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Kaimo Käärmann-Liive, Association of Estonian Cities, Estonia

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Presentation on theme: "Kaimo Käärmann-Liive, Association of Estonian Cities, Estonia"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kaimo Käärmann-Liive, Association of Estonian Cities, Estonia

2 My presentation Creation of social jobs, case of Tallinn, Esotnia
Some general thoughts and examples on job creation and supporting the enterprises, some examples around Estonia

3 Creation of social jobs, Tallinn

4 Creation of social jobs, Tallinn
An overview of the aid package On December 2, 2010  the Tallinn City Council passed a resolution entitled "Second Tallinn City aid package for city residents and entrepreneurs ", which provides entrepreneurs and citizens who are experiencing hardship 53 supporting measures in six important fields.

5 Creation of social jobs, Tallinn
An overview of the aid package The resident and entrepreneur aid package focuses on six fields: - alleviating unemployment; - providing benefits and social aid; - counselling people who are experiencing hardship; - decreasing heating costs; - supporting entrepreneurship and protecting consumers.



8 Creation of social jobs, Tallinn




12 Foto: (Feb 16, 2010)

13 Creation of social jobs, Tallinn (2011-2012)
To create 2000 new jobs in city administration or in the companies belonging to the city cleaning the public transportation vehicles street cleaning, show removal maintaining the city parks, graveyards social assistants school assistants (assistant teachers)

14 Creation of social jobs, Tallinn (2011-2012)
Workshops to the long-termed unemployed (metal, wood, clay) ‘Job-clubs’ job counselling, job offices, job fairs changes in legislation

15 Creation of social jobs, Tallinn (2011-2012)
Also many measures to help to maintain the income/health, like: free public transportation compensation of heating bills free dental care


17 People moving from one sector/job to another
The snow is still on street (why the city is not doing anything)


19 Imavere Municipality




23 2000 jobs lost in ICT sector (Nokia closing down)
“Restructuring area” New jobs in metal industry

24 Thank you!

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