest private employer in the world with 2.3 million employees One of the world’s most valuable companies by market value ($ 231Bn) Shared value issues

4 Research Research questions:
Is shared value really embraced by Walmart on the employee matters? Have they made any real improvements since 2005 on employee legitimacy problems? Data collection and research methods: Walmart’s annual corporate social responsibility reports Internet data (journal, article, news …)

5 Findings: Wages & salary
The largest private retailer employer in US with around 1.5 million workers The annual net profit exceeding $16Bn The investment of $2.7 billion over two years to improve the minimum wage, affecting around 500,000 workers: - a $9/hour in 2015 & a $10/hour in 2016 BUT, through a 6-month training period

6 Findings: Wages & salary
Full-time schedule of 34 hours: 81% of the income needed for single adult 39 % of the income needed for an adult with a child 75% of the income needed for two-earners & 2 children Part-time schedule of 20 hours: Around $10,400 a year – less than 50% of the income needed to afford a basic living standard of a single adult

7 Findings: Working condition
Promoted shared value: employees’ goodwill In 2015 the company has spent 2.7billion dollars in order to increase wages and trainings for its workers Even though the working conditions are far from being fair the company does not have a shortcut in workforce

8 Findings: Associates’ discrimination
Gender discrimination: Women at Walmart Lawsuits against Wal-Mart for women and Homosexuality discrimination Race discrimination: African American and Latinos Lawsuits concerning Latino workers’ warehouse working condition  No real improvements have been observed Total U.S. workforce 56% $1.16 less per hour ($1,100 less per year) The disproportion stays roughly the same since 2005 Management 43% U.S. corporate officers 31 % Total U.S. workforce 42% The disproportion stays roughly the same since 2005 Management 31% U.S. corporate officers 22%

9 Conclusions Walmart’s shared value promises have not been entirely delivered. There has been some improvements regarding workers’ salary BUT not working conditions and worker’s discrimination.

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