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Presentation on theme: "Balance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Balance

2 Balance The resolution of interacting forces, attractions or weights. Also known as equilibrium. There are no absolute rules for the creation of good design. However there are suggested principles that lead to a greater amount of balance, such as…

3 Balance Large objects and spaces appear heavier than small ones, but a grouping of small objects can balance a large object.

4 Balance Opaque materials appear heavier than transparent materials.
Bright, warm, dark-patterned colors appear heavier than grayed, cool, light colors.

5 Balance Textures and patterns hold one’s attention longer than smooth, plain surfaces. Unusual and unique shapes and objects have importance beyond their size.

6 Balance Contrasting textures, patterns, and colors have greater impact than close harmonies. Objects above eye level appear to be heavier than objects placed below eye level.

7 Balance Brightly-lighted areas attract more attention than dimly lit areas. Strong contrasts add weight.

8 Types of Balance… Symmetrical Asymmetrical Radial Formal Balance
One side of the room is the mirror image of the other Easiest balance to create Asymmetrical Informal Balance Visual weights are equal, but elements are different in size, form, color, pattern, and spacing More lasting appeal Radial Furnishings or patterns are arranged in a circular manner.

9 Symmetrical Balance

10 Symmetrical Balance

11 Asymmetrical Balance

12 Asymmetrical Balance

13 Radial Balance

14 What kind of balance do you see?

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