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Full Sim Status Estel Perez 27 July 2017.

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1 Full Sim Status Estel Perez 27 July 2017

2 Introduction Focusing on tracking efficiency at pT(b)=5000 GeV.
theta distribution (reconstructable) Focusing on tracking efficiency at pT(b)=5000 GeV. Why is it so low in the central region? Checked dependence on: heavy flavour vs light flavour jet events Magnetic field Vertex and tracker granularity eff vs theta (reconstructed/reconstructable) why this drop?

3 Compare heavy flavor (bb) vs light flavor (ll) jet events
theta distribution (reconstructable) bb sample ll sample eff vs theta (reconstructed/reconstructable)  Effect less visible in the light flavor jet sample

4 is it because B-jets have displaced tracks?
BC-had daughters non BC-had daughters Not completely: even if they are not displaced, BC-hadron daughters have lower efficiency maybe because B/C-hadron daughters are closer to each other?

5 tracks are too close to each other?
 plot distance to the closest mcp (charged, stable, pt>1GeV) (there can still be hits from other non-stable or lower pT particles) ll sample When we consider non-displaced tracks, the efficiency curve vs distance to the closest track is very similar (1,2,4). However, B&C-hadron daughters have more often a very close-by track, and therefore they have lower global efficiency bb sample B&C-hadron daughters only without B&C-hadron daughters rvtx<20mm Tracking efficiency vs distance to closest mc particle Distance to closest mc particle 1 2 3 4

6 Overall Efficiency default Granularity ll Eff = rvtx<20mm Eff = bb Eff = B/C hadron, rvtx>20mm Eff = B/C hadron, rvtx<20mm Eff = ! B/C hadron, rvtx<20mm Eff = compare heavy flavour and light flavour jets: see the effect of the displaced tracks (LF jets have more tracks, of lower pT) (remove displaced tracks caused by interaction with the material) HF jets have some displaced tracks -> B/C hadron daughters (very displaced > 20mm) -> B/C hadron daughters (little displaced < 20mm) -> all but B/C hadron daughters (little displaced < 20mm) Effect of B/C-hadron decays giving tracks that are more collimated than LF-hadron decays Effect of B/C-hadron decays giving highly displaced tracks

7 default Granularity B=6T
Could we recover some of the efficiency by separating the track hits further ? If we would increase the magnetic field, tracks of different charges or asymmetric pT would be easier to separate default Granularity default Granularity B=6T ll Eff = PurityEff = bb Eff = Efficiency gets slightly worse (because tracks with pt<1.5 GeV are lost – was 1GeV with 4T) but purity increases significantly (12-15%)  To be investigated, probably many fake low pT tracks are lost as well.

8 Half Pitch in RPhi barrel
Could we recover some of the efficiency by being able to reconstruct close-by hits ? If we would increase the granularity (of the tracker and vertex detector), close-by hits would be easier to reconstruct as such and we’d be able to resolve close-by tracks default Granularity Half Pitch in RPhi barrel Half Pitch in Rphi and z ll Eff = PurityEff = bb Eff = B/C hadron Eff = Resolution in z does have an impact on tracking efficiency (specially in the purity, to be investigated). In the 8th to last layer the pitch is 0.033x0.100 mm, only a factor of 3, so when I set half the z pitch , the Rphi and z pitches become comparable and therefore both relevant.

9 default Granularity B=6T Half Pitch in RPhi barrel
Summary default Granularity default Granularity B=6T Half Pitch in RPhi barrel Half Pitch in Rphi and z ll Eff = PurityEff = bb Eff = B/C hadron Eff = Improving the granularity moderately improves the tracking efficiency It significantly improves the purity – comparable to increasing the B field to 6T

10 Next steps Implement V3.03 (4 close-by layers)
Compare flavor tagging performance Document

11 Backup

12 Recap from past meetings
Tracking Efficiency degrades with jet pT Not due to d0 cut Due (at least partially) to hit confusion: tracks are closer and also they have higher pT so they bend less 50 GeV 500 GeV 5000 GeV 8 hits 7 hits 6 hits

13 Opt3_v02a single point resolution pitch [mm] 10x15000 µm 0.033x51.2

14 Efficiency vs single point resolution
min 8 hits  look at separation at 8th to last layer Efficiency vs single point resolution Central B-jets pT(Bjet)=10 TeV pT(Bjet)=5 TeV pT(Bjet)=2 TeV pT(Bjet)=1 TeV pT(Bjet)=500 GeV pT(Bjet)=200 GeV pT(Bjet)=100 GeV pT(Bjet)=50 GeV high pt samples: it does not get worse anymore since some of the particles have not decayed yet (only considering status 1 particles

15 Efficiency definition (II)
C-hadron Consider only the hits produced by the daughters of the long-lived B and C-hadrons Require generator status==1 Assume: we need to separate the closest pair of daughters  Consider the closest pair of hits in the 4th-to-last layer B-hadron

