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Positive and Negative Cut Paper

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1 Positive and Negative Cut Paper
A Study of Positive and Negative Space

2 What Is Positive and Negative Space?
Positive and negative space play an important role in determining the overall composition in a work of art.  Simply put, positive space is best described as the areas in a work of art that are the subjects, or areas of interest. Negative space is area around the subjects, or areas of interest. Take a look at the image below. For example, do you see faces or a vase?

3 Positive and Negative Space
If you are seeing a vase, then you are seeing the white area as the positive space. The black areas become the negative space. If you are seeing faces, then you are seeing the black areas as the positive space, and the white area as the negative space.

4 What is Balance? The definition of balance refers to the ways in which the elements (lines, shapes, colors, textures, etc.) of a piece are arranged. Balance can be symmetrical ("formal"), where elements are given equal "weight" from an imaginary line in the middle of a piece. For the most basic example of symmetry, think of your eyes in relation to either side of your nose. Balance doesn't necessarily mean symmetry, though. Asymmetrical ("informal") balance occurs when elements are placed unevenly in a piece, but work together to produce harmony overall.

5 The Assignment This project is about balance, positive/negative space, and craftsmanship. Come up with a theme around which you can design 7-10 fairly simple, symmetrical graphics. Cut half of each graphic from the side of a black square and flip the positive shapes over the edge. See if you can figure out the theme of each one…




9 Success Criteria Artwork represents a theme (all images have to do with the same theme, and it is clear how they relate to the theme) Details are included in the piece (see examples) Shows balance of positive and negative space Cut lines are clean

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