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PSHE Exploring Change.

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Presentation on theme: "PSHE Exploring Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 PSHE Exploring Change

2 Drawing and sculpting change Images of migration into drama
Exploring Change A map of your life Drawing and sculpting change Images of migration into drama

3 The suggestions offered allow the students to probe more deeply the themes of the play.
Teachers can select and adapt these ideas to meet the needs and interests of particular students. If teachers are aware, or become aware, of students with deeper personal experience with situations of migration, it is advisable that other appropriate staff become involved in the work.

4 1: Discussion and Drawing a map of your life
Exploring Change 1: Discussion and Drawing a map of your life As a class, mind map important things that have happened in your life. In smaller groups, talk about three important things that have happened to you What happened? Did things change afterwards? How did you feel? Individually, draw a map of these things and the road between them. Share in pairs, then share to a larger group, with your partner telling your story.

5 2. Drawing and sculpting - Beautiful Change
Exploring Change 2. Drawing and sculpting - Beautiful Change These activities can help support young people to look at how things are changing all the time….the places we live in and come from, the words that we use… Change can be frightening if it is sudden or violent, or we have no choice about it. But often change can be positive and it can be beautiful. Can you think of examples of beautiful changes?

6 2. Drawing and sculpting - Beautiful Change (cont)
Exploring Change 2. Drawing and sculpting - Beautiful Change (cont) Science and Nature are full of examples of change: flour, eggs and sugar changing into bread or cake; a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly; a child becoming an adult (like Anna or Josip) Draw a picture of things that change from one thing into another Sculpt how one object changes or morphs into another, using clay or Plasticine

7 Exploring Change 3: Images of migration

8 Exploring Change 3: Images of migration
All the images below can be found inprintable form in the Additional Resources section of the Jumping on my Shadow Education Resource site. The ‘Images of migration’ film created for the performance itself will be posted in the Media section of the Additional Resources once the show has opened.

9 Exploring Change 3: Images of migration
Suggestions for how to use the images in drama follow the images below

10 Imagery of refugees in documentary and photographic footage


12 Syria - contemporary Vietnam 1974 Hungary 1956

13 27 photos by Magnum photographers, documenting refugee experiences in the C20th & C21st
THIS EXHIBITION CAN BE SEEN ONLINE Click on front image to access the Flicker archive of the exhibition

14 Dorothea Lange, Migrant families,United States 1930s http://www

15 Ellis Island, Immigration reception Centre, New York, 1900s Interactive Tour:

16 The Jungle, Calais 1999-2016 BBC Newsbeat

17 Burundian refugees in Rwanda 1993

18 Margeret Bourke-White, India/Pakistan, 1947

19 Margeret Bourke-White, India/Pakistan, 1947
The cycle of immigration: Former Bosnian refugees (1990’s) protesting against US immigration policy in St Louis today


See the 100 images of migration exhibition

22 Images of refugees in visual art

Ai Wei Wei

24 http://www. gettyimages. co

25 Ana Maria Pacheco

26 Mona Hartoum

27 Jacob Lawrence Migration Series, USA, 1940-41
Self portrait 1977 Jacob Lawrence Migration Series, USA,

28 James deCaires Taylor

29 THÉODORE GÉRICAULT The Raft of Medusa 1818-19, the Louvre

30 Exploring Change 3: Images of migration
The images above can be used as source material for the various drama and writing exercises in the English section, and could be used to stimulate various discussion generally.

31 Some prompts for creating the tableaux or moving image are:
Exploring Change 3: Images of migration Groups can devise and create an physical image that brings to life a moment of migration or refuge. Some prompts for creating the tableaux or moving image are:

32 Exploring Change 3: Images of migration
What is the story behind your image? Who are the different people in your image? What is their relationship? Who is migrating? Why are they migrating? Are they departing or arriving? Did they have choice leaving home? What do they feel about making the journey? What is the relationship between the different people in the situation? How can you tell this story with just your bodies?

33 Exploring Change 3: Images of migration
Jumping on my Shadow shows that not everyone agrees about the idea of refuge or migration, and tries to show why? Think about who might be looking at your image. What might their opinion be about what you are showing? Might it be the same as your opinion, or different?

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