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Social Studies Jeopardy

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Presentation on theme: "Social Studies Jeopardy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Studies Jeopardy
Geography Environment History Government Economics Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Geography

3 $100 Answer from Geography
What is South Sudan?

4 $200 Question from Geography

5 $200 Answer from Geography
What is Turkey?

6 $300 Question from Geography

7 $300 Answer from Geography
What is Vietnam?

8 $400 Question from a Geography

9 $400 Answer from Geography
What is the Strait of Hormuz?

10 $500 Question from Geography

11 $500 Answer from Geography
What is the Euphrates River?

12 $100 Question from Environment
This is the biggest threat to the African rainforests today.

13 $100 Answer from Environment
What is overpopulation?

14 $200 Question from Environment
This part of Africa is expanding because of logging and over-grazing

15 $200 Answer from Environment
What is the Sahel?

16 $300 Question from Environment
This natural condition causes months of heavy rain and possible flooding in India and Bangladesh.

17 $300 Answer from Environment
What is a monsoon?

18 $400 Question from Environment
Which river is a key water source for Israel, Lebanon, and Syria?

19 $400 Answer from Environment
What is the Jordan River?

20 $500 Question from Environment
Daily Double! $500 Question from Environment Because of the harsh climate, this country relies on desalination plants to provide most of the drinking water for its citizens.

21 $500 Answer from Environment
What is Saudi Arabia? If you answered correctly, double the amount of this question to add to your score!

22 $100 Question from History
This country is known for its history of apartheid.

23 $100 Answer from History What is South Africa?

24 $200 Question from History
This main belief distinguished the Jewish faith from religions of the ancient civilizations.

25 What is the belief in one deity?
$200 Answer from History What is the belief in one deity?

26 $300 Question from History
In 1989, students protesting what cause were killed or arrested by Chinese soldiers in Tiananmen Square.

27 What is more political freedom/ democracy?
$300 Answer from History What is more political freedom/ democracy?

28 $400 Question from History
The United Nations formed a coalition to stop the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990 because

29 $400 Answer from History What is Iraq’s actions threated the oil supply on which many countries depend?

30 $500 Question from History
These two groups sought Indian independence from British control. (2 answers required)

31 (Yes, you must give both correct answers or NO points!)
$500 Answer from History What are the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League? (Yes, you must give both correct answers or NO points!)

32 $100 Question from Government
Holds power in a unitary system of government.

33 $100 Answer from Government
What is the central government?

34 $200 Question from Government
Daily Double! $200 Question from Government This government of this Southwest Asian country is an autocracy.

35 $200 Answer from Government
What is Saudi Arabia? If you answered correctly, double the amount of this question to add to your score!

36 $300 Question from Government
This Southwest Asian country’s religious leaders are very influential in government decisions.

37 $300 Answer from Government
What is Iran?

38 $400 Question from Government
Kenya, South Africa, and Sudan distribute power using this system.

39 $400 Answer from Government
What is the unitary system?

40 $500 Question from Government
Secular Democratic republic Parliamentary elections are held every 5 years Federal system of power distribution These clues describe this Southeast Asian country’s government.

41 $500 Answer from Government
What is India?

42 $100 Question from Economics
This system depends on traditions and customs to make economic decisions.

43 $100 Answer from Economics
What is a traditional economy?

44 $200 Question from Economics
With this program, India attempted to improve its agriculture industry.

45 $200 Answer from Economics
What is the Green Revolution?

46 $300 Question from Economics
This part of Saudi Arabia’s economy is most fully under a command economic system.

47 $300 Answer from Economics
What is the oil industry?

48 $400 Question from Economics
Israel invests most heavily in capital goods in this area/industry.

49 $400 Answer from Economics
What is technology?

50 $500 Question from Economics
In Japan, the ______________ helps companies and entrepreneurs decide what products will be profitable in the world market.

51 $500 Answer from Economics
What is the Ministry of International Trade and Industry?

52 Final Jeopardy India leads many other countries in these industries. (two answers required)

53 What are technology and service industries?
Final Jeopardy Answer What are technology and service industries?

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