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Ch 7: U.S. Enters the World Stage

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 7: U.S. Enters the World Stage"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 7: U.S. Enters the World Stage 1898-1917
7.1: Imperialism Alaska Hawaii China’s Boxer Rebellion U.S.’s Perry Opens Japan 7.2:The Spanish-American War 7.3: Roosevelt & Latin America 7.4: Pancho Villa & the Mexican Revolution

2 7:1. Imperialism Imperialism- One nation takes over other nations
Late 1800’s: Europeans and Japanese scramble for territories in Asia, Africa, and Latin America

3 7:1. Imperialism Imperialism = Empire
Imperialism- One nation takes over other nations Late 1800’s: Europeans and Japanese scramble for territories in Asia, Africa, and Latin America Imperialism = Empire

4 Spanish Empire 1824

5 British Empire 1921

6 Russian Empire 1866

7 Portuguese Empire

8 French Empire 1938

9 Japanese Empire

10 Reasons for Imperialism
Economic Interests Military Needs Ideology

11 Reasons for Imperialism 1. Economic Interests
New markets (customers) Raw Materials

12 Reasons for Imperialism 2. Military Needs
Industrial Nations Need Strong Navies

13 Reasons for Imperialism 2. Military Needs
Industrial Nations Need Strong Navies Navies need Bases For Repairing & Refueling ships

14 Reasons for Imperialism 3. Ideology
I. Nationalism Love for one’s country

15 Reasons for Imperialism 3. Ideology
I. Nationalism Love for one’s country Territorial Conquest enhanced a Nation’s Power Prestige

16 Reasons for Imperialism 3. Ideology
I. Nationalism Love for one’s country Territorial Conquest enhanced a Nation’s Power Prestige II. Cultural Superiority

17 Reasons for Imperialism 3. Ideology
II. Cultural Superiority Social Darwinism

18 3. Ideology Responsible for Civilizing less developed countries
II. Cultural Superiority Social Darwinism Responsible for Civilizing less developed countries

19 3. Ideology Spreading Christianity II. Cultural Superiority
Responsible for Civilizing less developed countries Spreading Christianity

20 3. Ideology Spreading Democracy I. Cultural Superiority
Protestant Christians Missionaries Spreading Democracy

21 7:1. Imperialism U.S. Buys Alaska

22 First Europeans in Alaska
1784 – Russian fur traders arrive

23 Russia needs Cash Alaska has run out sea otters (fur)
Recovering from their Crimean War Offered to sell its Alaska Territory to U.S. Originally offered to President James Buchanan Prez right before Lincoln Considered one of the worst presidents ever Allowed U.S. to split in two Civil War stalled talks

24 U.S. Buys Alaska Seward’s Folly
Secretary of State William Seward (under President Andrew Johnson)

25 U.S. Buys Alaska Seward’s Folly
Secretary of State William Seward (under President Andrew Johnson) Seward dreams of an American Empire

26 U.S. Buys Alaska Seward’s Folly
Congress does not want to buy a frozen wasteland

27 U.S. Buys Alaska Seward’s Folly
Congress does not want to buy a frozen wasteland Seward goes ahead & buys Alaska from Russia 2 cents / acre = 7.2 million

28 U.S. Buys Alaska Seward’s Folly
Seward goes ahead & buys Alaska from Russia The Press calls the purchase foolish: Seward’s Folly Seward’s Icebox Andrew Johnson’s Polar Bear Garden

29 Seward’s Folly

30 Alaska’s Treasure –It’s Natural Resources
Timber Gold Klondike Gold Rush 1896 Oil

31 1959 :Alaska 49th State


33 7:1. Imperialism U.S. “Acquires” Hawaii

34 Early Hawaii Native Hawaiians . Captain Cook 1778 Sailed 1000 A.D.
1st European to Visit

35 Foreigners brought new Diseases
Missionaries & Traders arrived in the 1820’s 1770 – Hawaiian population = 300,000 1893 – Hawaiian population = 40,000

36 American Plantation Owners
Pineapple Sugarcane

37 U.S. Marines held the Royal Palace at Cannon point
U.S.S. Boston’s Soldiers

38 Queen Liliuokalani Came to Throne in 1891
Forced to turn over Kingdom of Hawaii to U.S.

39 Queen Liliuokalani Imprisoned for 1 year in 1895
Forced to turn over Kingdom of Hawaii to U.S. in1893 Imprisoned for 1 year in 1895

40 50th State 1959

41 U.S. Opens China European powers + Japan carve out “Spheres of Influence”

42 The U.S. Open Door Policy 1899 Secretary State John Hay
Sent a letter to the powers of Europe Open Door = All nations can trade in China Europe did not agree nor reject Hay took this as Open Door is approved Sec of State Under Pres. McKinley




