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French Revolution Document Gallery

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1 French Revolution Document Gallery
By: Clare Magura

2 Absolute Government Causes
Louis XVI was the last king of France (1774–92) in the line of Bourbon monarchs preceding the French Revolution of He was executed for treason by guillotine in 1793. Causes

3 Inefficient Government
Meeting of the Estates General in by Isidore-Stanislaus Helman ( ) and Charles Monnet ( ) _revolution/estates_general.php causes

4 Economic Problems Causes
Slogan of the French Revolution. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. Causes

5 Three Estates Before the revolution the French people were divided into 3 groups: the first estates was the clergy, the second estate was the nobility and the third estate was the bourgeoisie, urban workers, and peasants. Causes

6 Enlightenment Philosophers
The Enlightenment Philosophers were against the 3 estates and believed men were born equal and should have equal rights. causes

7 American Revolution Causes
A line of minutemen being fired upon by British troops during the Battle of Lexington. m/event/American- Revolution Causes

8 National Assembly and Tennis Court Oath
In the center of the painting standing on a table is the astronomer Jean-Sylvain Bailly, who was appointed president of the Third Estate on May 5, He reads the text of the oath. Le Serment du Jeu de Paume, le 20 juin 1789 – The Tennis Court Oath, June 20th 1789 Components

9 Fall of Bastille Components
In the center of the painting is the arrest of Bernard Rene Jourdan, the Marquis de Launay, he was the last governor of the Bastille. The mob had him killed later that day. Painting by Jean-Pierre-Louis-Laurent Houel, Bibliothèque Nationale de France - National Library of France Components

10 Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
This is a copy of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen. It was adopted by the National Constituent Assembly on August 26, 1789. Components

11 March on Versailles Components
On October 4, 1789, a crowd of women demanding bread for their families gathered and walked to Versailles demanding the king come back to Paris. Components

12 National Assembly Reforms
Mirabeau's defiance in front of the marquis de Dreux-Brézé on 23 June 1789. components

13 Louis and family attempt to escape
A painting of Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette and their children in the Gardens of Versailles, by Charles Louis Lucien Muller. /king-louis-xvi-and-marie- antoinette-execution-anniversary components

14 France at war with Austria and other European nations
The Austrian army attacked Tuileries Palace on August 10th. components

15 Execution of Louis XVI Components
The execution of King Louis XVI in 1793. Components

16 Assassination of Marat
This painting of Marat is by Jacques-Louis David, a former court painter for Louis XVI. Taken from the Socials 9 textbook, French Revolution-Chapter 6, pg. 215 components

17 Reign of Terror components
Robespierre became the so-called leader of the Reign of Terror. He got rid of anyone who wanted and supported the revolution, he beheaded thousands of people. components

18 Execution of Robespierre
One of the top dogs in the French Revolution, Maximilien de Robespierre was head of the radical Jacobins. The Reign of Terror backfired and he was executed. story/french_revolution.htm Components

19 Directory There was now a new government called the Directory made up of five people. ents/list-of-10-major- events-of-the-french- revolution.html COmponents

20 Republic Established consequences
Following the aftermaths of the Revolution of 1789 and the abolishment of the monarchy, the First Republic of France is established on September 22 of The National Convention is made up three parties. consequences

21 New Institutions Consequences
People could now go to school and collage. Consequences

22 Concept of War Consequences The Battle of Vamly.
ki/French_Revolutionary_W ars Consequences

23 Conditions of the Peasants
The terrible living conditions of the people in France and unfair treatment, the people endured great poverty, food shortage, starvation, and poor shelter. Consequences

24 Church After the French Revolution had quieted down and an instable peace was established between Church and State in the concordat of 1802. tm/1aextra.htm Consequences

25 Bourgeoisie/Middle Class
The Clerge, Nobles, and Third Estate. Consequences

26 Influence on Other Countries
Liberty, Equality and Fraternity on a revolutionary postcard. Consequences

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