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The lost art of forgiveness

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Presentation on theme: "The lost art of forgiveness"— Presentation transcript:

1 The lost art of forgiveness
John 8: 31-38

2 Is forgiveness a lost art?
We are already forgiven but we need to keep it fresh We forget how forgiveness works We get tangled up in sin and need release

3 David Parker Ray 53 year old sexual sadist in New Mexico
Drugged women … toy box … 2,3 days Torture, abuse, videos, murder? More than 37 women

4 Came to Police attention
A prostitute escaped his attention A video of a woman with a tattoo on her leg First court trial inconclusive Second trial – convicted, 224 years

5 Final scene - reflections
Nightmares No longer the woman I was No more going out Not the happy person I was Can not trust people Wishes Parker Ray was still alive

6 Do you have closure? Not the person you used to be because of someone else’s actions? Behaviour determined by past experiences? Not free – carrying a huge weight of resentment, pain, anger?

7 How do you know? John 8:31-33 Jesus struck a nerve
Want to justify ourselves, declare our innocence Unexpected fits of rage, despair (the emotional wave) Ungodly aggression (willing to kill)

8 We need release John 8:34-36 Sin enslaves us (when we commit it; when others commit it against us) Need to be set free by someone bigger than the ‘spider’

9 Have to admit it I John 1:5-10
Cannot hide behind “I am a Christian” It’s revealed in our behaviour e.g. deceiving one another, breaking trust, abusing one another, hurting one another Confess = admit, acknowledge (not avoid, work around, conceal, deny, excuse)

10 If we walk in the light I John 1:5-10
We have fellowship with one another We are cleansed We are purified from all unrighteousness

11 Parker Ray’s victim Scarred for life Will need to be careful
But she also needs to forgive Eric Brady

12 What about us? We have been forgiven
But we need to keep the ‘contrition’ fresh Let’s ask God to cleanse our hearts, thoughts, forgive our actions Maybe we need to speak to someone

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