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University of East Sarajevo
University of East Sarajevo
Basic data University of East Sarajevo Address: Vuka Karadzica 30, East Sarajevo Tel/ fax: Web site: Type of institution: Public Founded: 1992. Founder: National Assembly of Republic of Srpska Number of students: ( ) Number of teaching staff: 953 Number of administrative staff: 398 Number of organizational units: 17 in 8 university centers Number of study programs of I cycle: 53 Number of study programs of II cycle: 43
Mission (our goal... why are we here?)
Our mission is to provide intellectual and stimulating environment for learning, research and the art of making a contribution to the social, economic and cultural progress in line with the projected regional, national and international development. Vision (where we strive to be in the future?) Our vision is to be recognized at the regional, national and international level through excellence in teaching, research and the arts. Values (what we stand for?) INTEGRITY – RESPONSIBILITY – PARTNERSHIP – COLLEAGUES – EXCELLENCE – INNOVATION – CREATIVITY – EQUALITY – CARE ENVIRONMENT
Cycles of education Three cycle system of organization studies
I study cycle ECTS, 360 ECTS (Medicine, Dentistry) II study cycle ECTS III study cycle ECTS Most of the study programs are organized by system 4 + 1, only three are organized by the system. Officially, all organizational units are organized studies in accordance with Bologna principles from the academic year 2007 / 08 (I study cycle ), and from the academic year 2011/12 (II study cycle ). Doctoral studies from 2014/15...
Licensing and Accreditation
Licensing of study programs is regulated by Law on Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska, Regulation on licensing of the Government of the Republic of Srpska and university procedure for proposing study programs. Ministry of education and culture of Republic of Srpska All study programs are licensed by Ministry (53 I cycle, 43 II cycle). UES is accredited by Agency for accreditation of HEI of Republic of Srpska. The application was submitted in May 2012. The visit by External Commission was in January 2013. Re-accreditation will be for 5 years. Accreditation of study programs. Criteria for accreditation. ESABIH project.
Trebinje Trebinje Academy of Fine Arts, 1 study program of I cycle, 1 study program of II cycle, 5 cathedra Production and Management Faculty, 2 study program of I cycle, 1 study program of II cycle, 3 cathedra
Trebinje Foča Trebinje
Faculty of Medicine, 4 study program of I cycle, 4 study program of II cycle, 12 cathedra Faculty of Ortodox Theology, 3 study program of I cycle, 1 study program of II cycle, 6 cathedra
Trebinje Foča Trebinje
Istočno Sarajevo Academy of Music, 2 study program of I cycle, 2 study program of II cycle, 6 cathedra Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 3 study program of I cycle, 3 study program of II cycle, 6 cathedra Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2 study program of I cycle, 2 study program of II cycle, 4 cathedra Faculty of Agriculture, 3 study program of I cycle, 1 study program of II cycle, 7 cathedra
Trebinje Foča Pale Trebinje
Faculty of Economics, 2 study program of I cycle, 5 study program of II cycle, 5 cathedra Istočno Sarajevo Faculty of Philosophy, 19 study program of I cycle, 13 study program of II cycle, 19 cathedra Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, 2 study program of I cycle, 2 study program of II cycle, 4 cathedra Faculty of Law, 1 study program of I cycle, 1 study program of II cycle, 6 cathedra
Trebinje Bijeljina Trebinje
Faculty of Education, 3 study program of I cycle, 2 study program of II cycle, 4 cathedra Faculty of Business and Economics, 1 study program of I cycle, 3 study program of II cycle, 7 cathedra
Trebinje Zvornik Doboj Brčko Trebinje
Faculty of Technology, 3 study program of I cycle, 1 study program of II cycle, 8 cathedra Doboj Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, 1 study program of I cycle, 1 study program of II cycle, 9 cathedra Brčko Faculty of Economics, 1 study program of I cycle, 2 study program of II cycle, 4 cathedra
The percentage ratio of the number of students I and II cycle of studies (+ MA) and applied doctoral thesis
The total number of students of all study cycles by OU in 2012/13
The total number of students at the University of the gender structure in 2012/13
The total area of teaching in the m² at the OU
The total number library units by OU
Total number of TEMPUS projects
Organizational and Management structure
UES is integrated university from faculties and academies, and Rectorate are organizational units of UES. The management body – Steering Board. The highest academic body – Senate. Management authority – Rector. 4 vice-rectors. 4 professional councils of Senate. Rulebook about internal organization and sistematization of work places. Faculties and academies. Dean. Vice-deans. Faculties Councils.
