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EPIGEUM – online courses with Impact

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Presentation on theme: "EPIGEUM – online courses with Impact"— Presentation transcript:

1 EPIGEUM – online courses with Impact
Marcin Dembowski– Neicon Conference Portugal September 2016

2 Agenda About OUP EPIGEUM Promotional offers – Online Products

3 Oxford University Press

4 The University of Oxford
Overview The oldest university in the English speaking world. It is a collegiate research based institution. The University is made up of a variety of institutions, including 38 constituent colleges and a full range of academic departments which are organised into four Divisions.  All the colleges are self-governing institutions as part of the University, each controlling its own membership and with its own internal structure and activities.

5 Oxford University Press (OUP)
Our mission Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Emphasise we publish within the university’s mission: “Excellence in Research and Scholarship”. John Fell Clarendon Presentation—Tim Barton (November 2011)

6 A Very Short Introduction
Origins date back to 1478 Largest university press 25th largest publisher in the world 6,000 employees worldwide Over 5,000 titles per year, and 300 journals With origins dating back to 1478, when first book published at university OUP is among the oldest university presses in the world Picture of the delegates meeting in Clarendon building, where continuously meeting since 18th century. Picture of the Press’s main office in Oxford It is also the largest university press in the world In fact, OUP is bigger than all other English language university presses in the world put together Including the 110 UPs in the US, PLUS Cambridge. Employ 6,000 people worldwide with major publishing offices in Oxford, New York, and Dehli. Publish close to 7,000 new titles each year, 300 journals, and a range of online products. Publish in more than 40 languages, and in a variety of formats– print and digital. Sell more than 110 million units each year, and most of those sales are outside of the UK. OUP accounts for 55% of the University Press market. While giant by university press standards, we are a mid-sized publisher within the wider industry. According to a global ranking of the Publishing industry, we’re the 25th largest. About $1 billion in sales per year.

7 Current needs of Russian universities?

8 Teaching Research Academic Publishing

9 How products and services from OUP can help to achieve it?

10 Epigeum History and Background
2/11/2018 Epigeum History and Background 2 Epigeum is a spin out from Imperial College London Formed in 2005 to solve the problem of how to build high quality training courses for research staff Developed pedagogy and innovative courseware based on research from Imperial’s College’s Business School teaching and learning unit Epigeum became a wholly owned subsidiary and part of the OUP Group on 22nd May 2015.

11 Epigeum customer Used by over 260 universities In 27 countries
And 36% of the top 100 global universities Including 95% of the UK Russell Group universities

12 University Clients

13 What makes us unique? Professional training
2/11/2018 What makes us unique? 4 Professional training Publisher of online programmes designed to transform the way in which universities and colleges support their core activities of research, teaching and developing student skills 92 courses published to date Unique collaborative approach Development group of up to 25 member World-class subject authors teamed with in-house experience Meticulous review process

14 Our course development model
2/11/2018 Our course development model 5 Epigeum researches training needs, develops course outline, appoints lead advisor(s), authors and consultant reviewers. Epigeum workshop with up 25 universities represented. Outline courses and learning outcomes agreed. Begin design and build of the programme. Universities feed back at various stages of development on content, user experience. Epigeum licenses programmes, institutions adopt and decide(or not) to customize to local context

15 Supporting materials Video is a key element of Epigeum courses and is likely to include, for example: - Expert interviews - Case study/practitioner interviews - Explanatory video

16 Our courses: Leadership and Management

17 Our courses: Studying

18 Our courses: Teaching

19 Our courses: Research

20 Our courses: Research

21 Our courses: Research

22 IMPACT: evaluation tools and analytics
Research Skills Master Programme IMPACT: evaluation tools and analytics Who are your trainees? Did they learn anything? Has program changed climate? How does your institution measure up?

