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Published byMeryl Stone Modified over 7 years ago
Congregational Life & Renewal Cycle MC Saskatchewan
Betty Pries L3 Consulting Group
Lord of Mercy Lord of mercy breathe o’er us Your warm breath of life Remind us who we are again Prince of Peace call your people To rise up as one The Kingdom of God is at hand
Spirit blow through us the fire-winds of hope ‘Till our hearts burn for justice in love Blow soon on this dry, frozen land Have mercy upon us once more
Leader: O Lord, let my soul rise up to meet you
Saturday Morning Prayer Refresh, Refocus, Renew Mini-Retreat Saturday, April 29, 2017 Leader: O Lord, let my soul rise up to meet you People: as the day rises to meet the sun. All: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen. Leader: Come, let us bow down and bend the knee: let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. Hymn: HWB #6, Here in this place
Refrain: Show us your way, O Lord: and we will walk it to the end
Refrain: Show us your way, O Lord: and we will walk it to the end. Psalm 139:1, 6-9 Leader: LORD, you have searched me out and known me: People: you know my sitting down and my rising up; you discern my thoughts from afar. Leader: Where can I go then from your Spirit? People: where can I flee from your presence? Leader: If I climb up to heaven, you are there: People: if I make the grave my bed, you are there also. Leader: If I take the wings of the morning: People: and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Leader: even there your hand will lead me: People: and your right hand hold me fast.
Scripture Readings: Isaiah 43:14-21, Acts 2:1-8, 11b-13 Refrain: Show us your way, O Lord: and we will walk it to the end. Hymn: HWB 545, Be thou my vision Prayer: Blessing: May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you: wherever he may send you; May he guide you through the wilderness: protect you through the storm; May he bring you home rejoicing: at the wonders he has shown you; May he bring you home rejoicing: once again into our doors.
Agenda Opening Remarks Survey Data & Discussion
Congregational Life Cycle Renewal Journey Implications for MC Saskatchewan Closing
Opening Questions or comments from last night?
Opening Questions or comments from last night?
Prayer seems to be a meeting place for people from across the theological spectrum
77 respondents from 29 congregations
Survey Data Review 77 respondents from 29 congregations
Survey Data Review Respondents by age
Survey Data Review Length of time with MC Saskatchewan
Survey Data Review Summary Questions:
What do you love about the church? What gives you encouragement or discouragement? What do you hope for and what are you excited about? What do you see emerging for your church and MC Saskatchewan?
Survey Data Review What do you love about the church?
Worship, spiritual nourishment, developing & deepening a relationship with God. Belonging, connection, sense of family Sense of purpose and meaning Anabaptist faith tradition Place of service
Survey Data Review What gives you encouragement?
Acts of mission & ministry, reaching beyond our walls Development of faith among (young) people Acts of loving kindness & mutual care Sense of welcome to newcomers
Survey Data Review What discourages you?
Declining / sporadic dependence Tilt toward aging congregations Decreased commitment to ministries/committees Shrinking / tight budgets When differences lead to divisions between people
Survey Data Review What gives you hope / excites you?
Ministry projects that tear down barriers, open congregations to the world and our rooted in Mennonite identity Young people growing in faith
Survey Data Review What do you sense emerging for your congregation & MC Saskatchewan? Tough question Most common answer: Continued relationships built on love, service, mutual care, following Jesus
Survey Data Review What do you sense emerging for your congregation & MC Saskatchewan? Goals for MC Sask: To be like an extended family where we are loved, accepted, challenged To value one another even across differences Reality: MC Sask may need to change to fit with current context
Survey Data Review What do you sense emerging for your congregation & MC Saskatchewan? In summary, the MC Saskatchewan is more about community, relationships and belonging than about structure...
Survey Data Discussion
What did you hear / see that resonates with your experience? What would you add / remove / say differently?
A few comments Survey suggests many experience church, MC Saskatchewan creating meaning, purpose belonging The survey results notwithstanding... 21st C need of many (often younger people) in and beyond our pews: meaning, purpose, belonging (and spiritual depth) that current ways of doing church do not always speak into
Congregational Life Cycle
Congregational Life Cycle Exercise
What has been the “river” history of MC Saskatchewan? We will draw this river together.
The Grand Narrative Suffering Awe, Wonder Transformation
Note a linear trajectory... This model has been modified from the work of Dorothee Sölle.
Congregational Life & Renewal Cycle
Struggle Surrender Listening Creative (Re)Formation Thriving
Congregational Life Cycle
Struggle Creative Formation Thriving These three stages of the cycle have been modified from the work of Mary Huyke & Daniel P. Smith.
