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<Your name> <Your course title>

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Presentation on theme: "<Your name> <Your course title>"— Presentation transcript:

1 <Your name> <Your course title>

2 About you Year 7, 8 and 9 – ? GCSE – ? A-Level – ? University – ?
This is more about your journey TO University – what you have done since arriving here is coved later Year 7, 8 and 9 – ? GCSE – ? A-Level – ? University – ? Any ? in between! Customise with picture to show where your enjoyment of science came from or was used, perhaps outside of the classroom – clubs, societies, films reading, hobbies etc. This slide can be used to show the relevance of science beyond school if possible

3 The sciences are not just a subject at school
The sciences are not just a subject at school. Being able to understand the world scientifically can also affect our lives in lots of fun and different ways. How much do you know about science?

4 STEM Quiz Quiz q’s related to science - you can develop your own as long as they are correct The ones in here have been used with year 12’s for careers presentations – they are quite ‘dry’ and could use some mixing up! The examples used in the LeedsLovesLanguages presentation are in the notes to this slide How many languages are spoken in the world? 94 572 answer How many imaginary languages are there in Lord of the Rings? 12- answer 14 16 How many languages are spoken In Asia? 20 2200- answer 220 How many languages are spoken In Russia? 1 13 130- answer How many languages does the Pope tweet in? 3 9- answer 6 How many languages are spoken in London? 300- answer 93 61 The Oxford English Dictionary has definitions for around how many words? 4000 410,000- answer 55,000 Every how many minutes is a new word created in English? 98- answer 180 800

5 STEM Quiz A: 0% B: 2% C: 5% D: 10%
Question 1 - On average, how much more does a person with a Mathematics A-Level earn over their lifetime? A: 0% B: 2% C: 5% D: 10%

6 STEM Quiz A: 0% B: 2% C: 5% D: 10%
On average, how much more does a person with a Mathematics A-Level earn over their lifetime? Both graduates and non-graduates who took maths A-level ended up earning on average 10 per cent more than those of similar ability and background who did not Centre for Economic Performance A: 0% B: 2% C: 5% D: 10%

7 STEM Quiz A: 2% B: 6% C: 9% D: 13%
Question 2 - What % of the UK job market classes as ‘STEM occupations’? A: 2% B: 6% C: 9% D: 13%

8 STEM Quiz A: 2% B: 6% C: 9% D: 13%
Question 2 - What % of the UK job market classes as ‘STEM occupations’? A: 2% B: 6% C: 9% D: 13%

9 STEM Quiz A: £89 000 B: £108 000 C: £160 000 D: £2 500 000
Question 3 - In the UK, how much more do those with degrees in STEM earn than those with non-STEM degrees, over a lifetime? A: £89 000 B: £ C: £ D: £

10 STEM Quiz A: £89 000 B: £108 000 C: £160 000 D: £2 500 000
Question 3 - In the UK, how much more do those with degrees in STEM earn than those with non-STEM degrees, over a lifetime? A: £89 000 Graduates tend to earn £160,000 more than non-graduates; whereas STEM graduates earn £250,000 more in their lifetime. B: £ C: £ D: £

11 STEM Quiz A: 18% B: 29% C: 59% D: 67%
Question 4 - What % of employers think they will have trouble finding STEM recruits for at least the next 3 years? A: 18% B: 29% C: 59% D: 67%

12 STEM Quiz A: 18% B: 29% C: 59% D: 67%
Question 4 - What % of employers think they will have trouble finding STEM recruits for at least the next 3 years? A: 18% B: 29% C: 59% D: 67%

13 STEM Quiz A: 11% B: 19% C: 24% D: 33%
Question 5 - What % of the UK Government representatives (MPs) have a STEM qualification? A: 11% B: 19% C: 24% D: 33%

14 STEM Quiz A: 11% B: 19% C: 24% D: 33%
Question 5 - What % of the UK Government representatives (MPs) have a STEM qualification? A: 11% B: 19% C: 24% D: 33%

15 STEM Quiz A: 3rd? B: 9th? C: 17th? D: 23rd?
Question 6 - What position does the UK sit in the ‘top 40 most STEM-educated countries in the world’? A: 3rd? B: 9th? C: 17th? D: 23rd?

