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B1 Biology Influences on Life Topic 2: Responses to a Changing Environment Quiz Click to start.

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1 B1 Biology Influences on Life Topic 2: Responses to a Changing Environment Quiz
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2 Question 1 What is the name of the muscle used to control the hair follicle in the skin? A Corrector B Constructor C Erector D Encourager

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4 Question 2 What is it called when blood vessels become smaller to allow less blood to flow through? A Vasoconstriction B Vasoconstruction C Vasodilation D Vasoconversation

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6 Question 3 What is the mechanical method of warming the body up by constantly contracting and relaxing the muscles to create heat. A Respiration B Vasoconstriction C Vasodilation D Shivering

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8 Question 4 What do you called a chemical messenger that travels around the body in the blood? A Protein B Enzyme C Hormone D Chemical

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10 Question 5 What is the name of the protein, released from the pancreas, that controls high levels of glucose in the blood? A Insulin B Adrenaline C Protease D Oestrogen

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12 Question 6 What is glucose converted to by the hormone released from the pancreas when there is too much in the blood? A Glucoses B Starch C Glucagon D Glycogen

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14 Where is sweat released from when the body needs to cool down?
Question 7 Where is sweat released from when the body needs to cool down? A Sweat duct B Sweat gland C Sweat pore D Sweat releaser

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16 When you are cold what does the hair do?
Question 8 When you are cold what does the hair do? A Lies flat to trap heat B Stands on end to stop cold getting onto skin C Stands on end to trap a layer of air D Lies flat so cold can escape

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18 Question 9 A B C D What is vasodilation?
Where blood vessels become narrower B Where nerve cells become smaller C Where blood vessels become blocked D Where blood vessels become wider

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20 Question 10 What is the name of the disease where people are unable to produce insulin? A Cystic fibrosis B Diabetes C Indigestion D Diabates

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22 What is the control of water in the body called?
Question 11 What is the control of water in the body called? A Thermoregulation B Diabetes C Glucoregulation D Osmoregulation

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24 Question 12 The body needs to maintain a constant temperature of 37oc. The control of body temperature is called? A Thermoregulation B Diabetes C Hypothalamus D Sweating

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26 What is the job of the sebaceous glands at the base of the hairs?
Question 13 What is the job of the sebaceous glands at the base of the hairs? A Controls the amount of glucose in the blood B Reduces blood flow near the skin C Controls the hair follicle D Release oils to lubricate the skin

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28 Question 14 The hypothalamus is a small part of the brain that monitors temperature. It receives information from nerve endings in the dermis of the skin about the temperature. When there is a drop in body temperature what does the hypothalamus cause the erector muscles to do? A They relax causing the hairs to lie flat B They contract causing the hairs to stand up C They contract causing the hairs to lie flat D They relax causing the hairs to stand up

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30 Question 15 The control of body temperature is an example of negative feedback. This means that as a change to the body occurs in one direction, mechanisms in the body work to make it change in the opposite direction. On your whiteboards draw a diagram to show thermoregulation with negative feedback. ? A

31 Answer Go to question 16

32 How many sense organs do you have?
Question 16 How many sense organs do you have? A 5 B 6 C 3 D 4

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34 What is the name of the specialised cell shown below?
Question 17 What is the name of the specialised cell shown below? A Nerve B Synapse C Neurone D Receptor

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36 What are the names of the three neurones that take part in a response?
Question 18 What are the names of the three neurones that take part in a response? A Receptor, Relay, Motor B Sensory, Relay, Motor C Sensory, Motor, Response D Sensory, Relay, Effector

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38 What is the name of the small gap where one neurone joins to another?
Question 19 What is the name of the small gap where one neurone joins to another? A Nerve B Synapse C Neurone D Receptor

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40 Question 20 A reflex arc bypasses the parts of the brain involved in conscious thought. What are the main advantages of reflex arcs? A Automatic, quick & for protection B Easier to do and require less effort C Slow and require thought D Automatic & for protection

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42 Question 21 Hormones are chemical messengers produced by the body. What are the names of the glands that produce hormones? A Nerve B Glucagon C Insulin D Endocrine

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44 Question 22 When your blood sugar levels fall below a certain level, your pancreas releases a hormone. What is this called? A Adrenaline B Insulin C Glucagon D Testosterone

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46 Question 23 Plants produce hormones (also called plant growth substances) to respond to stimuli. Two of these hormones are auxins and gibberellins. Which statement about auxins is correct? A Auxins cause stored starch to be turned into sugars. B Auxins retard elongation in roots but speeds up elongation in shoots C Auxins retard elongation in shoots but speeds up elongation in roots D Auxins stimulate flower production

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48 Why does sample A not grow?
Question 24 Why does sample A not grow? A The auxins keep the plant at the same height B Not enough light can reach them C The plant has no roots D The tips have been cut off so no auxin is made, so no growth

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50 Question 25 Plant hormones naturally control the ripening of fruits. Farmers can make use of this and control when and how ripening occurs. Unripe green bananas from the Caribbean can be ripened in the UK using a natural plant hormone. What is it called? A Ethylene B Auxins C Gibberellins D Rooting powder

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