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Concord Community Preservation Committee

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Presentation on theme: "Concord Community Preservation Committee"— Presentation transcript:

1 Concord Community Preservation Committee
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Concord Community Preservation Committee Recommendations for 2011 Annual Town Meeting

2 Community Housing Concord Housing Development Corporation
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Community Housing Concord Housing Development Corporation Creating, preserving and supporting community housing; Funded by the 2009 Annual Town Meeting

3 Historic Preservation
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Historic Preservation Thoreau Birth House Restoration Acquiring and preserving historic resources Example: West Concord Depot Approved at 2007 Town Meeting Joint project involving Friends of West Concord Depot, MBTA, and Town staff CPA funds leveraged with MBTA funds to complete work – 50/50 match with funds Project started fall 2007; expected to be completed in Spring 2008 Funded by the 2007 (Building) and 2009 (Landscape) Annual Town Meetings

4 Open Space and Recreation
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Open Space and Recreation Warner’s Pond Watershed Management Plan Acquiring, creating and preserving open space Funded by the 2010 Annual Town Meeting

5 What does the CPA Surcharge mean to Concord taxpayers?
Warrant Article 31 - CPA What does the CPA Surcharge mean to Concord taxpayers?

6 The CPA Surcharge Includes Exemptions for:
Warrant Article 31 - CPA The CPA Surcharge Includes Exemptions for: The first $100,000 of taxable value Persons with income less than 80% of area median income Seniors with income less than 100% of area median income

7 From FY05 – FY10, Concord’s CPA Fund Collected:
Warrant Article 31 - CPA From FY05 – FY10, Concord’s CPA Fund Collected: $2,899,489 in State Matching Funds $4,536,774 in Local Surcharges

8 Leveraging Ability of CPA Funds
$20,869,841 Leveraged Matching Funds raised for CPA Funded Projects $8,612,525 CPA Project Funds Appropriated

9 Graphic Version of the Recommended Allocations
Warrant Article 31 - CPA CPA Fund Appropriations including 2011 Recommendations Graphic Version of the Recommended Allocations

10 Concord Community Preservation Committee Recommendations
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 41 Concord Community Preservation Committee Recommendations

Warrant Article 31 - CPA COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE APPROPRIATION RECOMMENDATIONS Please Refer to the Handout for the Text of Article 41.

12 White Pond Watershed Management Plan
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 41 – CPA White Pond Watershed Management Plan Town of Concord

13 White Pond Watershed Management Plan Town of Concord
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 41 – CPA White Pond Watershed Management Plan Town of Concord CPA Funding Recommendation: $64,403 Other Funding: $7, Donations, Outside Funds Raised Category: Open Space, Recreation

14 CPA Funding Recommendation: $80,000
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 41 – CPA Open Space, Community Housing, and Recreation Property Acquisition Fund Town of Concord CPA Funding Recommendation: $80,000 Other Funding: Anticipated but dependent on individual project(s) Category: None

15 Caesar Robbins Historical Center
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 41 – CPA Caesar Robbins Historical Center Drinking Gourd Project

16 Caesar Robbins Historical Center Drinking Gourd Project
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 41 – CPA Caesar Robbins Historical Center Drinking Gourd Project CPA Funding Recommendation: $300,000 Other Funding: $100, Donations and Fundraising Category: Historic Preservation

17 Junction Village Predevelopment
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 41 – CPA Junction Village Predevelopment Concord Housing Development Corporation

18 Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 41 – CPA Junction Village Predevelopment Concord Housing Development Corporation CPA Funding Recommendation: $75,000 Other Funding: $176,500 Fundraising, Sale of Lalli Woods Units Category: Community Housing

19 Concord School of Philosophy Restoration
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 41 – CPA Concord School of Philosophy Restoration Louisa May Alcott Memorial Association

20 Louisa May Alcott Memorial Association
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 41 – CPA Concord School of Philosophy Restoration Louisa May Alcott Memorial Association CPA Funding Recommendation: $158,600 Other Funding: $34,000 Fundraising, Donations Category: Historic Preservation

21 Heywood Meadow Restoration and Preservation Project
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 41 – CPA Heywood Meadow Restoration and Preservation Project Town of Concord

22 Heywood Meadow Restoration and Preservation Project
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 41 – CPA Heywood Meadow Restoration and Preservation Project Town of Concord CPA Funding Recommendation: $95,000 Other Funding: $5, Donations Category: Historic Preservation, Open Space

23 Concord Scout House Phase 1 Restoration
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 41 – CPA Concord Scout House Phase 1 Restoration Concord Scout House, Inc.

24 Concord Scout House, Inc.
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 41 – CPA Concord Scout House Phase 1 Restoration Concord Scout House, Inc. CPA Funding Recommendation: $100,000 Other Funding: $95,175 Fundraising, Donations Category: Historic Preservation

25 Regional Housing Services Program Town of Concord
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 41 – CPA Regional Housing Services Program Town of Concord CPA Funding Recommendation: $16,000 Other Funding: None Category: Community Housing

26 CPA Open Space Reserve Fund
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 41 – CPA CPA Open Space Reserve Fund $35,317 is recommended to be placed in reserve for future Open Space projects.

27 CPA Community Housing Reserve Fund
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 41 – CPA CPA Community Housing Reserve Fund $20,000 is recommended to be placed in reserve for future Community Housing projects.

28 Staff/Technical Support
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 41 – CPA Staff/Technical Support $30,000 is recommended to provide the CPC with: Planning Dept. Staff Support Legal, technical and consulting services Public notices, copying, and administrative expenses

29 Warrant Article 31 - CPA

Warrant Article 31 - CPA COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE APPROPRIATION RECOMMENDATIONS Please Refer to the Handout for the Text of Article 41.

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