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A Man-Machine Graphical Communication System - Ivan Sutherland

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1 A Man-Machine Graphical Communication System - Ivan Sutherland
Sketchpad A Man-Machine Graphical Communication System - Ivan Sutherland

2 Who is ivan sutherland?

3 Childhood Born in 1938 Father a civil engineer, Mother a teacher
A friend of the family, Edmund Berkeley (co-founder of the ACM), lent the family a computer in 1950 Computer called SIMON – a toy computer meant to introduce children to the concept SIMON had 2-bits worth of memory, so not suitable for computations Wrote book in 1949, Giant Brains: or Machines that Think 12th grade science-fair project: Sutherland, Ivan E., An Electro-Mechanical Model of Simple Animals,” Computers and Automation, February, 1958 Published in Edmund Berkeley’s magazine, the first on computers

4 Ivan Sutherland with Sketchpad

5 Thesis Advisers Claude Shannon (father of Information Theory)
Marvin Minsky (father of Artificial Intelligence) Steven Coons (pioneer in graphics, especially interactive graphics) The ‘Ultimate Machine’

6 Lincoln Lab (est. 1952) Product of the Cold War and Post World War II climate Defense project created to address the ‘technology gap’ perceived as the biggest barrier in the Space Race Wesley Clark, a physicist, architected custom computers including the TX-0 and TX-2 (completed in 1958); fired 3 times from Lincoln Lab for ‘insubordination’ Created TX-2 to have a number of ‘interfaces’ Father of ‘first personal computer’

7 Head-mounted Display Work with student Bob Sproull at University of Utah

8 Influenced Alan Kay’s OOP

9 Light Pen

10 Objects Allow for Free Input

11 Constraints Off-load Precision to the Computer

12 Subpicture

13 Copying

14 Ring Structure Separated Types

15 FOV to Scope Uncertainty between Computer and User

16 Displayed Constraints

17 Display Recursive Functions

18 Recursive Copying + Deleting
Expansive Copying – make subpictures withing subpictures Recursive Deletion – removal of certain parts implicates removal of other parts to maintain consistency Recursive Merging – combination of two subpictures implicates other subpictures

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