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Unit5 Theme parks.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit5 Theme parks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit5 Theme parks

2 Let’s enjoy some short videos & beautiful pictures

3 Let’s enjoy a short film

4 Hong Kong Disney opens now

5 Bungee jumping

6 Free-fall rides

7 Some other extreme sports
Surfing Surfing Rafting Rock climbing Rock climbing Skiing Motorbike

8 Warming up Look at the pictures on Page 33, and say something different:

9 Picture1: A place when people have a walk in their spare time to enjoy beautiful trees, flowers, lakes, stones, etc. or relax themselves. Picture 2 : A famous park in the world, which used to be a hunting park for the royal family. But now it is open to the public and people can enjoy themselves with various activities, such as horse-riding, speaker’s corner.

10 Ocean Park in Hong Kong Ocean Park in Hong Kong
Merry Rides Limited Ocean Park in Hong Kong Ocean Park in Hong Kong

11 The World Park in Hong Kong
Statues Castles

12 Ocean Park in Hong Kong All the rides and attractions
Opportunities to learn about life in the ocean More than 50,000 students visit it every year Conservation centre, protect marine animals It is divided into two sections, Headland, Lowland The discovery of the Ancient World ,dinosaur exhibition, Dolphin University, Butterfly House, two giant pandas

13 Disneyland



16 Fun Parks Fun Parks

17 Costumes of minorities
Dai Costumes of minorities Gaoshan Uygur Ethnic Costumes 中国民族服装 Baizu Russian Mongolians

18 Costumes of minorities
Man Tujia Hui Hani Miao Korean Dong

19 scanning

20 Roller-coasters Roller-coasters

21 Fast-reading Read the passages to get a general idea and then do these multiple choice exercises.

22 Reading What’s the main idea of the passage?
Theme parks are more than amusement. Theme parks are places for people to amuse themselves. Theme parks have a variety of things to see and do. Theme parks have a certain idea.

23 2. Which of the following are not mentioned in the passage?
A. Ocean parks, science parks B. Culture parks, Disneyland C. Wildlife parks, Miss Liberty D. Sports theme parks, Miss Liberty

24 3. Why do people build so many different theme parks?
A. to provide entertainment. B. to make a profit by charging for admission and selling souvenirs. to provide people with some unusual experiences. to take part in a variety of activities free of charge.

25 Read the text and find out :
What is the meaning of the title “theme parks -Fun and more than fun”? What do they provide besides “fun”?

26 Scanning: Various theme parks are mentioned in the passage . Then what are they ? Sports theme park Disneyland Culture theme park History theme park Theme parks Marine or Ocean theme Park Science theme park Future park

27 These new parks have a variety of things to see and do.
Sports theme park: Sports to play or watch; physical exercise and athletic competition. History theme park: See how ancestors dressed, worked and lived. Culture theme park: See how special groups dress today, what they eat and what the homes look like; cook culture food, take pictures in the special clothing.

28 Disneyland: See characters from Disney films; exciting rides, visits to castles and see how the early settlers in America lived. Marine or ocean theme park: See and swim with dolphins and learn about ocean life. Science theme park: Take part in experiments future park: Go on imaginary trip to space and experience life in the future.

29 Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4 Para. 5 Para. 6
5. find out the main idea (or topic sentence) of each paragraph: Parks provide people with a place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy lives for a while. Para. 1 Theme parks have been designed to provide entertainment with a variety of things to see and do. Para. 2 Para. 3 The history and culture theme parks. Para. 4 The history and culture theme parks. Para. 5 The Disneyland. Para. 6 The ocean parks and the science theme parks.

30 skimming Read the text and find out the answers to the questions
1 . What’s a theme park ? 2 . How many theme parks are mentioned in the passage ? And what are they ? 3 . What do the parks have in common ? 4. What’s the difference between a theme park and a traditional amusement park ? skimming

31 skimming Read the text and find out the answers to the questions
1 . What’s a theme park ? A theme park is a collection of rides , exhibitions or other attractions that are based on a common theme . 2 . How many theme parks are mentioned in the passage ? And what are they ? Five . They are the World Park , China Ethnic Culture Park , Ocean Park in Hong Kong , Disneyland in California and Universal Studios in Florida . skimming

32 skimming Read the text and find out the answers to the questions
3 . What do the parks have in common ? What they all have in common is that they combine fun with the opportunity to learn something . 4. What’s the difference between a theme park and a traditional amusement park ? Unlike traditional amusement parks , theme parks often want to teach visitors something. skimming

33 This is a piece of descriptive writing.
Type of writing and summary of the idea Type of writing This is a piece of descriptive writing. Main idea of the passage Theme parks are amusing places. Visitors may have fun and more than fun there. Topic sentence of 1st paragraph Parks provide people with a place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy life for a while.

34 Topic sentence of 2nd paragraph
In recent decades, many parks have been designed to provide entertainment. Topic sentence of 3rd paragraph Theme parks have a certain idea—a certain theme. Topic sentence of 4th paragraph There are history and culture theme parks,too. Topic sentence of 5th paragraph There are also marine and ocean parks.

35 A tree diagram of the text
Parks provide people with a place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy life for a while . In recent decades, many parks have been designed to provide entertainment. Theme parks have a certain idea—a certain theme. There are also marine and ocean parks. There are history and culture theme parks, too.

