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Plant Microarray Course

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1 Plant Microarray Course
who was Bayes? Reverend Thomas Bayes ( ) part-time mathematician buried in Bunhill Cemetary, Moongate, London famous paper in 1763 Phil Trans Roy Soc London was Bayes the first with this idea? (Laplace?) basic idea (from Bayes’ original example) two billiard balls tossed at random (uniform) on table where is first ball if the second is to its left (right)? first second prior pr() = 1 likelihood pr(Y | ) = 1–Y(1–)Y posterior pr( |Y) = ? Y=0 Y=1 BS Yandell © 2005 Plant Microarray Course

2 Plant Microarray Course
what is Bayes theorem? posterior = likelihood * prior / C pr( parameter | data ) = pr( data | parameter ) * pr( parameter ) / pr( data) prior: probability of parameter before observing data pr(  ) = pr( parameter ) equal chance of first ball being anywhere on the table posterior: probability of parameter after observing data pr(  | Y ) = pr( parameter | data ) more likely second to left if first is near right end of table likelihood: probability of data given parameters pr( Y |  ) = pr( data | parameter ) basis for classical statistical inference about  given Y Y=0 Y=1 BS Yandell © 2005 Plant Microarray Course

3 Bayes posterior for normal data
actual mean actual mean prior mean prior mean small prior variance large prior variance BS Yandell © 2005 Plant Microarray Course

4 Bayes posterior for normal data
model Yi =  + Ei environment E ~ N( 0, 2 ), 2 known likelihood Y ~ N( , 2 ) prior  ~ N( 0, 2 ),  known posterior: mean tends to sample mean single individual  ~ N( 0 + B1(Y1 – 0), B12) sample of n individuals fudge factor (shrinks to 1) BS Yandell © 2005 Plant Microarray Course

5 posterior genotypic means Gq
BS Yandell © 2005 Plant Microarray Course

6 posterior genotypic means Gq
posterior centered on sample genotypic mean but shrunken slightly toward overall mean prior: posterior: fudge factor: BS Yandell © 2005 Plant Microarray Course

7 Are strain differences real?
similar pattern parallel lines no interaction noise negligible? few d.f. per gene Can we trust SDg ? BS Yandell © 2005 Plant Microarray Course

8 Bayesian shrinkage of gene-specific SD
gene-specific SD from replication SDg = gene-specific standard deviation (df = 1) robust abundance-based estimate (Ag) = smoothed over mRNA depends only on abundance level Ag (or constant) combine ideas into gene-specific hybrid “prior” g2 ~ inv-2(0, (Ag)2) “posterior” shrinkage estimate 1SDg2 + 0(Ag)2 1 + 0 combines two “statistically independent” estimates BS Yandell © 2005 Plant Microarray Course

9 SD for strain differences
gene-specific g smooth of g main effects fat (Ag) liver (Ag) interaction fat-liver (Ag) BS Yandell © 2005 Plant Microarray Course

10 Shrinkage Estimates of SD
gene-specific g abundance (Ag) 95% 82 limits new (shrunk) g size of shrinkage 1g2 + 0(Ag)2 1 + 0 BS Yandell © 2005 Plant Microarray Course

11 How good is shrinkage model?
prior for gene-specific g2 ~ inv-2(0, (Ag)2) fudge  to adjust mean 1g2 + 0(Ag)2 1 + 0 histogram of ratio g2 / (Ag)2 empirical Bayes estimates 2 approximation 0 = 5.45,  = 1 2 approximation with  0 = 3.56,  = .809 BS Yandell © 2005 Plant Microarray Course

12 Effect of SD Shrinkage on Detection
fat-liver interaction shrinkage-based abundance-based 9 genes identified BS Yandell © 2005 Plant Microarray Course

13 QTL Mapping (Gary Churchill)
Key Idea: Crossing two inbred lines creates linkage disequilibrium which in turn creates associations and linked segregating QTL QTL Marker Trait BS Yandell © 2005 Plant Microarray Course

14 Bayes factors for comparing models
goal of BF: balance model fit with model "complexity“ want “best model” that captures key features (model bias) want to avoid “overfitting” the data in hand (poor prediction) what is a Bayes factor (BF)? ratio of posterior odds to prior odds ratio of model likelihoods BF is same as Bayes Information Criteria (BIC) penalty on likelihood ratio (LR) want Bayes factor to be much larger than 1 (ideally > 10) BS Yandell © 2005 Plant Microarray Course

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