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Gender Equality Population.

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Presentation on theme: "Gender Equality Population."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender Equality Population

2 Population: Gender Equality
OVERVIEW Stereotypes History of women’s rights Statistics Solutions

3 Population: Gender Equality
STEREOTYPES Stereotypes are oversimplified ideas of a particular type of person (or idea, or place) that many people believe are true. They are often negative.

4 Population: Gender Equality

5 Population: Gender Equality
GENDER STEREOTYPES More examples: “Like a girl” “Be a man”

6 Population: Gender Equality
HISTORY Women were seen as less than men Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper, Thy head, thy sovereign . . . Women couldn’t stand up for themselves

7 Population: Gender Equality
THE SUFFRAGETTES Women could not vote before 1920s In the 1860s they formed ‘Suffragette’ Societies to bring the unfairness of this to light

8 Population: Gender Equality
THE SUFFRAGETTES The Suffragettes were not welcomed

9 Population: Gender Equality
VOTES FOR WOMEN In 1918 Women finally got the vote, but not fully until the 1920s – and still not everybody agreed with this. A 1920 anti-Suffragettes postcard

10 Population: Gender Equality
AFTER THE VOTE 1920: Women could become lawyers 1922: Women could inherit property 1929: Women became ‘persons’ by law 1970: Equal Pay Act makes it illegal to pay women at different rates 1980 : Women allowed to borrow in their own name 1994: It becomes illegal for a husband to rape his wife

11 Population: Gender Equality
SOME STATISTICS Are we equal? The workplace: Women earn less (10% for full-time and 34% for part-time work) 70% of minimum wage jobs are done by women 55% of women take part in the labour market

12 Population: Gender Equality
SOME STATISTICS One area of gender equality - body image : Feeling bad about their appearance made 16% of girls avoid going to school and 20% avoid giving an opinion in public 20% of boys are extremely concerned about their weight, leading to depression and / or drug use (increasing use of steroids in young men leading to many side effects)

13 Population: Gender Equality
SOME STATISTICS Education: 20% of girls put off science because it’s “for boys” 90% of nurses are female (but men earn 5% more) Sexual violence: 1 in 3 teen girls experienced sexual violence from a boyfriend 1 in 3 girls experience sexual bullying in school on a daily basis

14 Population: Gender Equality

15 Population: Gender Equality

16 Population: Gender Equality
GENDER IN MODERN ADVERTISING Current public transport ad 2012 Chinos advertisement

17 Population: Gender Equality
TOP GOOGLE SEARCHES… How to change the conversation?

18 Population: Gender Equality
TASKS These facts and images have ALL been drawn from ‘developed’ westernised countries Look for examples of equality / inequality in other areas of the world Look for strategies that are working

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