36 They can go on exciting rides where they can
Question : What can people do if they are at Universal Studios ? They can go on exciting rides where they can feel what it is like to do the things they have seen their heroes do in the movie . scanning

37 dolphins sharks panda dinosaur scanning

38 Fill in the blanks according to Para. 2
Ocean park is ____________ two sections . At the _________, they can explore the past at the__________ ____________________ and examine giant footprints at the____________________ . Visitors can also learn about _____ and_______ at____________________ , look at the _______________ in the__________________ , or admire An An and Jia Jia , the two giant pandas. divided into Lowland Discovery of the Ancient World dinosaur exhibition coral sharks Dolphin University winged beauties Butterfly House scanning

39 Post -reading 1What’s the difference between a theme park and a traditional amusement park? ----Unlike traditional amusement parks, theme parks often want to teach visitors something. They combine fun with the opportunity to learning something. 2.Why are theme parks so popular?Which one do you like best?

40 3.What do people do at theme parks besides looking at exhibitions?
People want not just fun/ people want to learn something,look for thrills /theme parks show us the world and teach us about nature. 3.What do people do at theme parks besides looking at exhibitions? People go on rides , eat , watch others and just relax.

41 p34 2 . List 3 purposes for building theme parks. Use the reading passage to help explain each purpose. Purpose 1: ________ explanation 1 ________ Purpose 2: ________ explanation 2 ________ Purpose 3: ________ explanation 3 ________

42 3 .summary Theme of the passage_____________ Para 1__________________________ Para 2 __________________________ Para 3 __________________________ Para 4 ___________________________ Para 5 ___________________________ Para 6____________________________

43 discussion Design a theme park and exchange ideas in class by interviewing (采访)others . Tips : Your dialogue must contain the following points : the name , the theme , attractions foods , restaurants , cost … …

44 语法 The –ing form used as adverbial e.g.
Many people come to the theme parks looking for thrills and entertainment. 2. Visitors leave knowing more about the idea behind the park. 3. Having enjoyed the rides at the Headland, visitors can take the shuttle to the Lowland.

45 Key words & phrases 1.Amusement : the state of being amused, entertained, or pleased. Amusement park I amused myself with a game of cards. amusable adj. amuser n. 2. attraction: the idea of working for state-owned enterprises has little attraction to young people nowadays. The main attraction was a Charlie Chaplin film. 主要的吸引物是查理·卓别林的电影 She was attracted by the novel advertisement. Flowers attract many bees. Magnetic poles are attracted to their opposites. The film attracts a large audience.

46 3. minority: a racial, religious, political, national, or other group regarded as different from the larger group of which it is part. Or the smaller in number of two groups forming a whole. We're in the minority, more people are against us than with us. The minority nationality concert lasted two hours. The nation wants peace; only a minority want(s) the war to continue. the minority areas be in the minority 4. thrill: to cause to feel a sudden intense sensation; excite greatly; to cause to quiver, tremble It gave me a thrill to know I had passed the examination. The traveller thrilled us with his stories. a thrill of joy [horror] 一阵喜悦[恐怖] Stories of adventure thrilled him.

47 5. educate: to develop the innate capacities of, especially by schooling or instruction.
a campaign that educated the public about the dangers of smoking An educator must first educate himself. The writer was educated at a very good school. be educated at [in] a college 上大学 6. section: a distinct area of a town, county, or country; a piece or part; a distinct portion of a newspaper. a residential section the sports section the Negro sections of New York the senior, Shenzhen Experimental School One section of the class was reading and the other section was writing.

48 7. conservation: preservation from loss, damage, or neglect
There is a need for the conservation of trees, or there will soon be no forests. Conservation of water is of great importance in desert areas. Valuable manuscripts were saved from deterioration under the program of library conservation. the conservation of energy 能量守恒(定律) environmental conservation 8. carve: to cut into a desired shape; fashion by cutting He carved the figure of a woman from a piece of wood. The talented artist carved an interesting decoration from this piece of tree root. carve a block of stone into a statue carve for oneself 自由行动

49 9. achievement: something accomplished successfully, especially by means of exertion, skill, practice, or perseverance. Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great achievement. scientific achievements a brilliant achievement in war 10. designer: one that produces designs a dress designer set designer 布景设计师 reform designer television designer 电视节目制作人员, 电视设计师

50 11. twist: to wind together (two or more threads, for example) so as to produce a single strand; to alter the normal aspect of; contort twist one's mouth into a wry smile a sharp twist in the path Too much force will twist the key. a road full of twists and turns 12. civilization: the act or process of civilizing or reaching a civilized state. the civilization of ancient Rome 古罗马文化 They returned to civilization after camping in the mountains. It is generally accepted that the Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world.

51 Find words with similar meaning in the reading to replace the words underlined in these sentences. Change their forms if necessary. The rides of the theme park kept Teresa entertained all the afternoon. It ha been raining in different parts of the country. When we left the hotel, they made us pay for two days even though we only stayed for one. This ticket will give you free permission to go into the theme park. The telephone companies are making large amounts of money every day. When he went on a tour to Hainan he brought home some pictures as objects to remind him of the holidays.

52 Key: 1 amused 2 various 3 charged 4 admission 5 profits 6 souvenirs

53 1. Get on line to search the information of a
Homework 1. Get on line to search the information of a certain theme park that one is interested in and write a short description about that. 2. Preview the language points in the text .

54 Let’s enjoy more pictures.

55 Good-bye !

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