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About Abt Associates / working with us on PGF

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1 About Abt Associates / working with us on PGF
October 2016

2 Abt Associates Abt Associates is a global leader in the fields of health, social and environmental policy and international development. Globally, Abt has over USD 1 billion international contracts under management and over 2600 staff working in more than 40 countries. Abt Associates is regularly ranked as one of the top 20 global research firms and was named one of the 40 international development innovators.

3 Global Reach More than 40 countries across Asia, Africa, Eurasia, Latin America and Europe

4 Abt Associates Australia
Mission driven and making a difference Our History Our Work 15+ $900AUD MILLION YEARS IN BUSINESS VALUE OF MAJOR PROJECTS “Our work is complex and often takes us to tough environments, so the multidisciplinary expertise we bring to each challenge allows us the advantage of solving it innovatively using various approaches” Dr Jane Thomason, CEO Our Structure Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade recently ranked Abt Associates 1st out of the 10 largest contractors (2013, 2014 & 215). 1st Founded 1999 Joined Abt Associates 2013 CEO Dr Jane Thomason Head Office Asia Pacific Brisbane (80+ Staff) Asia Pacific (600+ Staff) Our Values Mission-Driven. Collaborative. We are united by our mission to improve the lives of people worldwide. We know that working collaboratively produces excellence. Global. We are a global community, bringing diverse knowledge, expertise, and perspectives to the many challenges faced by today's world. Accountable. We take responsibility for what we do and how we do it. Committed to Excellence. Balanced. We sustain the energy and commitment we bring to our roles by promoting a healthy balance between our personal and professional lives. We strive to meet and exceed the highest professional standards. Abt Associates Asia Pacific is a specialist international health and social sector consulting company that provides services to public and private sector clients. Abt Associates Asia Pacific is a wholly owned Australian subsidiary of Abt Associates, regularly ranked as one of the top 20 global research firms and one of the top 40 international development innovators. Our domestic and international clients range from donor agencies, national governments, mining operations and private enterprises and our services span across a number of areas including project management, policy development, service delivery, consulting and training. Working with our many partners, Abt Associates Asia Pacific implements bold, innovative solutions to improve the lives of the community and deliver valued outcomes for our clients. We provide a comprehensive range of services from policy to service delivery in the public and private sectors contributing to long term benefits for clients and communities. Operating in remote and challenging environments, we offer extensive experience in the region, strong technical capacity, and a proven project management track record. OUR MISSION IS TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE AND ECONOMIC WELL-BEING OF PEOPLE WORLDWIDE.

5 Abt Associates Australia Our Expertise and Services
International Health Development Assistance Indigenous Health – Maternal and Child Health (domestic portfolio) Health Impact Assessments Community Health Services for the Extractive Industries – OK Tedi, Lihir Island (Private Sector Engagement) Medical Testing for Workforce Recruitment Health Workforce Recruitment Governance

6 Abt Associates Australia Where we work
Pacific: Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Samoa Asia: Indonesia, Philippines, Mongolia, Vietnam, Timor Leste

7 Papua New Guinea Making an Impact
15+ years working in PNG to improve the wellbeing of citizens Providing health patrols and services to people along the Fly River (NFHSDP 2009-current, MSFHP 2013-current) Working to achieve the goals of the PNG National Health Plan with PNG government and DFAT (HHISP current, HSSP , CBSC , Sanap Wantaim ) Providing support across all health and education procurement and infrastructure activities to support the PNG government (HEPF 2013-current) Abt Associates | pg 7

8 South East Asia & Pacific
Making an Impact Improving women’s economic participation, building markets for women to promote women’s economic empowerment (IWI 2016-current) Investing in human development to improve public services through Australia Timor-Leste Partnership (PHD 2016-current) Improving the social and economic conditions of Indonesian citizens (KOMPAK 2015-current) Empowering Indonesian Women for Poverty Reduction (MAMPU current) Addressing health improvement program in Fiji working on rural and public health (FHSSP current) Tremendous sales year..enormous amount of work biidng and winning..THANK YOU Many of our wins are cross divisional/cross company – One Global Abt in action 1) (DFAT) has awarded Abt Associates the contract to manage Governance for Growth (KOMPAK, value of AU$80 million), a major economic and social sector program in Indonesia -- an Abt priority country -effective leverage of the full capacity of One Global Abt: Abt Associates/IEG/GBDU/Creative svs 2) Different -- New client – Robin Hood foundation; highly focused on technology and Using competition as a motivator

9 Australia Making an Impact
Contribute to Primary Health Care Policy, Practice, Health Planning, Research and Evaluation (PHN current) Improving the health, well-being and self-sufficiency of young parents and their Aboriginal or Torres Straight islander children (ANFPP 2008-current) Tremendous sales year..enormous amount of work biidng and winning..THANK YOU Many of our wins are cross divisional/cross company – One Global Abt in action 1) (DFAT) has awarded Abt Associates the contract to manage Governance for Growth (KOMPAK, value of AU$80 million), a major economic and social sector program in Indonesia -- an Abt priority country -effective leverage of the full capacity of One Global Abt: Abt Associates/IEG/GBDU/Creative svs 2) Different -- New client – Robin Hood foundation; highly focused on technology and Using competition as a motivator

10 Who we work for Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Australian Government Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) Clinton Foundation Australian Department of Health and Aging Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health World Bank Asian Development Bank PNG Private Sector: Ok Tedi Mining Ltd and Ok Tedi Development Foundation

11 Our Executive Team Jane Thomason, Chief Executive Officer
Paul Freer, CFO and VP Clare Woolsey, VP – People & Culture and Marketing Jacqui Delacy, VP – Strategy and Consulting Scott Roantree, VP – Program Delivery Geoff Scahill, GM – Papua New Guinea Karen Harmon, GM – Australian and Pacific Chloe Olliver, GM – Indonesia and South East Asia

12 BNE Program Delivery Team
PGF Mark Power, Senior Program Manager Kelly Thistleton, Program Manager Anita White, Program Coordinator

13 Role of the BNE PGF Team Head Contract management
Responsibility for compliance in program delivery with head contract Project Management and quality assurance Support international recruitment, contracting and contracts management Support international procurement and tendering Program financial management and budgeting

14 Role of the PNG PGF Team provide timely advice on key deliverables, program implementation and regular updates to stakeholders Client and stakeholder liaison and satisfaction PGF reporting

15 Key policies to note Child Protection Policy Code of Conduct
Fraud and Corruption Control Policy Social Media Policy NCTA Performance and Conduct Agreement (clear reporting lines, accountabilities, delegations)

16 Performance counts Performance management is strategic.
A shared understanding about what is to be achieved, to achieve the strategic objectives of the program. Your individual performance and our program performance is evaluated regularly DFAT Program performance expectations DFAT Contractor Performance Assessment Advisor Performance expectations Abt Associates | pg 16

17 Plan for Performance Program Plan Team Plan Individual Plan
Abt Associates | pg 17

18 Your Performance Counts
How can we help you succeed? We are here to help, please do not hesitate to ask for support. Abt Associates | pg 18

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