16 ll 5000 default Granularity

17 ll 5000 default Granularity 6T

18 ll 5000 half Pitch

19 bb 5000 default Granularity

20 bb 5000 default Granularity 6T

21 bb 5000 half pitch

22 bb 5000 default Granularity (only particles from B/C hadron decay)

23 bb 5000 half pitch (only particles from B/C hadron decay)

24 Possibilities: Tracks too close to each other
hit confusion -> low track purity -> low mcp<->track matching efficiency tried loosening track matching purity (bb evts, B&C hadron daughters only) >75%: global Eff = 0.445 >50%: global Eff = 0.526  this is partially the cause

25 Efficiency vs single point resolution
look at separation at 4th to last layer Efficiency vs single point resolution Vertical line shows the default 10x100 [μm] pT(Bjet)=10 TeV pT(Bjet)=5 TeV pT(Bjet)=2 TeV pT(Bjet)=1 TeV pT(Bjet)=500 GeV pT(Bjet)=200 GeV pT(Bjet)=100 GeV pT(Bjet)=50 GeV

26 Efficiency vs single point resolution
look at separation at 6th to last layer Efficiency vs single point resolution Central B-jets pT(Bjet)=10 TeV pT(Bjet)=5 TeV pT(Bjet)=2 TeV pT(Bjet)=1 TeV pT(Bjet)=500 GeV pT(Bjet)=200 GeV pT(Bjet)=100 GeV pT(Bjet)=50 GeV

27 Tracking at high jet pT MC particle Efficiency: reconstructed/reconstructable Reconstructable: mc particle (pt>0.1GeV, cosTheta<0.99) charged stable (generatorStatus==1) At least 4 hits associated Reconstructed There’s a track with >75% of its hits associated to this mcp Track Purity: pure/reconstructed Reconstructed: track Pure: track with 75% of its hits coming from the same mcp

28 overall Eff vs Purity as function on min Num of Hits in track
50 GeV 500 GeV 5000 GeV 8 hits 7 hits 6 hits

29 overall Eff vs Purity as function of min Num of Hits in track for tracks coming from B or C hadrons & their daughters 8 hits 7 hits 6 hits 8 hits 50 GeV 500 GeV 5000 GeV 7 hits 8 hits 6 hits 7 hits 6 hits

30 Why such low efficiency?
Check efficiency dependence on jet PT

31 500 GeV 8 hits Top: reconstructable mc particles; Bottom: efficiency
Pt R prod vtx d0 z0 theta DRclosest mcp

32 1000 GeV 8 hits Top: reconstructable mc particles; Bottom: efficiency
Pt R prod vtx d0 z0 theta DRclosest mcp efficiency for close-by particles starts dropping

33 2000 GeV 8 hits Top: reconstructable mc particles; Bottom: efficiency
Pt R prod vtx d0 z0 theta DRclosest mcp efficiency for very central particles starts dropping

34 dramatic drop in theta and DR
5000 GeV 8 hits Top: reconstructable mc particles; Bottom: efficiency Pt R prod vtx d0 z0 theta DRclosest mcp dramatic drop in theta and DR not only tracks are closer, but they have higher pT so they bend less

35 Tried open up d0 cut  eff did not change narrow down badchi2 cut
d0<10 mm: global Eff = 0.445 d0<20 mm: global Eff = 0.446 d0<20 mm: global Eff = 0.445 narrow down badchi2 cut badchi2 <5: global Eff = – default badchi2 <3: global Eff = 0.458 loose track matching purity >75%: global Eff = 0.445 >50%: global Eff = 0.526

36 purity for mcp<->track matching = 75%
Eff = 0.445

37 purity for mcp<->track matching = 50%
Eff = 0.526 When we relax the matching criteria, the efficiency improves  inefficiency due (at least partially) to hit confusion


39 min 8 hits  look at separayion at 8th to last layer
Central B-jets pT(Bjet)=10 TeV pT(Bjet)=5 TeV pT(Bjet)=2 TeV pT(Bjet)=1 TeV pT(Bjet)=500 GeV pT(Bjet)=200 GeV pT(Bjet)=100 GeV pT(Bjet)=50 GeV

40 look at separation at 6th to last layer
Central B-jets pT(Bjet)=10 TeV pT(Bjet)=5 TeV pT(Bjet)=2 TeV pT(Bjet)=1 TeV pT(Bjet)=500 GeV pT(Bjet)=200 GeV pT(Bjet)=100 GeV pT(Bjet)=50 GeV

41 look at separation at 4th to last layer
Central B-jets pT(Bjet)=10 TeV pT(Bjet)=5 TeV pT(Bjet)=2 TeV pT(Bjet)=1 TeV pT(Bjet)=500 GeV pT(Bjet)=200 GeV pT(Bjet)=100 GeV pT(Bjet)=50 GeV

42 layer1 layer2 layer3 layer4 layer5 layer6 layer7 layer1 layer2 layer3 layer4 layer5 layer6 pass

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