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Warm Up What were the two leading nations involved in the Cold War?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up What were the two leading nations involved in the Cold War?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up What were the two leading nations involved in the Cold War?
What common goal did these nations have during WWII? What were Stalin’s two goals after WWII? What was the “Iron Curtain”? Who coined the term? Where did he give the speech? Who dominated the Eastern bloc? The Western? What city in Germany was divided much like the rest of the country? Cold War Project What countries were involved What people were involved Why it is a cold war event Show example Be able to identify these pictures b/c on the test I will put up 5 of these pictures and you will have to identify them and put them in chronological order This packet will also be your study guide for the Cold War test I will tell you the order, but it is your responsibility to find the dates You may pair up to look at summary cards, but the summaries must be in your own words

2 Cold War Project Find the picture or photo on the wall that matches your summary card (there are 22 pictures and 22 summary cards) Draw a simple sketch of the picture or photo at the top or bottom of your paper (pen or pencil)

3 Cold War Project 3. Write 5 to 8 key terms, facts, ideas or concepts from the summary card on your paper (sentences, notes, or outline form). Focus on explaining what occurred, which countries and/or people were involved, and why it was a Cold War event. Show example of student work

4 Cold War Project Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 for all 22 summary cards
Type all 22 summaries (one on each page). Title of event must be at the top of the page, text in the middle, photo or picture at the bottom (picture can be drawn or taken from Clip Art or internet). Your 22 pages must be in chronological order Front of packet must have a title page. Type a table of contents for your second page.

5 Cold War Project Packet must be arranged in a binder or folder (DO NOT STAPLE) All summaries must be in YOUR OWN WORDS. Students with identical summaries will not receive credit.

6 Cold War Project 12. Bay of Pigs 13. Berlin Wall
14. Cuban Missile Crisis 15. Vietnam War 16. Springtime in Prague Détente Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan Solidarity Invasion of Grenada Mikhail Gorbachev Massacre at Tiananmen Square Cold War Project Iron Curtain Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan Berlin Airlift NATO & Warsaw Pact Fall of China Korean War Domino Theory Hungarian Revolt Space Race U2 Crisis You will need 11 blank pieces of paper for your rough draft’s Your goal is to find the date Once you have written your summary you can then take a gallery walk and find the corresponding picture By the end of the day you must have at least 4 summaries complete

7 Iron Curtain Churchill coins the term, “Iron Curtain” in Missouri
Iron curtain refers to the line between democratic and communist nations March 5th, 1946

8 Truman Doctrine March 12th, 1947 Containment
stated that the U.S. would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent their falling into the Soviet sphere

9 Marshall Plan The Marshall Plan was the primary plan of the United States for rebuilding and creating a stronger foundation for the allied countries of Europe, and repelling communism after World War II Named after secretary of state George Marshall 13 billion given to Europe July, 1947 Talk about the misappropriation of funds in iraq - Less than 5% of the $18 billion Congress had set aside for reconstruction were spent during that period

10 Berlin Airlift June 24th, 1948 Soviets blocked all routes into Berlin
No supplies could reach Berlin US drops supplies into Berlin Tensions raised

11 NATO & The Warsaw Pact April 4th, 1949
NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization Warsaw Pact = Soviet’s answer to NATO Named after Warsaw in Poland May 1955

12 Fall of China October 1949 Shows that Containment is not working
Mao Zedong (Communist) vs. Chiang Kai-shek (Nationalist) US gives Chiang Kai-shek money to help fight the Communists Chiang Kai-shek flees to Taiwan Most of the money is captured by the Communists Mainland China becomes communist and Taiwan remains a democracy

13 Korean War First military conflict that the US participates in to contain communism 38th Parallel divides North and South Korea June 25th, 1950 North Korea invades South Korea No victor in the Korean War MacArthur continues north Nuke ‘em – Yalu river China’s army 20 million, US 6 million 53,000 casualties in 3 years – 58,000 for all 8 years of Vietnam Today the 38th parallel still separates North and South Korea

14 Domino Theory 1954 Eisenhower and his secretary of state John Foster Dulles coin this term Nations will fall like dominos if we do not contain communism Dulles airport

15 Hungarian Revolt 1953 Stalin dies
Khrushchev takes over and trashes Stalin in a famous speech Khrushchev lets satellite countries have more say in how they run their country Hungary has the greatest reforms Hungary wanted to withdraw from Warsaw Pact Soviets said no to the withdrawal and invaded Hungary The US told the freedom fighters that we would help, but when the time came we did not help and the Hungarians were slaughtered US policy on containment was only for non communist nations

16 Space Race 1957 Sputnik was launched into space
Scared the US and jolted our confidence 1958 the Soviets put a dog into space 1961 USSR puts a man into space Kennedy wanted to send a man to the moon What do we use satellites for today Sputnik orbited the earth and beeped The US thought Sputnik could spy on us, also thought they could launch a Nuke Dumb and dumber clip Over 1 billion people watched the moon landing in 1969

