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Statistics Statistics is that field of science concerned with the collection, organization, presentation, and summarization of data, and the drawing of.

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Presentation on theme: "Statistics Statistics is that field of science concerned with the collection, organization, presentation, and summarization of data, and the drawing of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistics Statistics is that field of science concerned with the collection, organization, presentation, and summarization of data, and the drawing of inferences about whole body of data when only a small part of the data is observed or examined.

2 Biostatistics: Is that field of statistics in which the data being analyzed were derived from the biological sciences and medicine.

3 Uses of statistics:

4 Data: The raw material of statistics Value: It is the numerical representative of the measurement of the variable.

5 Sources of data:

6 Variables are one of two types 1-Quantitative variable
Any characteristic that can take different values in different occasions, places, persons, and time. e.g. Height, weight, age, etc... Variables are one of two types 1-Quantitative variable 2-Qualitative variable (categorical)

7 There is another classification of variables according to;
There is another classification of variables according to; 1-Nominal scale: 2-Ordinal scale: 3-Intervale scale: 4-Ratio scale:

8 Population:

9 Sample:

10 Sampling

11 Reasons for sampling:

12 1-non-probability sampling (non-random sampling) .

13 2-probability sampling (random sampling):

14 Random sampling:

15 There are different methods of random sampling;
A-Simple random sampling: B-Systematic random sampling C-Stratified random sampling D-Multistage random sampling E-Cluster random sampling

16 Sampling error

17 The causes of sampling error due to samples variation:

18 The causes of sampling error not due to samples variation:

19 Standardization:

20 Reproducibility:

21 Calibration:

22 Calibration: Intra-examiner: one examiner
Inter examiner: more than one examiner

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