Council of natural and technical sciences
Faculty of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Technology Production and Management faculty Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering Faculty of Philosophy Committee of Quality Assurance Council of humanistic sciences Academy of Music Academy of Fine Arts Faculty of Ortodox Theology Faculty of Philosophy Faculty of Education Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Senate of University Council of social sciences Faculty of Economics Pale Faculty of Economics Brcko Faculty of Business and Economics Faculty of Law Council of biomedical and biotechnical sciences and healthcare Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Agriculture Committee of Ethics
Organizational and Management structure
All faculties and academies are divided by scientific and artistic areas in accordance with study programs for which they are responsible. There are four Councils of these scientific and artistic areas where are mentioned our faculties and academies: Council of natural and technical sciences, Council of biomedical and biotechnical sciences and healthcare, Council of social sciences and Council of humanistic sciences. These councils are professional bodies of Senate. Responsibilities: consideration of proposal ang giving opinions from faculties Councils about election in title, consideration of proposal in the procedure of getting academic title and scientific title – doctor of science, other issues on the request by Senat.
Organizational and Management structure
Committee of Quality Assurance – professional and advicory body of Senate and Rector on issues of QA. Senate appoints members. 16 members – professionals in their scientific fields, 3 students appointed by SPUIS Responsibilities: promotes the building of quality culture, defines the standards, criteria and indicators of quality, conducting a self-assessment procedure at the University, planning and preparation activities related to monitoring and quality control,... Committee of Ethics - resolves violations of the Code of Professional Ethics. Applications for violation of the Code shall be submitted to the Committee in writing and are required to be signed by the person who submitted them. 7 members - representative of each professional Council, vice rector, 2 representative of students. Senate appoints members. Measures: 1. A written warning; 2. Written reprimand; 3. Exclusion from the scientific and teaching process at a certain time, a maximum of one school year
Organizational and Management structure
Steering Board Dean Disciplinary Commission for employees Disciplinary Commission for students responsible for conducting disciplinary proceedings and determining disciplinary responsibility for serious violations of the obligations of employees 3 members. Steering Board appoints 2, Syndicate appoints 1. Rulebook Complaints to Steering Board responsible for conducting disciplinary proceedings and determining disciplinary responsibility for serious violations of the obligations of students 3 members. 1 is students. Rulebook Complaints to faculty council and Senate.
Organizational chart of faculties and academies
University – Faculties and Academies – Cathedra – Study programs
Subjects in Quality Assurance
Internal stakeholders External stakeholders Subjects in Quality Assurance Committee for QA University level QA office QA associate 1 QA associate 2 QA associate n Faculty/ Academy level Commissy for creation of SE report Commissy for evaluation of studies Commissy for creation of SE report Commissy for evaluation of studies Commissy for creation of SE report Commissy for evaluation of studies
Main responsibilities of QA office at the university level
Systematization of work places, Rulebook of QA, other rulebooks Provides administrative and technical assistance to the Committee for Quality Assurance of University and participate in its activities Coordinate the work of QA associates at the organizational units work on establishment and edit documents on quality assurance of the University and to monitor their implementation Coordinate the actions of reporting on self-evaluation and quality assessment of organizational units and participating in the preparation of reports on self-evaluation and quality assessment of the University Coordinate the procedure and participate in the training and preparation of University and organizational units in the process of accreditation, reaccreditation and other forms of external evaluation Coordinate the process of evaluating the quality of studies by students, administrative personnel, teaching staff and external users (surveys) Collect, process and analyze information on quality assurance by all users (internal and external) and forward them to the appropriate university bodies Participate in the control of the effectiveness of measures for improving in order to prevent the appearance of conflicts of various university sectors and organizational units (in accordance with the procedure of taking measures to improve) Participate in internal quality audits of different university sectors and organizational units of University
Main responsibilities of QA associates at faculty level
Rulebook of QA, Rulebook of self evaluation and quality assessment, Rulebook of evaluation of quality studies Provides administrative and technical assistance to the QA office at University Coordinate the work of Commission for creation of self evaluation report Coordinate the work of Commission for evaluation of quality studies Report to the QA office and faculty council about procedure of evaluation of quality studies and self evaluation report Rulebook of self evaluation and quality assessment, Rulebook of evaluation of quality studies Members: teachers, administrative staff, students (SPUIS appoints students in all commissions) Main responsibilities of QA commissions at faculty level
Students in Quality Assurance
The students' role is defined by the Statute of the University. Steering Committee - 1 representative. Senate - not less than 15% of the total number of members. Faculty Council and the Academy - not less than 15% and more than 20%. Committee for Quality Assurance - not less than 15% of the total number of members. Ethics Committee - 2 students. The members of the various commissions at the University level and faculty level (self-assessment, surveys). Statute SPUIS - SPUIS selects students in all organs of the University. SPUIS - UIS = Agreement on mutual rights and obligations. Elections in the position of teacher - student survey - Law on Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska.
