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Concord Community Preservation Committee

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Presentation on theme: "Concord Community Preservation Committee"— Presentation transcript:

1 Concord Community Preservation Committee
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Concord Community Preservation Committee Recommendations for 2010 Annual Town Meeting

2 Community Housing Concord Housing Authority, Bedford Street
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Community Housing Concord Housing Authority, Bedford Street Creating, preserving and supporting community housing;

3 Historic Preservation
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Historic Preservation West Concord Depot Restoration Acquiring and preserving historic resources Example: West Concord Depot Approved at 2007 Town Meeting Joint project involving Friends of West Concord Depot, MBTA, and Town staff CPA funds leveraged with MBTA funds to complete work – 50/50 match with funds Project started fall 2007; expected to be completed in Spring 2008

4 Open Space and Recreation
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Open Space and Recreation Hubbard Brook Farm Field Acquiring, creating and preserving open space

5 What does the CPA Surcharge mean to Concord taxpayers?
Warrant Article 31 - CPA What does the CPA Surcharge mean to Concord taxpayers?

6 The CPA Surcharge Includes Exemptions for:
The first $100,000 of taxable value Persons with income less than 80% of area median income Seniors with income less than 100% of area median income

7 From FY05 – FY10, Concord’s CPA Fund Collected:
$2,899,489 in State Matching Funds $4,530,707 in Local Surcharges

8 Leveraging Ability $17,700,000 Leveraged Matching Funds raised for CPA Funded Projects $7,891,909 CPA Project Funds Appropriated

9 Graphic Version of the Recommended Allocations
Warrant Article 31 - CPA 5 Year CPA Fund Appropriations including 2010 Town Meeting Recommendations Graphic Version of the Recommended Allocations

10 Concord Community Preservation Committee Recommendations
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 34 Concord Community Preservation Committee Recommendations

Warrant Article 31 - CPA COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE APPROPRIATION RECOMMENDATIONS Please Refer to the Handout for the Text of Article 34.

12 Peter Bulkeley Terrace Project
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 34 – CPA Peter Bulkeley Terrace Project Concord Housing Authority

13 Peter Bulkeley Terrace Project Concord Housing Authority
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 34 – CPA Peter Bulkeley Terrace Project Concord Housing Authority CPA Funding Recommendation: $500,000 Other Funding: $4.8 million State Matching Grant, Outside Funds Raised, Prior CPA Allocation Category: Community Housing

14 Fowler Library Renovations
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 34 – CPA Fowler Library Renovations Concord Free Public Library Corporation

15 Fowler Library Renovations Concord Free Public Library Corporation
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 34 – CPA Fowler Library Renovations Concord Free Public Library Corporation CPA Funding Recommendation: $375,000 Other Funding: $3.1 million Library Fundraising Category: Historic Preservation

16 Warner’s Pond Watershed
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 34 – CPA Warner’s Pond Watershed Management Plan Town of Concord

17 Warner’s Pond Watershed Management Plan Town of Concord
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 34 – CPA Warner’s Pond Watershed Management Plan Town of Concord CPA Funding Recommendation: $43,175 Other Funding: $16, Donations, Outside Funds Raised, Grant Funding Category: Open Space, Recreation

18 Scout House Historic Structures Report
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 34 – CPA Scout House Historic Structures Report Concord Scout House, Inc.

19 Scout House Historic Structures Report
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 34 – CPA Scout House Historic Structures Report Concord Scout House, Inc. CPA Funding Recommendation: $10,000 Other Funding: $0 None Category: Historic Preservation

20 Open Space Reserve Funds
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 34 – CPA Open Space Reserve Funds $87,925 is recommended to be placed in reserve for future Open Space projects.

21 Staff/Technical Support
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 34 – CPA Staff/Technical Support $30,000 is recommended to provide the CPC with: Planning Dept. Staff Support Legal, technical and consulting services Public notices and administrative expenses


Warrant Article 31 - CPA COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE APPROPRIATION RECOMMENDATIONS Please Refer to the Handout for the Text of Article 34.

24 Warrant Article 35 Concord Community Preservation Committee
Warrant Article 31 - CPA Warrant Article 35 Concord Community Preservation Committee Preservation of the Caesar Robbins House, 324 Bedford Street

ARTICLE 35: Mr. Clayton moves: that pursuant to the recommendation of the Concord Community Preservation Committee, the Town appropriate the sum of $60,000 from the Concord Community Preservation Fund’s projected Fiscal Year 2011 Fund Revenues, in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 44B, to be expended under the direction of the Town Manager for the purposes of assisting with the relocation of the Caesar Robbins House, currently situated at 324 Bedford Street.

26 Warrant Article 35 – CPA/ Caesar Robbins House
and Educational Center Drinking Gourd Project

27 Warrant Article 35 – CPA / Caesar Robbins House
Caesar Robbins House and Educational Center Drinking Gourd Project CPA Funding Recommendation: $60,000 Other Funding: $250, Donations and Fundraising Category: Historic Preservation


ARTICLE 35: Mr. Clayton moves: that pursuant to the recommendation of the Concord Community Preservation Committee, the Town appropriate the sum of $60,000 from the Concord Community Preservation Fund’s projected Fiscal Year 2011 Fund Revenues, in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 44B, to be expended under the direction of the Town Manager for the purposes of assisting with the relocation of the Caesar Robbins House, currently situated at 324 Bedford Street.

30 Warrant Article 37 Concord Community Preservation Committee
335 Walden Street Conservation Restriction Conveyance

ARTICLE 37. Mr. Clayton moves: that the Town authorize the Board of Selectmen to transfer the open space land behind 335 Walden Street (a portion of parcel #0249) to the Natural Resources Commission, acting as the Town’s Conservation Commission, and thereafter to authorize such Commission to grant a conservation restriction governed by Sections 31, 32, and 33 of Chapter 184 of the General Laws of Massachusetts to the Concord Land Conservation Trust, on terms acceptable to the Board of Selectmen.

32 Warrant Article 37 – CPA/ 335 Walden Street Restriction
Conservation Restriction Conveyance Walden Street

33 Warrant Article 37 – CPA/ 335 Walden Street Restriction
Conservation Restriction Conveyance Walden Street

34 Warrant Article 37 – CPA/ 335 Walden Street Restriction
Conservation Restriction Conveyance Walden Street Map of Area to be added here Town Forest

35 Warrant Article 37 – CPA/ 335 Walden Street Restriction
Conservation Restriction Conveyance Walden Street Project Summary: In 2008, Town Meeting authorized purchase of the property using CPA funds for community housing and open space purposes. The open space parcel requires that a conservation restriction be placed on the land and held by a third party.

36 Warrant Article 37 – CPA/ 335 Walden Street Restriction
Conservation Restriction Conveyance Walden Street Actions to be Taken: Transfer the open space land from the Board of Selectmen to the Natural Resources Commission Transfer the Conservation Restriction from Natural Resources Commission to Concord Land Conservation Trust


ARTICLE 37. Mr. Clayton moves: that the Town authorize the Board of Selectmen to transfer the open space land behind 335 Walden Street (a portion of parcel #0249) to the Natural Resources Commission, acting as the Town’s Conservation Commission, and thereafter to authorize such Commission to grant a conservation restriction governed by Sections 31, 32, and 33 of Chapter 184 of the General Laws of Massachusetts to the Concord Land Conservation Trust, on terms acceptable to the Board of Selectmen.

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