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Hydrogen Alternate Energy.

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1 Hydrogen Alternate Energy

The hydrogen atoms enter A fuel cell at the anode Where a chemical reaction strips them of Their electrons. The hydrogen atoms are now “ionized”, and carry a positive charge. The negatively charged electrons Provide the current through the wires to do work. Oxygen enters the fuel cell at the Cathode and in some cell types , it there combines with electrons returning from the electrical circuit and hydrogen ions that have Traveled through the electrolytes from the anode. Fuel cell will produce electricity as long as fuel is supplied, never losing its charge.

3 Hydrogen Fuel Facts USES -Vehicles -Electricity -Nasa
-Nasa Is the largest users of hydrogen fuel -Nasa began using hydrogen fuel in the 1950’s Today hydrogen fuel is currently used in the same way.

4 Environmental and social cost
Hydrogen fuel cells are expensive to produce due to the platinum used in the separation process of the hydrogen. Hydrogen is very flammable and at risk of exploding, this can be very dangerous to society. Hindenburg hydrogen filled zeppelin Hydrogen is difficult to store; it is stored as a gas and the tanks are big and heavy.

5 Acceptance in society Hydrogen is still fairly new and needs more research; it is still unknown if it would be practical to use on a wide scale basis, many people believe it is not possible. There is only 40 Hydrogen refueling stations in the US, most of which are in California.

6 Cost of technology Hydrogen cells are not energy efficient enough to produce at the current price. The EROI of hydrogen is only .25 meaning it would take 1 barrel of hydrogen to create 1 ¼ barrels of hydrogen Compared to oil which is 1 barrel for 15, It is easy to see which one is more efferent thus cheaper to produce more energy.

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