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Vocabulary Stable Constantinople Social Decline Christianity

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2 Vocabulary Stable Constantinople Social Decline Christianity
Constantine seize

3 Vocabulary Stable Constantinople Social Decline Christianity
Constantine seize fixed or constant Rome’s capital Public Weakening Believe that Christ is God’s son Roman emperor Take with force

4 Fall of Rome Poor leadership, weak govt., declining economy, and attacks by Germanic tribes weakened Rome.

5 Fall of Rome Roman soldiers and invaders seized food Roads and bridges were destroyed Trade routes unsafe Farmers grew less food Army couldn’t get info quick Inflation (increasing prices) Fewer taxes paid Less gold in coins Invaders attacked

6 Emperor Diocletian’s Reforms
The Roman general Diocletian became emperor and tried to stop Rome’s decline by introducing reforms. He tried dividing the empire into four parts and issuing new rules but people ignored the rules and Diocletian didn’t have the power to make the people obey. He retired.

7 Emperor Constantine Constantine soon became emperor and issued new rules. Western Rome continued to decline so he moved the capital of Rome to the Greek city of Byzantium. The city was named Constantinople (today it’s called Istanbul). He was also the first Christian Roman emperor. He wasn’t able to save the Roman Empire.

8 Rome Falls Constantine died and fighting began. Theodosius became emperor and decided that after his death Rome would be divided into two empires: Western Roman Empire w/Rome as the capital Eastern Roman Empire w/Constantinople as the capital

9 Also see page 145 in social studies book


11 Rome is Invaded Rome was declining and no longer able to hold back Germanic tribes who were looking for warmer weather, better grazing, wealth. They were also running from the Huns of Mongolia.

12 Rome is Invaded cont… The Eastern Roman emperor allowed the Visigoths to settle inside the border if they promised to be loyal to Rome. But the Romans mistreated the Visigoths by charging high prices and enslaving them. Visigoths rebelled and forced Rome to surrender land. Now the other Germanic tribes know that Rome can’t defend itself so the Visigoth leader Alaric captured Rome. 1st time Rome captured in 800 yrs.

13 Rome is Invaded cont… In A.D.476 Odoacer took control of Rome marking the end of the Western Roman empire. Western Roman Empire faded but many Roman beliefs remained like Latin Language, Roman laws and Christianity.

14 Rome’s Legacy Roman govt ideas we use today: All people equal Expect judges to decide cases fairly Consider person innocent until proven guilty Citizens participate in govt and work to make society better

15 Rome’s Legacy Roman influence on culture: Latin alphabet still used Scientists, doctors, lawyers use Latin Concrete is used today Domes and arches in D.C. inspired by Rome. Christianity began in the Roman Empire.

16 What lead to the decline of the Roman empire?
Discussion Question What lead to the decline of the Roman empire? Give examples

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