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SA1: overview, first results

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1 SA1: overview, first results
Arpad Szomoru

2 Outline Overview New hires Current status EXPReS: first results
Next steps

3 SA1 Aims at establishing a real-time production e-VLBI facility, connecting up to 16 telescopes simultaneously at 1 Gbps to the EVN correlator at JIVE. The work packages of this service activity will concentrate on: Improving the real-time operational efficiency of the correlator Investigating data transport issues (e.g. protocols, use of light paths) Providing target-of-opportunity support Creating real-time monitoring functions Upgrading the correlator at JIVE Seamlessly incorporating e-MERLIN telescopes (UK) in the EVN array (through VSI interfaces).

4 New hires EXPReS support scientist (Zsolt Paragi, 1/3/6)
Two scientific software engineers (Bob Eldering, 1/5/6, Des Small, 12/6/6 Network engineer/Linux specialist (Paul Boven, 1/12/6) Electronical Jodrell Bank (Jonathan Hargreaves, 1/12/6)

5 SA1 Workpackages Operational improvements for e-VLBI
Data transmission developments Target of opportunity support Real-time monitoring functions Data processor upgrades Addition of e-MERLIN telescopes Tests and demonstrations

6 Practical constraints
Delays in hiring staff Availability of hardware Development of e-MERLIN Encounters with reality Highly complex system: learning curve of new staff Other external dependencies

7 Current status Practically on schedule (as regards deliverables) thanks to additional efforts of regular JIVE staff ..although not necessarily in right order.. ‘Routine’ science e-VLBI runs Ease of operation through new software modules, increased robustness through new hardware Current capacity: 6-station fringes at 256 Mbps first European 512 Mbps fringes (Jb and Wb, May 18) 3-station 512 Mbps fringes (Cm, Wb, On, August 21)


9 1 Gbps 10 Gbps 155 Mbps 2.5 Gbps

10 e-VLBI control interface

11 Interface to station Mk5s

12 Integrating fringe display

13 Data status monitor

14 Streamlining of post processing

15 Web-based Post-processing

16 Next steps A thorough evaluation of timeline/types of deliverables (before end of year 1) Increase of guaranteed bandwidth to 512 Mbps VSI-e (Mark5B) UDP based protocols Home-grown TCP mods (Mark5A code dependency..) Lightpaths Establishment of e-VLBI procedures Start of design of e-MERLIN interface

17 Future network/hardware upgrades
Connection of Shangai Observatory via lightpath to JIVE (end 2006/beginning 2007) Correlation of data from Australian telescopes in real-time at JIVE Effelsberg online (2007) Establishment of lightpaths across Europe Upgrade of network equipment at JIVE Phasing out of ageing Station Units Upgrade of Mark5 hardware across EVN

18 ..and software developments
Tools for monitoring of data quality, telescope status, network status And tools to supply this monitoring information to the stations Near real-time pipelining for rapid evaluation Adaptive scheduling of observations

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