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Overview of our Capital equipment, apparatus and staffing needs and a capital asset replacement plan Fox River & Countryside Fire/Rescue District January 9, 2017

2 Discussion regarding the referendum and what problems will be addressed? ______________________________________________ Fleet Replacement Plan Equipment Replacement Plan Debt for Apparatus vs. Establish Capital Asset Plan Adequate Personnel staffing Create Sustainable Operation

3 We need a plan to make our District capable, efficient and sustainable
Since the district was formed, there has been no allocation able to be set-aside to provide for funding of vehicles, equipment and future needs.. A plan must be established to properly fund vehicle and equipment replacements along with meeting necessary standards.

4 Reliable apparatus is critical to provide prompt response to an emergency
Presently, there is no Capital Asset Replacement Fund (CARF) developed to provide for replacement cost of apparatus as they age to the end their service life. A plan must be established to properly fund vehicle and equipment replacements WITHOUT USING DEBT

5 Fleet replacement PROGRAM
IMMEDIATE CONCERNS NEED ACTION NOW 25 year old Pumper will cost $ 575,000 to replace Need to order replacement in 2017 = DEBT 7 year old Ambulance will cost $ 250,000 to replace Also for delivery due in 2018 = DEBT RECENT REPLACEMENTS ALREADY INCURRED DEBT 2015 lease of a used Pumper was $565,000 No replacement fund in place – lease financing = DEBT 2016 lease of a used Ambulance was $170,000 No replacement fund in place – lease financing = DEBT Borrowing to pay for vehicles takes away from operating funds

6 Our fleet at a glance Vehicle Unit ID Description Life Est. Repl. Cost
Repl. In Yr. Annual Cost notes Engine 1811 2013 Pumper 10 $ 680,000 2023 $ 68,000 leased 1812 2011 Pumper $ 660,000 2021 $ 66,000 unfunded Reserve 1991 Pumper due $ 580,000 2018 $ 58,000 Ambo 1851 2011 Type 1 $ 230,000 2017 $ 46,000 1852 2015 Type 1 5 $ 250,000 2019 $ 50,000 2010 Type 1 2016 Tender 1821 2011 Tanker $ 400,000 2022 $ 40,000 1822 Utility 1831 2011 brush/plow 8 $ 85,000 $ 10,625 CMD 1802 2011 Command $ 55,000 $ 11,000 1801 2011 Chief Fire Prev. 1804 2011 Staff Boat B2 1995 w/motor 25 $ 45,000 2020 $ 2,250 TOTALS $ 3,725,000

AGING VITAL EQUIPMENT AND RESOURCES Ambulance Cots and Stair Chairs Firefighting Turn Out Gear Hydraulic Extrication Equipment Portable and Mobile Radios Cardiac Lifepacks… and much more No funding currently in place for these items Borrowing takes away from operating funds

8 Other capital needs at a glance
Description Life Est. Repl. Cost Repl. In Yr. Annual Cost notes Purchase extrication equipment – 2 5 $ 60,000 2020 $ 12,000 unfunded Purchase power cots (safety) – 3 $ 40,000 $ 8,000 Purchase stair chairs (safety) – 3 $ 15,000 $ 3,000 Update 10 yr old portable radios – 34 10 $ 260,000 2025 $ 26,000 Update 10 yr old mobile radios – 13 $ 180,000 $ 18,000 Schedule turn out gear replacements - 45 $ 360,000 9 per year $ 72,000 Update 6 yr old cardiac monitors – 6 $ 240,000 1 per year $ 40,000 Replace laryngoscopes w/ new vision – 6 $ 48,000 $ 9,600 Implement NFPA annual fit for duty exams 1 $ 36, 000 Annually $ 36,000 Replace apparatus ground ladders – 16 8 $ 52,000 2 per year $ 6,500 Replace hose on apparatus – 5 vehicles $ 150,000 $ 30,000 Haz mat meters and monitors replacement program 6 $ 3,200 1,450,600

9 How debt affects our operating budget
How debt affects our operating budget ? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Borrowed funds must be first in each budget year * EVENTUALLY NEEDS WILL EXCEED OUR BORROWING CAPABILITY * INTEREST ON DEBT IS BAD USE OF TAXPAYER FUNDS * DOLLARS SPENT ON DEBT = DOLLARS LOST FOR STAFFING * NO SUSTAINABLE FUTURE

