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—looks at the “big picture” thru data reduction

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Presentation on theme: "—looks at the “big picture” thru data reduction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistics—the art and science of collecting and understanding data (recorded information)
—looks at the “big picture” thru data reduction —can pay appropriate attention to individuals Useful for: • Financial Statements • Personnel Records • Prices/Rates/Quantity • Production Quality • Sales/Market Reports • Opinion Polls • Economic/Demographic Conditions & Trends

2 Population — Parameter Basic Activities of Statistics
Sample — Statistic Basic Activities of Statistics Design a Plan for Data Collection Exploring the Data Estimate an Unknown Quantity Test Hypotheses Model the Data

3 Four Functions of Data Reduction Types of Statistical Analyses
• Summarization • Communication • Conceptualization • Interpolation Types of Statistical Analyses Descriptive Analysis Inferential Analysis Differences Analysis Associative Analysis Predictive Analysis

4 Nonprobability Samples
Sampling Methods Simple Random Sampling Systematic Sampling Convenience Sampling Judgment Sampling Referral Sampling Sample Bias Probability Samples Nonprobability Samples

5 Variables—characteristics of a population
Values—the observations of a variable discrete variables— a specific set/list of values continuous variables— “infinite” set of values Data Coding—assign values to observations independent variable—influencing variable dependent variable—variable being influenced

6 Cross-Sectional data—one point in time
Time-Series data—same population over time —(longitudinal study) Qualitative data versus Quantitative data Univariate / Bivariate / Multivariate data Primary versus Secondary data

7 Levels of Measurement Nominal—name / classification only Ordinal—order / ranking possible Interval—equal distances apart / arbitrary zero Ratio—equal distances apart / true zero

8 Measures of Central Tendency
Mode—most frequently occurring value Median—the middle value in an ordered set Mean—the average of all observations Appropriateness of these measures? Limitations of these measures? =

9 Measures of Dispersion
Range—lowest to highest Percentiles—25%, 50%, 75% Interquartile Range—middle 50% Deviations—distances from means Variance—sum of squared deviations / (n-1) ( ) x n i - = å 1 2 s = 2

10 Measures of Dispersion
Standard Deviation—the average distance from the mean, in absolute terms Coefficient of Variation—compares deviations of different samples / variables 2 s = s cv =

11 Normal Distribution—ideal, bell-shaped curve
Empirical Rule —68% of values w/in 1 standard deviation —95% of values w/in 2 standard deviations —99.7% of values w/in 3 standard deviations Sampling Distribution—a distribution of all sample means yields a normal distribution

12 Central Limit Theorem—if we take many random samples of sufficient size (n > 30) then the sampling distribution of means from these random samples will form a normal distribution Z-Values / Z-Scores—individual deviation Z-Score = individual value — mean standard deviation

13 Graphical Representation of Data
Pie Charts Bar Charts Histogram Boxplot (Box and Whisker Plot) Stem and Leaf Plot Scatterplot

14 Types of Distributions
Normal Uniform Symmetric Skewed (Positive / Negative) Binomial Bimodal Tchebysheff’s Theorem 1 — (for k>1) 1 k 2

15 Types of Questions Open-Ended versus Closed-Ended Dichotomous versus Multiple Category Scaled-Response Modified Likert Scale (Agree/Disagree) Semantic-Differential Scale (Opposites) Stapel Scale (one dimension measured) (often 10 responses)

16 Sampling Error—the difference between the sample finding and the true population
It is the error that occurs from sample use It is caused by: (1) the sampling method and (2) the size of the sample If we know that a sample (and statistics) will not perfectly reflect the population, how can we measure (account for) accuracy? Or, how far off could our measures be? Based on: (1) Sample Size and (2) Variability

17 Standard Error—indicates approximately how far the observed value for the statistic is from the true population value The standard error indicates the amount of uncertainty in a sample statistic—how far it could be from the population parameter The standard deviation indicates the amount of variability among individual observations in a sample—how far they are from average Standard error = the standard deviation of the Theoretical Sampling Distribution

Where… = standard error of the mean s = standard deviation of the sample n = the sample size

Where… = standard error of the mean p = the sample percentage q = (100-p) n = the sample size

20 Point Estimation—calculating and reporting a single value to estimate a parameter
So, how do we account for accuracy? Use: Confidence Interval—a range of values that have some known probability of containing the "true" population value —or— a range of values that should include an unknown parameter a certain percent of the time The interval width will be affected by the standard error and confidence level desired

21 CONFIDENCE INTERVALS to Estimate the Population Mean
to Estimate the Population Percentage For Z, use 1.65 at 90% confidence, use 1.96 at 95% confidence, and use 2.58 at 99% confidence

22 Interpreting the Confidence Interval
Correct: 95% of all such intervals will contain the true population parameter Correct: We are 95% confident that the interval covers the true population parameter DO NOT say that we are 95% confident that the population parameter is in the interval Why?—because the parameter is fixed The parameter does not vary from sample to sample; it is either in the interval or it is not

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