46 Boxer Rebellion 1900- Secret group of Chinese anti-foreigners

47 Boxer Rebellion Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists
1900 Secret group of Chinese anti-foreigners Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists

48 Boxer Rebellion Attacked Christian Missionaries in Beijing
Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists Attacked Christian Missionaries in Beijing

49 Boxer Rebellion Non- Chinese hide in a fortress for safety
Attacked Christian Missionaries in Beijing Non- Chinese hide in a fortress for safety

50 Prez McKinley and Uncle Sam vs. Chinese Boxers

51 Boxer Rebellion –China-1900
European powers send 20,000 soldiers

52 Boxer Rebellion –China-1900
European powers send 20,000 soldiers U.S. sends 2,000 soldiers

53 Boxer Rebellion –China-1900
U.S. sends 2,000 soldiers Invade China and fight toward Peking (Beijing)

54 Boxer Rebellion –China-1900
Invade China and fight toward Peking (Beijing) Defeat Boxers & the free missionaries

55 The Boxer’s are captured and executed

56 Western Nations carved up China

57 U.S. “opens” Japan 1630 – 1850s Japan isolated itself from the world

58 U.S. “Opens” Japan 1853 U.S. President Millard Fillmore sends Commodore Mathew Perry to Japan

59 U.S. “Opens” Japan U.S. Commodore Perry arrives in Japan with a fleet of ships

60 U.S. “Opens” Japan Japanese were intimidated never seen steam ships

61 U.S. “Opens” Japan 1854 Japanese realize they can not compete with a modern navy

62 U.S. “Opens” Japan Japan Opens its ports to the U.S.

63 U.S. “Opens” Japan & quickly modernized
Japan Opens its ports to the U.S. & quickly modernized

64 1904 Russo-Japanese War


66 The Giant Russian Empire was supposed to dominate tiny Japan

67 Japan defeats Russia

68 Japan asks Teddy Roosevelt to negotiate the Peace Treaty

69 Teddy Roosevelt wins the Noble Peace Prize

70 Dreadnaught Battleship
Teddy Roosevelt creates a brand new Navy

71 Great White Fleet Teddy sends his Great White Fleet around the world to show off American Strength

72 U.S. becomes a true World Power 20 ports worldwide 43,000 miles 2 years

73 Ch 7.1 Quiz: Imperialism 1. What is Imperialism?
2. Describe an Economic Reason for Imperialism? 3. Describe why Military needs were a reason for Imperialism? 4. Give an example of Ideology in Imperialism? 5. Why did William Seward want Alaska? 6. What was Seward’s Folly? 7. Name a natural resource of Alaska? 8. Why did the U.S. want Hawaii? 9. How did the U.S. get Hawaii? 10. What happened to Queen Liliuokalani after the U.S. took power? 11. What was the U.S. policy toward China? 12. Why were the Boxer’s Rebelling? 13. Why were the Chinese Rebels called Boxers? 14. Who went to China to help missionaries? 15. Who won the Boxer Rebellion? 16. What happened to the Boxer’s? 17. Who opened up Japanese ports for America? 18. How did America open up Japanese ports? 19. What impressed Japan most about America? 20. What does Teddy Roosevelt send around the world to show off U.S. power?

74 Ch 7.1 Quiz: Imperialism 1. What is Imperialism? One Nation conquers other Nations 2. Describe an Economic Reason for Imperialism? New Markets / Raw Materials 3. Describe why Military needs were a reason for Imperialism? Bases for Refueling / Repairing 4. Give an example of an Ideology in Imperialism? Nationalism / Cultural Superiority 5. Why did William Seward want Alaska? Other Powerful nations had all the other land 6. What was Seward’s Folly? Sec of State Seward’s purchase of Alaska 7. Name a natural resource of Alaska? Oil, Gold, Timber 8. Why did the U.S. want Hawaii? Naval / Military Base 9. How did the U.S. get Hawaii? Forced Hawaiian Royalty to join the U.S. 10. What happened to Queen Liliuokalani after the U.S. took power? She was imprisoned 11. What was the U.S. policy toward China? Open Door Policy 12. Why were the Boxer’s Rebelling? Tired of foreigners exploiting China 13. Why were the Chinese Rebels called Boxers? Knew Kung Fu / Called Society of the Harmonious Fist 14. Who went to China to help missionaries? U.S. Military 15. Who won the Boxer Rebellion? American & European (Western) Forces 16. What happened to the Boxer’s? Rounded up and executed 17. Who opened up Japanese ports for America? Commodore Perry 18. How did America open up Japanese ports? Showed up with their Navy 19. What impressed Japan most about America? Steam Powered Ship 20. What does Teddy Roosevelt send around the world to show off U.S. power? Great White Fleet

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