17 U-2 Crisis U-2 Dragon Lady (spy plane) shot down over the Soviet Union
Pilot captured and put on trial Francis Gary Powers was the pilot Khrushchev visits the US and then Khrushchev invites Ike to the Soviet Union The cold war appears to be getting peacful A U2 can fly 65,000 to 70,000 feet A U2 plane was shot down and the pilot bailed out. He was caught after Eisenhower said it never happened. The Soviets said they were going to show pictures of the plane and put the pilot on Soviet TV. Frank Gary Powers was the pilot. He is sentenced to life in prison by the Soviets but he is exchanged for a Russian spy later. He ends up getting a job as a helicopter pilot for KNBC and crashes as he heads up to Santa Barbara to cover a fire. When Frank Gary Powers was asked how high he was flying on that day he replied, “not high enough”

18 Bay of Pigs April 1961 Kennedy promised to “defend freedom in its hour of maximum danger” “Pay any price, beat any burden” Fidel Castro leads revolution in Cuba and changes their govt. to communist CIA trains Cuban ex-patriots to lead revolution in Cuba Ex-patriots are slaughtered US did not help in the invasion Godfather 2 Trade embargo Cuban cigars No travel Michael Moore – Sicko Castro – major Dodger prospect

19 Berlin Wall August 1961 East and West Berlin was divided by barbed wire Not very effective – 1000’s fled Berlin Wall was much more effective Wall becomes ugly symbol of communism Kennedy, “Ich bin ein Berliner” Berlin wall video Across the street from Reagan’s speech was where Michael Jackson held his baby over the balcony

20 Cuban Missile Crisis “Arms Race” October 14th, 1962
U-2 spy plane takes pictures over Cuba and discovered nuclear missiles Naval blockade Soviets removed missiles US had to promise they wouldn’t invade Cuba US had to remove their missiles from Turkey By the end of the Cold War there were enough nukes to destroy the world 10 times over The missiles in Cuba could reach every major city in the US except Seattle Khrushchev removed from power after this humiliating surrender Cuban Missile Crisis clip

21 Vietnam 1965-1973 French colonized in Vietnam
Vietnamese leader – Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam = communist South Vietnam = democratic US sends troops to South Vietnam Frustrating war Containment not working We don’t know who the enemy is Iraq Ho Chi Minh trail – all trails leading North into South Vietnam US soldiers did not come home to a parade

22 Springtime in Prague 1968 Alexander Dubcek – leader of the Czech republic Great reforms against communism Soviets come in and restore their dominance Manifesto Against Aggression Sounds much like the Bill of Rights Brezhnev Doctrine – Soviets could intervene in your govt. at any time MLK and RFK assassinated Tet Offensive – Chinese new year – Vietnam unwinnable Riot in Mexico City Brezhnev was the leader of USSR after Khruschev

23 Detente French word meaning relaxing or easing 1972
Short lived understanding between communist and capitalistic worlds Nixon travels to Beijing and Moscow Ultimately our differences were too great The US boycotts the summer Olympics due to the Soviets invasion of Afghanistan First time a president traveled to a communist nation

24 Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
December 1979 Soviets invade Afghanistan and execute the President and his family Babrak Karmal becomes the new President President Jimmy Carter suspends arms control race, cuts off all grain supplies and boycotts the Olympic games War between Soviets and Mujahedin This is the Soviet Union’s Vietnam Sounds like Czar Nicholas Jimmy Carter Simpsons – Krusty and the 1984 Olympic games Moo-ja-ha-deen – word comes from the word Jihad At this time Iran was fighting with Iraq. They had a leader known as Sadaam Hussein. We supported Iraq. Get Rumsfeld/Hussein picture


26 Solidarity September 1980 Struggle against communist regime in Poland
Lech Walesa leads the movement against communism 1981 they call for free elections The Red Army was ready to strike Soviets institute Martial Law and Solidarity is outlawed Military is in charge under martial law

27 The Invasion of Grenada
October 1983 Maurice Bishop (leader of Grenada) became friendly with Fidel Castro and the communist government Wanted to put a communist airbase on their island Communists kill Maurice Bishop after his visit to the United States Reagan orders the invasion of Grenada Bishop gets a lot of pressure from the US and therefore is reluctant to help the communist government We invade saying that we are protecting 1000 US citizens, 700 of which were medical students, but in reality we were containing communism We took control of Grenada in 48 hours with only 20 dead

28 Mikhail Gorbachev 1985 Glasnost = openness
Perestroika = economic and political reform Free market system introduced Ethnic division and nationalism within the Soviet Union Signs intermediate Nuclear Force (INF) treaty Pulls soldiers out of Afghanistan Berlin Wall is torn down Destroys intermediate missiles

29 Massacre at Tiananmen Square
June 1989 Tiananmen located in Beijing China Communist economy in China very weak Overly harsh and dictatorial government New Communist leader Deng Xiaoping lets in a small amount of capitalism and allows students to study abroad When students get back they protest peacefully at Tiananmen square Chinese military breaks up the protest and kills 500 to 1000 people Students fought back with bottles and rocks. They are met with gunfire Others are arrested and later executed This severely damaged the relationship between China and the US 1 child rule Economy exploding

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