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A Grad Student Perspective on Field Work at the University of Alberta

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1 A Grad Student Perspective on Field Work at the University of Alberta
Elly Knight & Emily Upham-Mills University of Alberta Field Research Office Information Session January 26, 2017

2 I’m Emily I study singing behavior in the Olive-sided Flycatcher
2017 = 9th field season as a biologist Lots of contract work with federal government, universities and consulting (8 + field seasons!)

3 I’m Elly I study a nocturnal bird, the Common Nighthawk
2017 = 12th field season as a biologist Worked across N America for academia, government, consulting, non-profit

4 We’re from the Bayne lab

5 We use sound to study biodiversity
Autonomous recording units (ARUs) record on a pre-set schedule Great for multiple visits, nocturnal surveys, remote locations, rare species

6 Our work takes us to remote locations

7 We get there in many ways
ATV Helicopter Truck Snowmobile Snowshoe Canoe Fat bike Snowshoe + kid sled? Long line? Canoe on ATV? Snowshoe in wetland?

8 We go at many different times
Spring Day Winter Summer Night Fall

9 We encounter a lot of challenges!

10 FRO helps us prepare for challenges
All the safety materials for the field are in one place Templates for Field Activities Plan & ERP Daily field safety log books Easy equipment rental Helpful and friendly! They keep working on getting all the materials that we need for field work in one place They give us the field safety hand books for free They have equipment available such as bear spray cansiters for helicopters, inReach units and Satellite phones. It is quite easy to rent these. The big advantage of renting is that they take care of contracts and maintenance. I really appreciate this service. Rentals have always been available on time Kim Schaerer is generally very helpful and friendly. FRO is open to talking to researchers to learn about safety information that we need or protocols that we have.

11 Training courses

12 FRO helps us deal with challenges
Hazard assessment tool Satellite phone rental Safety training Elly’s field site

13 FRO helps us grow Continual re-evaluation of our safety program
More hands-on safety & field training More safety equipment for rent

14 Thank you!

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