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Figure S5. A maximum-likelihood phylogeny based on nodA nucleotide data for Burkholderia isolates included in this study. Similar groupings were generated.

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Presentation on theme: "Figure S5. A maximum-likelihood phylogeny based on nodA nucleotide data for Burkholderia isolates included in this study. Similar groupings were generated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Figure S5. A maximum-likelihood phylogeny based on nodA nucleotide data for Burkholderia isolates included in this study. Similar groupings were generated following BI analysis of the data. Statistical support of  60% for ML bootstrap (BS) and  0.60 BI posterior probability (PP) are indicated at the branches in the order PP/BS. Isolate/strain designations are followed by host name and geographic origin. Indigenous host names are abbreviated as explained in Table S1. Beta-rhizobial isolates from South Africa are indicated in green (and those from this study is in bold), while those from other regions appear in red. The scale bar indicates the number of nucleotide substitutions per site. The tree is rooted to the outgroup taxa Rhizobium gallicum and Ensifer arboris. The evolutionary model used for this dataset is GTR+I+G. Similar groupings were obtained using Bayesian Inferences analysis of the data (i.e., model = GTR+I; generations = ; burnin = 2000).

2 South Africa Other Beta- rhizobia RAU2f H. coluteoides
RAU2k H. coluteoides RAU2l H. coluteoides RAU2i H. coluteoides WC7.3a P. calyptrata RAU2h H. coluteoides CB2 C. buxifolia Cses4 C. sessiliflora UCT30 C. sessiliflora WC7.3c P. calyptrata WC7.3f P. calyptrata CS2 C. subternata RAU2b H. coluteoides RAU2d2 H. coluteoides Kb2 V. oroboides Clong1 C. longifolia CI1 C. intermedia RAU2c H. coluteoides UCT71 C. glabra RAU2d H. coluteoides RAU2g H. coluteoides UCT34 C. glabra UCT43 C. meyeriana UCT56 C. meyeriana CM1 C. maculata Cpub6 C. pubescens RAU6.4a H. oxalidifolius Burkholderia sp. WSM3937 Rhynchosia ferulifolia Burkholderia sp. WSM3930 Rhynchosia ferulifolia Kb6 V. oroboides WK1.1m H. sophoroides WK1.1k H. sophoroides WK1.1j H. sophoroides WK1.1h H. sophoroides HC1.1bh H. sophoroides WK1.1f H. sophoroides WK1.1i H. sophoroides WK1.1g H. sophoroides WK1.1a H. sophoroides WK1.1d H. sophoroides HC1.1a2 H. sophoroides HC1.1be H. sophoroides Burkholderia tuberum Cyclopia spp. (STM678T) UCT2 C. genistoides WC7.3b P. calyptrata HC1.1bb H. sophoroides WK1.1c H. sophoroides HC1.1bc H. sophoroides WC7.3d P. calyptrata HC1.1ba H. sophoroides HC1.1a3 H. sophoroides HC1.1a1 H. sophoroides Burkholderia sp. WSM3602 Lessertia herbacea HC1.1bd H. sophoroides UCT70 C. maculata RAU6.4f H. oxalidifolius Kb14 V. oroboides Kb15 V. oroboides HC6.4b H. oxalidifolius Clong3 C. longifolia UCT31 C. sessiliflora Kb13 V. oroboides Kb12 V. oroboides RAU6.4b H. oxalidifolius Kb16 V. oroboides RAU2j H. coluteoides WC7.3g P. calyptrata RAU6.4d H. oxalidifolius Kb1A V. oroboides CI2 C. intermedia CI3 C. intermedia Methylobacterium nodulans Crotalaria podocarpa Senegal (ORS2060T ; AM712915) Bradyrhizobium iriomotense Entada koshunensis Japan (EK05T; AB300999) Bradyrhizobium elkanii Glycine max USA (USDA76T; AM117554) Bradyrhizobium japonicum Glycine max Japan (USDA 6T; AM117545) Mesorhizobium ciceri Cicer arietinum Spain (UPM-Ca7T; AJ300247) Burkholderia tuberum strain STM6020 Mimosa pudica French Guiana Burkholderia tuberum strain STM3638 Mimosa pudica French Guiana Burkholderia tuberum strain STM3649 Mimosa pudica French Guiana Burkholderia sp. mpa6.4 Mimosa pigra Australia Burkholderia mimosarum Mimosa pigra Taiwan (PAS44T) Burkholderia caribensis Mimosa diplotricha Taiwan (TJ182) Cupriavidus taiwanensis Mimosa pudica Taiwan (PAS15; AY752964) Burkholderia sp. mpud4.5 Mimosa pudica Panama Burkholderia sp. mpud5.2 Mimosa pudica Panama Burkholderia diazotrophica Mimosa candollei Brazil (LMG26031T) Burkholderia phymatum Machaerium lunatum French Guiana (LMG21445T) Rhizobium gallicum Phaseolus vulgaris France (R602spT; AJ300236) Ensifer arboris Prosopis chilensis Sudan (HAMBI1552T; Z95234) 1.00/100 1.00/72 1.00/89 1.00/82 1.00/66 1.00/86 1.00/84 - /61 0.84/73 0.86/79 1.00/92 1.00/96 0.95/81 1.00/95 - /79 1.00/79 0.97/76 1.00/94 0.99/69 0.99/72 0.84/60 1.00/93 0.1 1.00/ - 0.99/ - 0.67/ - 0.98/ - 0.74/ - 0.92/ - 0.69/ - 0.97/ - 0.81/ - 0.89/ - 0.94/ - South Africa Other Beta- rhizobia

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