23 Research Skills Master Programme
18 online courses to select

24 Getting published in science

25 Research methods in science

26 Getting published in the science Getting published in the arts
List Price - 1x Course List Price - 2x Course Number of Licences Currency 1 Year Licence 3 Year licence ≤ 150 GBP £ £ £ ,313 £ ,116 £ ,138 £ £ ,706 £ ,450 £ ,969 £ ,673 £ ,400 £ ,190 £ ,100 £ ,785 Unlimited £ ,750 £ ,488 £ ,695 £ ,291

27 Special offers for OUP online databases

28 Subscription: 40% discount & volume discount
Scholarly reviews of subjects in humanities and social sciences. Articles are posted online as soon as they are ready. Extremely up to date Editorial Development Online before print Common complaint about publishing delay; material in print often 2+ years old Updating – content is always reliably up-to-date Online-only essays: truly transformative. Fill gaps We can publish responsively – idea to publication very fast We can cover more scholarly/specialized topics where reviews are most needed Competition: if we remain narrowly focused on print competition the program will not survive Annual reviews, journals, etc.

29 Subscription: 40% discount & volume discount
14 Subject Areas 14 disciplines from one of the world’s most prestigious series, including ten new disciplines digitized for the first time, provide scholars with easy access to even more scholarship via a single resource From Peer Review to Publication Articles will publish online immediately upon passing through Oxford’s peer review process – delivering current, scholarly thought instantaneously, ensuring that scholars’ output is informed by the most recent developments in the field Beyond the Book, Born-Digital Content An Editor in Chief and Editorial Board of subject experts will commission online-only articles expanding research in cutting edge topics, ensuring comprehensive coverage of fast-moving disciplines Robust Publishing Schedule New articles will be added monthly across subject areas, providing researchers with immediate access to new scholarship, increasing productivity and ensuring research is up-to-date and informed by current trends Editorial Development Online before print Common complaint about publishing delay; material in print often 2+ years old Updating – content is always reliably up-to-date Online-only essays: truly transformative. Fill gaps We can publish responsively – idea to publication very fast We can cover more scholarly/specialized topics where reviews are most needed Competition: if we remain narrowly focused on print competition the program will not survive Annual reviews, journals, etc.

30 University Press Scholarship Online
Subscription: 40% discount & volume discount 28 subject areas 1- Information across 18 partner presses as shows on the left column of the page. 2- Monographs

31 Presentation Outline Oxford Scholarship Online
University Press Scholatship Online This presentation introduces the history of one of our flagship online products – Oxford Scholarship Online and uses it as a case study to take you behind the scenes when creating and digitising an online product, from the publisher perspective. It also offers up three key challenges that we meet when digitizing our academic monographs. There will be opportunity at the end of the presentation to reflect on the challenges and discuss the future of ebooks, but if you have any questions in the meantime, or you need me to explain anything further, or slow down, please do speak out.

32 Oxford Reference Products
Bundle Subscription with 50% discount Conditions for being eligible for 50% bundle discount New and Current Customers Subscription to three or more listed above Reference products in total For renewal customers only newly added products discounted by 50% Oxford Bibliographies Online is counted as 1 product, regardless of the number of selected subject collections 28 subject areas 1- Information across 18 partner presses as shows on the left column of the page. 2- Monographs

33 Oxford Medicine Online
898 titles , 8284 USD for 1 year subscription

34 Promotion for Products Available for One-Time Purchase

35 On Products Available for One-Time Purchase
Promotion 40% Discount On Products Available for One-Time Purchase valid till 31st of December 2016

36 On Products Available for One-Time Purchase
Promotion 40% Discount On Products Available for One-Time Purchase valid till 31st of December 2016

37 On Products Available for One-Time Purchase
Promotion 40% Discount On Products Available for One-Time Purchase valid till 31st of December 2016

38 Presentation Outline Oxford Scholarship Online
Evidence Based Aquisition EBA collection of eBooks for a fixed period and then make final purchasing decisions after evaluating usage data. The EBA program is currently in a pilot phase and we are accepting a limited number of applicants. FTE All Content < 1,500   7,000 USD 1,500 < 5,500 12,000 USD 5,501 < 15,000 22,500 USD 15,001+ 30,000 USD This presentation introduces the history of one of our flagship online products – Oxford Scholarship Online and uses it as a case study to take you behind the scenes when creating and digitising an online product, from the publisher perspective. It also offers up three key challenges that we meet when digitizing our academic monographs. There will be opportunity at the end of the presentation to reflect on the challenges and discuss the future of ebooks, but if you have any questions in the meantime, or you need me to explain anything further, or slow down, please do speak out.

39 Librarian Resource Centre - Google Search


41 Any Questions… Marcin Dembowski

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