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ECONOMICS Dana Hanna, Research School of Economics

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1 ECONOMICS Dana Hanna, Research School of Economics

2 What is Economics? Economics is the study of human behavior
Study how economic agents choose to allocate scarce resources How those choices impact on society Economics, at it’s simplest is the study of human behavior. Does that surprise you? Idd you think that was physcology? Well, it’s actually economics (too).

3 Economic activity is all around us
YOU are an economic agent

4 Economic activity is all around us
Everyday we make choices to maximize our well-being

5 Why Economics? Why do diamonds cost more than water??

6 Why Economics? Why did the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) lower interest rates last month??

7 Why Economics? How does your birth order determine your intelligence??

8 Why Economics? Why are some countries rich and some poor??

9 Why Economics? Microeconomics and Public Policy
Macroeconomics and Policy Economics of Industries and Competition Regulation Behavioural Economics and Psychology Money, Banking and Finance Environmental Economics Econometrics and Business Forecasting Business, Managerial and Marketing Economics Public and Political Economics International Economics and International Finance Strategic Thinking and Game Theory Information Economics and Mechanism Design History and Philosophy of Thought Development and Poverty

10 What can I do with Economics?
Public Sector Private Sector Development Environment Health Education Academia

11 What can I do with Economics?
Economists play a crucial role in public policy, and are much in demand in many government departments and corporate organisations. There are many opportunities for economists in international agencies, in areas such as global economic analysis, development, resource management and the environment. Firms employ economists to help understand the wider business environment and guide their business development strategies.

12 What can I do with Economics?
Consultancy and accounting firms employ economists to help guide their clients Financial institutions including banks, and in particular the Reserve Bank of Australia, actively recruit economists to advise them on the state of the economy and on risks from factors such as interest rate changes and exchange rate movements Thriving national and international market for academic economists in high schools, colleges and universities

13 Why Economics at ANU? Economics @ ANU = Research School of Economics

14 Why Economics at ANU? Relevance: Real-world Questions and Solutions
Industry and Policy contributions Research: Research-led frontier thinking and learning Not static skills for just one career Shaping leading thinkers and thinking leaders, not followers Faculty-student interactions a living and ever-growing intellectual family Rigour: Use and Innovate scientific methods in the Humanities World leaders in many fields reside in RSE Disciplined logical thinking, not sound-byte or buzz-word superficial thinking

15 in full-time work four months after graduation
Employment Prospects % of graduates available for full-time work who are in full-time work four months after graduation ANU National Business Studies 77.8% 74.4% Accounting 83.0% 78.9% Economics 95.0% 76.9% Source: Graduate Destinations Survey 2012

16 Median Starting Salary of 2012 Australian Graduates
Pay Prospects Median Starting Salary of 2012 Australian Graduates ANU National Business Studies $55,500 $50,000 Accounting Economics $60,000 $55,000 Source: Graduate Destinations Survey 2013

17 Entry Requirement For 2016: ATAR of 86 No prerequisites
Google “ANU CBE undergraduate guide” BEc entry requirements For 2016: ATAR of 86 No prerequisites Assumed Knowledge for maths---i.e., ACT Math Methods (Tert Major), NSW 2 unit Maths Combine B.Ec with many other degrees: e.g. Math, Computer Science, Actuarial Studies, Arts, Asia-Pacific Studies, Commerce, Engineering, Finance, Laws, Science, and more Undecided? Choose flexible double degree and decide later!

18 Meet our Student Representatives
June Ma Michael Wijnen


20 Take part in the CBE Challenge and scan the QR code

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