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Rio Hondo College Leadership Academy Information Session

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1 Rio Hondo College Leadership Academy Information Session
“A good leader inspires others with confidence in him; a great leader inspires them with confidence in themselves.” Unknown

2 Leadership Academy Purpose
The Rio Hondo Leadership Academy is being founded to enable the college to “grow its own” leaders. While the experience cannot guarantee “promotion,” the Academy is designed to enhance one’s capacity to lead more effectively at all levels of the campus.

3 Leadership Academy Content
Derived from -Campus focus groups & survey data -Best Practices from other colleges including Butte College, College of the Canyons, Mississippi Gulf Coast College -Experience of sub-committee members with leadership training & education

4 Leadership Academy Content
Topics will include (but aren’t limited to): Self-Awareness: Assessing & Reflecting on Who You are as a Leader Theories & Models of Ethical Leadership Effective Communication Governance processes at Rio Hondo Strategic Planning Conflict Resolution Team and Trust Building Leadership in Action: Campus Improvement Project

5 Leadership Academy Content
Topics will be addressed via Guest speakers Self-assessments Reflection on outside readings, case studies & participant experiences Individual assignments and group discussion Experiential exercises in and out of workshop sessions

6 Leadership Academy Content
Time commitment Overnight retreat before fall semester begins 9, seven hour sessions, 1 Friday a month, 9-4 6-10 hours each month in outside assignments & activities – own schedule & time See Calendar for exact dates

7 Leadership Academy Benefits
Enhanced Leadership skill set for use in: current job duties campus committees & projects current/potential leadership roles & positions 60+ hours of intensive, fully funded professional development Campus Improvement Project Certificate of completion Camaraderie derived from cohort experience with colleagues from all employee groups

8 Leadership Academy Application
General/Contact Information Acknowledgement of Academy Commitment Short Answer Questions Supervisor Acknowledgement Form Letter of Recommendation (may also be from immediate supervisor) Optional Resume and/or Vitae

9 Leadership Academy Application Short Questions
Describe example of leadership in action (either something you or someone else did) that has been particularly inspiring to you. In what ways do you think your specific experiences and/or skills would contribute to discussions and activities in the Leadership Academy? As a result of your participation in the academy a. What changes do you want to see in yourself? b. How do you hope to contribute to the college? Think of an issue on campus that should be addressed to help better serve students and/or the college community. Describe the issue and what you would do as a leader to improve the situation if you had the power to do so. Assistance in organizing/writing short answer responses is available! Contact Wendy Gonzalez in the Division of Communications & Languages, at extension 3429 or who will schedule a time with Dean Robert Holcomb.

10 Leadership Academy Selection
Criteria: General leadership awareness/potential Potential contribution to the campus Potential contribution to Academy cohort Diversity of cohort Part time employees with at least 4 consecutive terms at Rio can be considered for up to 3 cohort slots Committee: -Representative sub-group of committee & Faculty coordinator -Goal: To recommend 15 participants for 6th cohort

11 Leadership Academy Costs
20% Faculty Release Time Coordinator position $7,000 from existing Staff Development budget Release time for participant’s who’s normal hours coincide with academy sessions

12 Who has joined the Leadership Academy?
72 accepted into cohorts 63 completed including: 35 Classified Staff 12 FT faculty 5 PT faculty 3 Confidentials 8 Managers

13 RHCLA Cohort 1: CIP: RioSource

14 CIP: On-Line Registration Guide
RHCLA Cohort 2: CIP: On-Line Registration Guide

15 CIP: Fight Song Contest
RHCLA Cohort 3: CIP: Fight Song Contest

16 CIP: “Spirit 4 Rio” Thankful Grams
RHCLA Cohort 4: CIP: “Spirit 4 Rio” Thankful Grams

17 RHCLA Cohort 5: CIP: Student Leadership Scholarship

18 Leadership Academy Is this right for me?
Are you intrigued by the professional & personal challenge of developing yourself as a leader? Does the thought of learning from and with expert trainers and supportive peers from all employee groups appeal to you? Are you open to the self-reflection & feedback that will enable you to better understand your strengths, weaknesses and potential as a leader? Does the thought of working on a leadership team to improve some aspect of the college sound exciting? Are you willing and able to commit to the time required for full participation as outlined?

19 Leadership Academy Questions & Answers

20 Thank-You for your Time & Interest!
Leadership Academy Thank-You for your Time & Interest! Do not follow where the path may lead Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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