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Chemistry SOL Review Day 2

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1 Chemistry SOL Review Day 2

2 UNIT 6 – Ionic Bonding The electrons in the outermost level or shell are called the ________________ electrons.  Valence Atoms want to be stable, which means they try to achieve a ____________________ configuration.  Noble Gas To become an ion, atoms will ______________ or ________________ electrons. Gain or lose

3 UNIT 6 – Ionic Bonding What kind of ion does Calcium become? 2+
A bromine ion (Br-) has ________ electrons and _______ protons.  36, 35 A magnesium ion (Mg2+) has _________ electrons and _______ protons. 10, 12

4 UNIT 6 – Ionic Bonding A cation is a _________ charged ion. Positively
An anion is a _____ charged ion.  Negatively Ionic bonds form between ___ &_____. Positive & negative ions Metals & Nonmetals

5 UNIT 6 – Ionic Bonding Ionic compounds have ________ melting points because of the strong forces within. High An alloy is a mixture of two __________. Metals

6 UNIT 6 – Ionic Bonding Name the following ionic compounds. KBr K2O
MgBr2 Cu(OH)2 Ca3(PO4)2

7 UNIT 6 – Ionic Bonding Write formulas for the following ionic compounds. Copper (I) oxide Aluminum oxide Lead (IV) sulfide Lead (IV) nitride Lithium chloride

8 2009 SOL Question How many electrons does the iron ion have when it forms the ionic compound FeCl3? F 20 G 23 H 26 J 29

9 UNIT 7 – Covalent Bonding
When two nonmetals join together, they form a covalent bond by __ their electrons. Sharing Most atoms that form covalent bonds connect so each atom has _____ valence electrons. 8

10 UNIT 7 – Covalent Bonding
Name the 7 diatomic elements Name the following molecular compounds. N2O CO2 C2H6 H2S N2O4

11 UNIT 7 – Covalent Bonding
Write the chemical formula for each of the following molecular compounds. Carbon monoxide Dihydrogen monoxide Phosphorus trichloride Carbon tetrahydride Dicarbon tetrahydride

12 UNIT 7 – Covalent Bonding
Draw the Lewis structure or structural formula of each of the following and determine its shape. SiCl4 SCl2 PF3 AsF5 BF3

13 UNIT 7 – Covalent Bonding
If there is a LARGE difference in electronegativity, it will result in a ____________ bond. Ionic A medium difference in electronegativity will result in a _________ covalent bond. Polar A very small difference will result in a ____ covalent bond. Nonpolar

14 UNIT 8 – Chemical Reactions
The chemicals used to start a chemical reaction are called the _____ Reactants The chemicals that come out of a reaction are the _____ Products If something is written above the arrow, it is a _____ Catalyst

15 UNIT 8 – Chemical Reactions
Balance the following reactions. a. CuCl H2S  CuS HCl b. Fe + O2  Fe2O3 c. P + O2  P4O10 d. Na + H2O  H2 + NaOH e. FeCl3 + Ca[OH]2  Fe(OH)3 +CaCl2

16 UNIT 8 – Chemical Reactions
Classify the following reactions (synthesis, decomp, SR, DR, combustion, neutralization) 4Fe + 3O2  2Fe2O3 2C6H O2  14 H2O + 12 CO2 2AlCl3  2Al Cl2 Zn + H2SO4  Zn SO4 + H2 AgNO3 + NaCl  AgCl + NaNO3 NaOH + HCl  H2O + NaCl

17 UNIT 9 – Molar Conversions
The _____ is the lowest whole number ratio of elements in a compound. Empirical formula The __________ formula is the actual ratio of elements in a compound. Molecular formula

18 UNIT 9 – Molar Conversions
What is the empirical formula of C6H12O6?  CH2O What is the empirical formula of C3H6?  CH2 A compound has an empirical formula of ClCH2 and a molar mass of g/mol. What is its molecular formula? Cl3C3H6

19 UNIT 9 – Molar Conversions
Calculate the percent composition of sodium in sodium chloride (NaCl). 23/( ) = 39% 1 mole = how many particles? 6.022 x 1023 How many atoms of oxygen are in a 17.3 g sample? 6.51 x 1023

20 Organic Chemistry Organic compounds contain _______
Carbon (Which of the following is organic) Organic compounds are often made of repeating subunits True or False True Which of the following is NOT an organic molecule? Methane (CH4), DNA, Ammonia (NH3), Nylon Ammonia

21 Organic Chemistry The properties & reactivity of an organic compound depend on its _____________ Structure Which is a naturally occurring polymer? Nylon Protein Plastic

22 Organic Chemistry What is the ending of an organic hydrocarbon with a double bond? -Ene Which is a saturated hydrocarbon? Identify the functional group.

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