Congregational Life Cycle
Creative Formation
Congregational Life Cycle
Creative Formation Conception and Birth Clear Purpose God’s Presence = near High Energy Intentional & Self-Limiting Unity Structure begins to emerge
Congregational Life Cycle
Creativity & Formation Vision is known, felt, real Unity around vision, new people drawn in Close relationships God is felt as real & present in everything Vision driven structure begins to emerge KEY QUESTIONS Who are we? Who is our neighbour? Why are we here? What shall we do? “Who do you say that I am?” Creative Formation
Congregational Life Cycle
Congregational Life Cycle
Thriving Excellence & Stability We know why we exist We do what we do well People are attracted to our programs Policies & procedures (the way we do things) develop Structure embedded Energy for new begins to level off Focus = improving what works
Congregational Life Cycle
Thriving Key to attend to CF questions Excellence & Stability Churches can stay here for a long time, so long as answers to CF questions don’t change…
Congregational Life Cycle
Congregational Life Cycle
Struggle Protect & Maintain Thriving is seductive… Energy slips Denial Structure drives mission Mission, vision must be written down Recruiting volunteers takes effort Deep desire to recapture what was Key shift from denial to facing reality
Congregational Life Cycle
Struggle Crisis & Confusion Pain. Sorrow. Grief. Blame Loss of congregational self-esteem “We are not who we thought we were.” Energy becomes unfocused Goal: Anything to save us from our death Key shift from blame to curiosity
Congregational Life Cycle
Struggle Crisis & Confusion Sometimes this leads to a painful death Key shift from blame to curiosity
Congregational Life Cycle
Protect & Maintain, Crisis & Confusion Creative Formation Thriving Where do you believe your congregation / MC Sask is on the life cycle?
Hymn to Greet the Afternoon
Longing for Light, STJ 54
Renewal Journey Given what we have said so far... what would you see as the core characteristics of the renewal journey? Think about this on your own, then we will talk in pairs.
The Grand Narrative Suffering Awe, Wonder Transformation
Note a linear trajectory...
Congregational Life & Renewal Cycle
Struggle Surrender Listening Creative (Re)Formation Thriving
Creative (re)Formation
Renewal Journey Surrender Listening Creative (re)Formation These three stages of the cycle have been modified from the work of C. Otto Scharmer.
Renewal Journey Surrender
Renewal Journey Opening our Minds Opening our Hearts Opening our Souls
Surrender Opening our Minds Opening our Hearts Opening our Souls Note Journey goes down before it comes up!!!
Surrender – Opening our Minds
Asking God to help us really see Seeing current reality as fully as possible (who we are and who we are not, our patterns) All that is good and all that is challenging Suspend voice of judgment Frog analogy
Surrender – Opening our Hearts
Asking God to help us hear Dialogue & deep listening among leaders and congregation Holding our truth with humility Listening for the truth of the other Suspend voice of cynicism and denial
Surrender – Opening our Hearts
What are we grieving? Where do we feel alive / broken? How are we experiencing our faith and our community? How real can we be with one another?
Surrender – Opening our Wills
Asking God to help us be Letting go of our attachments to what was and what is in order to allow that which is to come This is where most congregations / denominations stop the potential of their renewal journey Suspend voice of fear
Surrender – Opening our Wills
It is easier to act ourselves into surrender than to think ourselves into surrender. It is hard to genuinely let go without some physical act to mark our commitment to doing so. Tell MMC story & FMC – talk about Dundas and fear of moving seats.
Tale of Two Congregations
Congregation A Fear of loss From 600 to 200 Head People People sat 1 – 2 / pew Resisted letting go Spent time in debate Developed a plan Congregation B Nothing left to lose From 200 to 40 Heart People People sat 1 – 2 / pew Embraced letting go Spent time in listening Discerned a plan
Renewal Journey Listening
Renewal Journey Listening for God to speak Discovery of our true self
Recalling our core purpose
Waiting/Listening for God’s Voice
Listening for the future to which God is calling MC Sask. Awakening to God’s presence around us. Listening for the Spirit as it wishes to speak This is not so much something we discover as it is a gift given to us. Wait, listen, wait, listen… spiritual discipline – especially for people in the West.
Waiting/Listening for God’s Voice
Listening for the future to which God is calling the congregation. Awakening to God’s presence around us. Listening for the Spirit as it wishes to speak Waiting, being fully present in God’s presence, listening, praying, discerning… This is not so much something we discover as it is a gift given to us. Wait, listen, wait, listen… spiritual discipline – especially for people in the West.
Waiting/Listening for God’s Voice
What has been your personal experience with entering a space of waiting and listening for God? This is not so much something we discover as it is a gift given to us. Wait, listen, wait, listen… spiritual discipline – especially for people in the West.
Waiting/Listening for God’s Voice
Be still & know Prayer This is not so much something we discover as it is a gift given to us. Wait, listen, wait, listen… spiritual discipline – especially for people in the West.