16 STEM Quiz A: 3rd? B: 9th? C: 17th? D: 23rd?
Question 6 - What position does the UK sit in the ‘top 40 most STEM-educated countries in the world’? A: 3rd? Above the UK includes Korea, Austria, Indonesia, Russia, Estonia etc B: 9th? C: 17th? D: 23rd?


18 Here are some ‘facts’ about science, can you spot which are true?
True or False Here are some ‘facts’ about science, can you spot which are true? Answer true or false Hint, some may be both!

19 True or False Find or create some ‘true or false’ questions about science, particularly your area. Were there any ‘facts; or ideas that inspired you to choose this subject? The LeedsLovesLanguages examples are in the notes to this slide, and an example of how they Use animation is on the next slide Languages can be dangerous! True: Esperanto is an invented language that was banned in several countries by authoritarian regimes e.g. Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, China. Languages can be bought and sold True: In Vanuatu (South Pacific island) a community sold their language to their neighbours and couldn’t use it any more! English is the easiest language to learn True and false: It is a matter of opinion only. English has been variously voted both easiest and hardest to learn. Eskimos have up to 400 words for snow False: This is known as the Great Eskimo Vocabulary Hoax. There are probably no more than 15 words in fact and English has nearly that many! Not all languages have separate words for ‘he’ and ‘she’ True: Finnish ‘hän’ covers he and she and most African languages don’t make the distinction. We really only need to speak English nowadays False: 75% of the world don’t speak ANY English.

20 Languages can be dangerous!
EXAMPLE :True or False Languages can be dangerous! True True False True: Esperanto is an invented language that was banned in several countries by authoritarian regimes e.g. Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, China.

21 Science Celebrities Find some famous (and perhaps surprising?) scientists and put their pictures here with what they studied/did

22 Science and the future How will your science skills help you in the future? (If you have remove some of the stats from the quiz to liven it up, you can put them here – why STEM skills are important and very employable)

23 What job can I get with science?
Careers examples and statistics BUT do emphasise the non-science careers For example ~50% Biosciences graduates go on to do something that on the face of it seems completely unrelated to science, but utilises those key transferable skills

24 Example - What job can I get with Bioscience?
From FBS -

25 Example - What job can I get with Bioscience?
From FBS -

26 How is a degree structured?
Think about your audience for this one! Only year 12’s might want the details, younger year groups can focus more on the year’s abroad/in industry 3 years – Bachelors 4 years – Bachelors + Year in Industry/Study Abroad 4 years – Bachelors + integrated masters year 5 years – Bachelors + Year in Industry/Study Abroad + integrated masters year Modules, module choices, year 3 dissertation and lab project. What does a typical week look like for you?

27 What did I choose? Customise with: What degree are you taking
What has been your favourite module and why What has been the most unusual module/topic you have covered

28 Being a student What do you do outside of study? Hobbies, societies, jobs, volunteering, friends etc? Customise with pictures Bear in mind the training here please – keep it appropriate

29 What’s next What are your hopes for next steps after your degree?
Choose some recent developments in your field that could be exciting/inspiring to a young person. Take a up a slide with pictures etc to show them. Is it an area you hope to have a breakthrough in someday? An example from Biosciences follows on the next slide, but it’s up to you to choose a story that inspires you too

30 What can biosciences do?
Using DNA to store more data than currently exists on the planet? Particularly in Biosciences, YOU will be at the EDGE of research You could have an impact on the future of a medicine, bacterial test system, fuel (or brewing process….) Unusual for undergraduate Extremely exciting time to be in the field Human genome project recently opened some new gates of discovery, and you can have your own little piece of it with your name on!

31 “The limits of my language mean the limits of my world”
One last thought... “Quote” <Name>, <when> Left blank on purpose – IF you’re going to use a quote to finish off, you need to like/believe it too, so choose your own to go here. Languages use: “The limits of my language mean the limits of my world” Ludwig Wittgenstein, 1922

32 Questions?

33 Guidance This presentation is very flexible, to be reordered and delivered how you feel comfortable. When you like what you are talking about, it will show and you will deliver a better presentation. Tell a story – about yourself, about your degree, about a celebrity, about a breakthrough. Stories are one of the most engaging ways to transmit information. How could you make it more interactive?

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