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Unit 2 Day 6 Second Great Awakening Quote: “A peculiar sensation came over me. My heart beat tumultuously, my knees trembled, my lips quivered, and I felt.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 Day 6 Second Great Awakening Quote: “A peculiar sensation came over me. My heart beat tumultuously, my knees trembled, my lips quivered, and I felt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 Day 6 Second Great Awakening Quote: “A peculiar sensation came over me. My heart beat tumultuously, my knees trembled, my lips quivered, and I felt as though I must fall to the ground.” - James Finely Essential Question(s): Why was there a religious revival during the first half of the 19th century? Specified Content: The Second Great Awakening, “revivalism” and the growth of the Baptists and Methodists, Joseph Smith and the growth of the Mormons, African American worship State Standards: Strand 1: Concept 4 PO 6

2 Second Great Awakening
Between 1790 and 1850 American went through a religious revival known as the Second Great Awakening. In 1800 only 1 in 15 people belonged to a church, by 1850 the number was 1 in 6.

3 Preachers began moving away from the Calvinist idea of predestination and started preaching individual responsibility for salvation.

4 During events known as revivals, participants would study the bible and their soul during the day and listen to emotional preaching in the evening. Some of these revivals had up to 20,000 participants.

5 Groups like the Baptists and Methodists were the first to let African Americans (even slaves) worship in their churches. In the South, African Americans interpreted the sermons to be a promise of freedom for their people

6 In 1830, Joseph Smith and some of his followers will form the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons). The Mormons will be persecuted for some of their beliefs and will eventually move west into present day Utah.

7 Activity Write the following questions:
Who was the author of this work? When did the event take place? Do you think the author’s experience was typical of most of the participants?

8 James Finely, 1801 after attending a revival at Cane Ridge, Kentucky
“The noise was like the roar of Niagara. The vast sea of human beings seemed to be agitated as if by a storm. I counted seven ministers, all preaching at one time, some on stumps, others on wagons ... Some of the people were singing, others praying, some crying for mercy. A peculiarly strange sensation came over me. My heart beat tumultuously, my knees trembled, my lips quivered, and I felt as though I must fall to the ground.”

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