University processes - For each of these process are defined responsible positions and types of responsibilities, system activity, internal and other documents related to the process.
University processes (example)
PDCA cycle Management Stakeholders External monitoring
Direction Management Services Requirements Recommendations Information Stakeholders Satisfaction feedback Stakeholders External monitoring Internal monitoring
Quality assurance documents
All university documents are in service of quality assurance. The most important QA documents are: - quality policy - strategy of development - rulebook of quality assurance - procedure of selfevaluation and quality assessment - procedure of evaluation of quality studies - procedure of internal quality audit - procedure of conducting measures for improving - ethics code
External monitoring In accordance with the Law on Higher Education of Republic of Srpska – Republic Administration for Inspection Activities of Republic of Srpska. EUA external evaluation – 2004. Accreditation/ reaccreditation of University. Accreditation/ reaccreditation of study programs.
Internal monitoring University’s acts and rulebooks. Internal organization and systematization. Procedure of internal control (finance and scientific projects) Procedure of internal quality audit Procedure of self evaluation and quality assessment Procedure of evaluation of quality studies Procedure of conducting measures for improving
Procedure of internal quality audit
Procedure of conducting measures for improving
Satisfaction survey of internal stakeholders
Teaching and non-teaching staff. Students. Survey of teaching and non-teaching staff – 2009. Survey of students. At the end of each semester. Electronic questionnaires. The basement is informational system of University. Correct data. Rulebook of evalution of quality studies by students. Law on Higher Education. Survey score is taken to election to teaching title. Area of evaluation: each course, pedagogical work of teaching staff, all services, coruption, books, cheating on exams, study programs generally. Students don’t evaluate the assessment of teachers, but only teaching and pedagogical skills for on going semester. The right: first time enrolled students in study year. User names and passwords for students. QA associates generates these in system. Commission at each study program. 96. Reporting is obligatory. Measures for improvement are responsibilities of faculty management. Rulebook. The principle of voluntariness, anonymity, neutrality and protection of the dignity of the person whose work is subject to evaluation. Representativeness of the sample by study year. Valid grades. System offers different kind of reports, trends,..
Graphic presentation of ratio the possible maximum number of participants and the number of surveyed students
The procentual view of student’s response in survey for winter semester 2013/14 in relation to possible maximum number of participants by faculties and academies
Average score for organization of study programs from the university level
Average score for students services from the university level
Average score for library from the university level
Average score for teachnig staff from the university level
Satisfaction survey of external stakeholders
Alumni. Alumni organization/ clubs. Faculty/ Academy level. Alumni database: - evidence data about alumni - data about employment Different types of reports Electronic survey.
Self evaluation and quality assessment
From 2007/08. At the end of each calendar year. ESG. Criteria for accreditation of HEI B&H. Rulebook of self evaluation and quality assessment Goals: sistematic review and monitoring, periodic audits, preparation for accreditation/ re-accdreditation. Responsibilities: university and faculty level. Commissions. Reporting to Faculty Councils and to Senate. Councils and Senate make recommendations for improving. Procedure of internal quality audit. Procedure of conducting measures for improving.