Waiting/Listening for God’s Voice
Intention Daily personal time Regular collective commitments to prayer Attention Without ceasing To the burning bush moments Key: Prayer that teaches capacity to listen This is not so much something we discover as it is a gift given to us. Wait, listen, wait, listen… spiritual discipline – especially for people in the West.
Waiting/Listening for God’s Voice
Discerning the future to which God is calling To what purpose is God calling MC Sask? What specific actions will lead to this purpose? This is not so much something we discover as it is a gift given to us. Wait, listen, wait, listen… spiritual discipline – especially for people in the West.
Waiting/Listening for God’s Voice
Survey suggested many experience church, MC Saskatchewan creating meaning, purpose, belonging 21st C need of many (often younger people) in and beyond our pews: meaning, purpose, belonging (and spiritual depth) that current ways of doing church do not always speak into How can we listen for God in this regard? How might God use our gift of MPB to speak to the world’s need? How might we be asked to grow?
Waiting/Listening for God’s Voice
Discerning the future to which God is calling To what purpose is God calling? Sometimes we are called to… Grow Deepen Close Develop a niche Develop a new ministry This is not so much something we discover as it is a gift given to us. Wait, listen, wait, listen… spiritual discipline – especially for people in the West.
Waiting/Listening for God’s Voice
Discerning the future to which God is calling Provide space for observation & listening Allow dialogue / discernment Listen as searchers together This is not so much something we discover as it is a gift given to us. Wait, listen, wait, listen… spiritual discipline – especially for people in the West.
Waiting/Listening for God’s Voice
How do we know something is of God? Synergy? Surprising? Sense of calm / peace (& just a hint of fear)? Resonance at mind, heart, soul? Genuinely humbling? Attentive to deeper truth in alternate voices? This is not so much something we discover as it is a gift given to us. Wait, listen, wait, listen… spiritual discipline – especially for people in the West.
Creative (Re)Formation
Renewal Journey Creative (Re)Formation Incarnating God’s Call
Creative (Re)Formation
At this stage, people are advised to act quickly. Why? This is not so much something we discover as it is a gift given to us. Wait, listen, wait, listen… spiritual discipline – especially for people in the West.
Creative (Re)Formation
Testing ideas before they are fully formed… Keeps us humble Less singular ownership Practices / models hearing God’s voice from those on the periphery Builds broad ownership Allows us to practice action Refines the idea and makes it better This is not so much something we discover as it is a gift given to us. Wait, listen, wait, listen… spiritual discipline – especially for people in the West.
Creative (Re)Formation
Based on feedback… Reflect Refine Act This is not so much something we discover as it is a gift given to us. Wait, listen, wait, listen… spiritual discipline – especially for people in the West.
Creative (Re)Formation
Based on feedback… Reflect Refine Act Spiritual Discipline: Trust This is not so much something we discover as it is a gift given to us. Wait, listen, wait, listen… spiritual discipline – especially for people in the West.
Creative (Re)Formation
Living the Journey together Practice openness / listening for God. Engage one another with humility and courage. Be patient with one another. This is not so much something we discover as it is a gift given to us. Wait, listen, wait, listen… spiritual discipline – especially for people in the West.
The Renewal Journey Challenges along the way Exhaustion
Impatience, desire for a technical (quick) solution Fear of going into the listening space Attachments Desire to control outcome Inexperience Fear of taking action This is not so much something we discover as it is a gift given to us. Wait, listen, wait, listen… spiritual discipline – especially for people in the West.
The Renewal Journey Principles
Renewal is first and foremost a spiritual journey. We must look into the face of our dying before we can discover the face of new life. Renewal does not happen without change. Change can create anxiety, sabotage, emotional pain, conflict. Patience and care for one another is pivotal in times of change. This is not so much something we discover as it is a gift given to us. Wait, listen, wait, listen… spiritual discipline – especially for people in the West.
Congregational Renewal
Struggling Surrender Listening Creative (Re)Formation Thriving For congregations who become practiced in this work, engaging in the journey is as normal as the act of breathing.
A Word of Comfort and Hope
For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me, says the Lord… Jeremiah 29:
Congregational Renewal
Struggling Surrender Listening Creative (Re)Formation Thriving
Implications for MC Sask
How does MC Sask open itself to God’s leading? What questions are you being asked to bring to God as a collective of congregations?
Implications for MC Sask
Question ideas re: to bring to God God, how are you inviting us to deepen our faith and release our longing for you into the world? Practically, what does it mean for us as Mennonite Church Saskatchewan to align our ministries with our commitment to you? How are you calling us to deepen our trust in one another?
Next Steps A season of prayer, opening to God and listening for God to speak Personal prayer, listening stance Regular invitations to be in prayer Congregational prayer that opens to God Opportunities for conversation Meeting, September 15 & 16, 2017 to harvest our learning & listening
Closing Hymn The Lord lift you up, STJ 73
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