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Dr Massud Wasel MD DO ND BSc(Hons) P.G.C.A.P

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1 Dr Massud Wasel MD DO ND BSc(Hons) P.G.C.A.P
Neurology Dr Massud Wasel MD DO ND BSc(Hons) P.G.C.A.P

2 NEUROPATHY A pathological process affecting peripheral nerve system
Pathology: Demyelination Axonal degeneration Compression Infarction infiltration

3 Mononeuropathies Caused by peripheral nerve compression
Carpal nerve syndrome Idiopathic Hypothyroidism DM Pregnancy RA Obesity Acromegaly

4 Clinical features Tingling in fingers(esp. at night)
Weakness of thenar muscles Wasting of thenar muscles Weakness of abductor pollicis brevis (raising thumb away from palm) Weakness of opposition of thumb and little finger Tinel’s sign(tapping over carpal tunnel) Sensory loss of palm

5 management Splint wrist Surgical decompression OMT

6 Ulnar nerve compression
Usually occurs after trauma of elbow Clinic: Wasting and weakness of interossei and hypothenar muscles Sensory loss inn the ulnar distribution

7 Radial nerve compression
Saturday night palsy Clinic: Wrist drop Weakness of finger extension

8 Mononeuritis multiplex (multiple mononeuritis)
Aetiology : DM Leprosy Vasculitis Sarcoidosis Malignancy Neurofibromatosis HIV infection

9 Polyneuropathies Guillain-Barre syndrome:
Acute inflammatory post-infective polyneuropathy Follows 1-3 weeks after infection(often trivial,or compylobacter infection) Clinic: Weakness of distal limb muscles+- numbness Weakness ascends over days for up to 3 weeks Can affect repiratory & facial muscles in 30%

10 Investigations: Diagnosis is made on clinical grounds Nerve conduction studies CSF(cell count normal,protein raised 1-3g/l)

11 Management: Measurment of respiratory function(art. Blood gases,vital capacity,FEV1) Assisted ventilation if necessary) I.V gama-globulin Plasmapheresis Heparin for prevention of thromboembolism Prognosis:spontaneous gradual recovery

12 Other polyneuropathies
Metabolic: DM,uraemia, Toxic:alcohol,drugs(phenytoin,isoniazid,metronidazole) Vitamin deficiencies thiamin (B1),pyridoxine(B6), B12, nicotinic acid

13 Vitamin B12 deficiency (sub acute combined degeneration of the cord)
Aetiology: Low dietary intake(vegan diet) Impaired absorption (lack of intrinsic factor): pernicious anaemia, gastrectomy, congenital lack of intrisic factor Impaired absorption (small bowel): pancreatic insufficiency, terminal ileal disease, bacterial overgrowth-bacterial utilization of B12 Abnormal metabolism:transcobalamin II deficiency-congenital lack of B12 transporter

14 Clinic: Distal sensory loss(light touch,vibration, joint position sense) Absent ankle jerk Optic atrophy Dementia

15 Investigations: Reduced serum B12 Macrocytosis Megaloblastic bone marrow Management:Parenteral B12

16 Peroneal muscular atrophy (Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease)
Inherited sensorimotor neuropathy Several types:autosomal dominant and recessive Clinic: Distal limb wasting&weakness Pes cavus Clawing of toes Loss of sensation Loss of reflexes

17 Autonomic neuropathy Aetiology:DM,Guillain-Barre syndrome,amylodosis
Clinic: Postural hypotension Retentions of urine Impotence Diarrhoea Diminished sweating Cardiac arrhythmias

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