Key performance indicators
Two group of indicators. Strategy Criteria for accreditation. Strategy KPI – 66 (12 strategic goals). Criteria for accreditation KPI – 71 (6 key success factors/ areas). There is some overlap between them. Measuring KPI - through SE report. New Strategy Adjustment of all KPI. Analysis of these two groups of KPI in accordance with BSC method. Unbalanced strategy Indicators UES
Key performance indicators – Strategy 2007-2013
РБ Стратешки циљеви Показатељи успјешности (индикатори) Припадност перспективама BSC методе 1 Спровођење процеса интеграције Број организационих јединица Интерни процеси Вриједност имовинске процјене Универзитета Број катедри Универзитета Број катедри са истим називом на Универзитету Број централизованих правних аката Универзитета Број централизованих стручних служби 2 Континуирано побољшавање квалитета наставних планова и програма, њихово реформисање и увођење нових Број пријављених/ број уписаних Број лиценцираних студијских програма Број акредитованих студијских програма Број студената на евиденцији Завода запошљавање РС 3 Континуирано дјеловање на побољшању успјеха студената Просјечна дужина студирања Просјечна оцјена студирања Број дипломираних студената Корисничка Број одлазних студената Учење и раст 4 Осигурати квалитет и компетентност наставника и сарадника Број наставног особља у односу на број студената Просјечна оцјена у анкети Број објављених уџбеника Број одлазног наставног особља 5 Осигурати адекватне ресурсе за извођење наставног процеса, научно истраживачког и умјетничког рада Укупан број библиотечких јединица Просјечан број сати практичне наставе Укупна улагања у лабораторијску опрему Финансијска Уложена средства у набавку рачунара Уложена средства у набавку софтвера
Key performance indicators – Criteria for accreditation
Бр. Кључни фактори успјеха (КФУ) Кључни показатељи успјеха (КПУ) Припадност перспективама BSC методе 1 Институционална одрживост Укупан буџет/ укупан број студената (сви циклуси) Финансијска Укупан буџет/ укупан број дипломираних студената+магистара+доктора Укупан буџет/ укупан број наставног особља Укупан буџет/ укупан број стално запосленог наставног особља Укупан буџет/ укупан број стално запослених (административно + стално запослено наставно особље) Укупан буџет/ укупан број запослених (укупан број наставног особља + административно особље) Властити приходи/ укупан буџет (процентуално) Приходи од сарадње са привредом/ укупан буџет (процентуално) Приходи од студентских партиципација и школарина/ укупан буџет (процентуално) Приходи од пројеката (домаћи и инострани)/ укупан буџет (процентуално) Трошкови плата и накнада свим запосленим/ укупни трошкови (процентуално) 2 Људски ресурси Укупан број студената/ укупан број наставног особља – на факултету/ академији Корисничка Укупан број студената/ број стално запосленог наставог особља – на факултету/ академији Укупан број студената/ број ненаставног особља Број наставног особља/ број ненаставног особља Укупан број студената/ број запослених у студентској служби Број стално запосленог наставог особља / укупан број наставног особља Године старости – укупан број наставног особља (просјечна вриједност) Године старости – стално запослено наставно особље (просјечна вриједност) Године старости – ненаставно особље (просјечна вриједност) Број мушкараца/ број жена (укупан број наставног особља) Број мушкараца/ број жена (број стално запосленог наставног особља) Број мушкараца/ број жена (број ненаставног особља) Укупан број обављених избора у звања Број уписаних студената на све године студија студијског програма без поноваца/ укупан број наставног особља на том студијском програму
Internal benchmarking
Faculties and academies of UES. Over 70 parameters of benchmarking. Comparing. Ranking. Recommendations for improvement. Internal benchmarking UES
Internal benchmarking (number of graduates, masters, doctors)
Internal benchmarking (dropped out students)
Internal benchmarking (average duration of 4 year studies)
Internal benchmarking (average duration of 4 year studies)
External benchmarking
Faculties and academies of UES. Over 70 parameters of benchmarking. Comparing. Ranking. Recommendations for improvement. External benchmarking UES
Information system At all student services – unique information system. Students and teachers evidence. All students services use the same documentation. Financial information system. Software financial card – register all student payments. OLAP software – different statistics on the level of university, faculty and study program. Student services – regularly meetings. Improving work and database – in accordance with current changes.
Cardboard of scientists
Obligation for all teaching staff. Unique form at University. Criteria for obtaining of scientific titles. Responsibility of vice-rector for R&D and vice-deans for R&D and Art. Self evaluation and quality assessment report. Evaluation of results. Committee of QA developed Rulebook about work evaluation of teaching staff (consideration).
Thank you for attention!
Quality Assurance Office Quality Assurance Coordinator Nenad Markovic University of East Sarajevo Vuka Karadzica 30 71123 East Sarajevo Tel/fax:
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