10 Current debt service IS 4.6 MILLION OVER THE NEXT 10 YEARS

11 Referendum passes AND 10 Year Funded = DEBT FREE PLUS 2
Referendum passes AND 10 Year Funded = DEBT FREE PLUS 2.6 million FOR REPLACEMENT FUNDS

Building a capable and stable crew equals a sustainable workforce

13 WE NEED TO HAVE Proper staffing for fire attack
At the present time we have only TWO firefighters assigned to the Engine. The NFPA standard recommends that four firefighters respond as a crew on the Engine. Our request would properly staff the crew even if ambulance was on a call

14 WE NEED TO HAVE A higher level of EMS staffing
At the present time we have ONE paramedic and one EMT regularly assigned. Ideally, staffing should consist of two regularly assigned paramedics on the ambulance to avoid pulling crew members off the Engine on advanced life support calls.

15 Let’s start with the personnel needs
We need to restore full time staffing lost due to cuts made Crew was reduced last year, supplemented by part time Part time workforce was established, increased turnover Lack of consistency when filling required duty time Staffing model does not meet NFPA standard

16 Side by side look at staffing Actual versus Requested
After Budget Cuts last year Reduced fire crew to 2 people Ambulance crew of 2 people 65% of calls are Medical Leaves only 2 in station Loss of 6 full time people $1,620,880 staffing cost currently Proper staffing model Restore fire crew to 4 people Ambulance crew of 2 people Ambulance crew are both Medics Allows for second EMS crew when multiple calls in progress Better service & Faster response $2,370,640 proposed staffing cost THE APPROXIMATE INCREASE TOTALS AN ADDITIONAL $750,000

17 OTHER Administrative capital needs
Description Pre-referendum Post-referendum Additional Existing bond debt payment $ 600,000 Increase 25% to $ 750,000 $ 150,000 Building, training and operations $ 650,000 Increase 25% to $ $ 162,500 Establish facility replacement fund $ 0.00 Contribute annually $ 332,500 Establish a proper level reserve $ 60,000 Incr. to 3 mo. operations $ 300,000 TOTAL $ 945,000

18 What is the result of this request?
Program request Amount of funding required Current operating budget for FY 16/17 $ 2, 562,000 Personnel staffing restored $ ,000 Fleet funding program $ ,875 Equipment and Operations funding $ ,300 Administrative Capital funding $ 945,000 Proposed levy funding $4,981,175 An effective and successful Fire and Ambulance Service thriving for many years to come

19 THE GOAL A sustainable operation for fire and ambulance service to the community along with a financially secure Fire District

20 Tax Levy – How do we compare ?
Neighboring Kane County Fire Districts… Burlington Fire Protection District Elburn Countryside Fire Protection District Hampshire Fire Protection District * Pingree Grove Fire Protection District * Bartlett Fire Protection District * South Elgin Fire Protection District Carol Stream Fire Protection District West Chicago Fire Protection District Fox River & Countryside Fire/Rescue District .272 Proposed FRCFR District asking new levy rate of STILL the lowest of all * Denotes potential referendum request pending

21 How does this benefit our community?
Dependable and stable work force with good retention of employees Efficient operations, properly staffed and capable for all emergencies Retains local control of your community fire department Prompt response times across the 38 square miles we serve Maintain or improved ISO insurance ratings Improvements in fire safety and emergency medical standards Adequate funding to our operations and capital programs Reduction of the debt obligations saving taxpayers interest spent Improves our reserves from virtually none to a level considered proper Creates a sustainable model for the future of the Department

22 What am I being asked to consider?
What am I being asked to consider? The ballot question will look like the following… “Shall the extension limitation under the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law for the Fox River & Countryside Fire/Rescue District, Kane and DuPage Counties, Illinois, be increased from the lesser of 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index over the prior levy year to 95% per year for the 2017 levy year?” With the following supplemental information below… “For the 2017 levy year the approximate amount of the additional tax extendable against property containing a single family residence and having a fair market value at the time of the referendum of $100,000 is estimated to be $ 86. Doing the math Rate: Levy: $ 2,562,000 proposed addition to 95% = increase funding received =: $ 2,433,900


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