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Effective Participation in Civic Life

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1 Effective Participation in Civic Life
SOL Govt.18

2 Obeying the law Following the law
Understanding the consequences of breaking the law. If you have a problem with the law, research more about the law. Then write your Representative about ways to change the law or suggestions.

3 Paying Taxes Taxes are due in April
What can happen if you don’t pay your taxes? Late fees Delayed reimbursement IRS can keep your reimbursement on hold… forever IRS will keep contacting you about filing your taxes Arrest (better to file late than never file)

4 Serving as a Juror Why should you have to serve on jury duty?
Jurors help protect our rights and liberties by serving in court.

5 Participation in the Political Process
What can you do to participate in the political process? Work at a campaign headquarters in your area Work the polls on Election Day Post a candidate’s sign in your yard or on your car

6 Performing Public Service
Most of you perform public service without even knowing it. Volunteer firefighter Volunteer EMT National Forest Volunteers National Parks Volunteers

7 Keeping Informed with the World Around You
Stay current on issues outside of SRHS, Bedford, Virginia. Know the world around you and what’s happening. Ways to stay current Watch the news Read the newspaper Check online news websites (ABC News, CBS, BBC)

8 Citizenship Group Read pages 190-199 in the “We the People” book.
Write down and define the vocabulary words for Lesson 35. Answers questions 1-5 in Lesson 35. Answer questions 1-5 in Lesson 36.

9 Citizenship group Read pages 254-259 in the “We the People” book.
Answer the Lesson Review questions on page 262. Read pages & in the “We the People” book. Write down and define the vocabulary words for Lesson 30. Answer the Lesson Review questions on page 274.

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