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Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

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1 Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
T Sammour, AG Hill, P Singh, A Ranasinghe R Babor, H Rahman

2 Obesity in NZ In NZ: 1 in 4 adults are obese
(2007 MOH survey => 26.5%; CI 25.5 – 27.5) cf Australia “obesity epidemic” in 2001 => 17% of adults obese Obesity picture worse in South Auckland… Lower socioeconomic group High proportion of Maori and Pacific Islanders



5 Obesity surgery Offered at CMDHB since March 2007
2 Surgeons and nurse specialist MDT input Dietician Endocrinologist Anaesthetist Lap sleeve gastrectomy procedure of choice

6 Sleeve Gastrectomy Technique 4 port laparoscopy 36F boogie
4cm from pylorus Selective re-inforcement Air leak test Bands no funding or clinic resources for rechecks, minor complication surgery Wt loss not as good, and similar complication rate overall.

7 Criteria for Surgery European consensus guidelines * Must
20 – 65 years old BMI > 40, or ≥ 35 with comorbidities Must quit smoking establish regular exercise program lose atleast 0.5kg / week between appointments maintain 3 weeks of Optifast diet pre-operatively Approx 10kg wt loss expected preop * Fried et al. Interdisciplinary European guidelines on surgery of severe obesity. Obesity Facts 2008;1:52–58.

8 Audit Retrospective review of the first 100 patients at Counties Manukau DHB March 2007 – August 2008 Data collected: Demographics Pre-op weight / BMI Comorbidities (defined by treatment) Operative variables Complications / mortality Weight Loss Resolution of obesity-related comorbidities Patient satisfaction score

9 Patients Mean age 42.7 years (20 – 60) Sex Ethnicity
Male 20% Female 80% Ethnicity European 60% Maori 19% PI 12% Mean weight kg (96.7 – 211.9) Mean BMI 50.2 kg/m2 (36.0 – 73.0) 45 patients super-obese by definition

10 Medical Comorbidities
Diabetic % All but one patient type II 20% on insulin HTN on medication 45% Hyperlipidaemic on medication 25% OSA on CPAP % Other Cardiovascular 8%

11 Results Median hospital stay 2 days (1 – 7)
Mean follow-up months (0.9 – 23.3) Mean weight loss 40.9 kg (4.4 – 78.2) Median satisfaction 10 (3 – 10) Mean excess wt loss 63.2% (7.2 – 129)


13 Comorbidity Resolution
Diabetes 48.0% stopped medication 24.0% reduced medication Hypertension 35.6% stopped medication 24.4% reduced medication Hyperlipidemia 5 of 25 stopped medication OSA 9 of 17 came off CPAP

14 Operative morbidity Mortality 0% Major complication 8.0%
1 iatrogenic transected stomach => converted to open 3 staple line leaks 1 requiring laparotomy and suture of pinhole leak 1 stented (distal stricture) 1 normal diag lap on D3, CT leak collection on D22 => perc drain 2 staple line bleeds 1 requiring laparotomy 1 re-laparoscopy and application of surgicell 1 infected haematoma requiring laparotomy 1 critical stricture requiring endoscopic dilation

15 Operative morbidity Minor complication 2.0% Other readmit 6.0%
1 patient had normal diagnostic lap for presumed bleed 1 umbilical hernia requiring open mesh repar No port site wound infections No DVT / PE Other readmit 6.0% 4 readmit for pain / vomiting 1 constipation requiring enema 1 leg pain and swelling => USS no DVT

16 Conclusion Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy has achieved satisfactory weight-loss results, with > 60% excess weight loss in the medium term. Acceptable complication rate. Long term weight loss results are awaited.


18 Largest (of two) published RCT
A Prospective Randomized Study Between Laparoscopic Gastric Banding and Laparoscopic Isolated Sleeve Gastrectomy: Results after 1 and 3 Years Jacques Himpens, MD; Giovanni Dapri, MD; Guy Bernard Cadière,MD, PhD Department of Gastrointestinal and Obesity Surgery Saint-Pierre University Hospital, Brussels, Belgium Obesity Surgery 2006, 16, Largest (of two) published RCT 80 patients mean BMI 38 % Excess wt loss at 1yr Band 41.4% Sleeve 57.7 % (p = ) % Excess wt loss at 3yrs Band 48.0% Sleeve 66.0 % (p = )

19 Complications

20 % Excess wt loss at 6 months
1st published RCT 20 patients mean BMI 47.5 No post-op complications in either group % Excess wt loss at 6 months Band 28.7% Sleeve 61.4% (p = 0.001)

21 Ghrelin Band (n = 10) Sleeve (n = 10)
Day 1: No change in plasma ghrelin 1 month: Significant increase 6 months: Significant increase Sleeve (n = 10) Day 1: Significant decrease 1 month: Remained stable (low) 6 months: Remained stable (low) Ghrelin is the only consistently reported hunger regulating hormone, produced in the fundus of the stomach. Significantly increased in diet induced weight loss. In fact, consistent with 5 other studies showing either no change or increase in levels post banding.

22 ASERNIP 2002 - bands Level of evidence:
Average (up to 4 years follow-up). Safety: Banding lower short term mortality than VBG and gastric bypass Not enough long term and morbidity data. Efficacy: Banding is as effective, up to 4 years. Not enough long term data. Recommendations: Long-term efficacy of gastric banding remains unproven and further evaluation is recommended.

23 Adelaide 600 bands, 7 years follow-up
Preop BMI 43 25.7% complication rate (10.4% perioperative, 15.3% on long term).

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