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Associate of Applied Science

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1 Associate of Applied Science
Description: The purpose of this module is to acquaint the user with the Associate of Applied Science. This Module will help familiarize you with the “ins and outs” of the Associate of Applied Science degree.

2 WBU Mission: University Core Values: Commitment to Student Learning
 Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging, learning-focused and distinctively Christian environment for professional success and service to God and humankind. University Core Values:  The following core values are at the heart of the degree planning process: Commitment to Student Learning Excellence and Innovation Service to Our Communities Integrity, Diversity, Trust, and Respect Personal, Professional and Spiritual Development Stewardship of Our Resources Planning and Accountability This is a reminder of the Wayland Baptist University Mission and the University Core Values. These should be considered with every task performed and every decision made within the university.

3 Learning Outcomes: Upon the completion of this training module, the user will be able to identify, understand, and apply the rules and steps found within the university’s guidelines in order to complete a degree plan for the Associate of Applied Science degree. This module will ensure the proper governance of the university’s programs and ensure that our student population is being advised correctly. After reviewing this module, the advisor should be able to identify the purpose of the Associate of Applied Science degree, the courses within the major, ministry related electives and professional development. The goal is for the advisor to have a good grasp of the purpose behind the major and have the knowledge to market the major to the appropriate student population. The advisor should also be able to provide details to the student about the transferability of credit and commonly used course substitutions.

4 Purpose of the Associate of Applied Science Degree
The Associate of Applied Science Degree is designed to track directly into the B.A.S. degree. Students desiring to continue in their educational pursuits can do so at the baccalaureate level with no loss in credit between the A.A.S. and the B.A.S. degrees. Students wishing to pursue the University’s BAS degree may first want to complete their Associate of Applied Science Degree. This degree offers students the opportunity to be awarded a two-year degree while in pursuit of their four-year degree. Students may opt to pursue their Associate degree for a number of reasons; promotion, personal growth, job search, etc. Once a student has been awarded their AAS degree, the student will be able to transfer all of their earned credit directly into the University’s BAS degree with no loss of credit hours.

5 Associate of Applied Science Degree Components:
The Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree is a 63- semester hour degree which requires 30 semester hours in a general education core and 33 semester hours from an approved major. The residency requirements on the A.A.S. degree count toward the B.A.S. residency of 31 hours. The A.A.S. residency is 18 hours. The five majors include applied science, business administration, human services, justice administration, and religion. 18 semester hours must be completed at Wayland. The Associate of Applied Science degree is composed of 63 semester hours of which 30 semester hours come from the general education core and 33 semester hours come from an approved major. For a student to obtain their residency hours, the student must take at least 18 hours from the University. Students are allowed to transfer in coursework from other approved colleges/universities or testing credit. There are five majors for students to select from when choosing a major for the Associate of Applied Science Degree. They are applied science, business administration, human services, justice administration, and religion. All credit earned for the Associate of Applied Science Degree will then directly transfer over to a Bachelor of Applied Science degree of the same major. Upon graduation, students will be awarded both the AAS and BAS degrees; with the proper applications and fees being submitted.

6 Associate of Applied Science Degree General Education:
ENGL 1301 and hours HIST 1303, 1304, 2301, or hours MATH 1304 or higher hours Math/Science/Foreign Language hours RLGN 1301 or hours Any student who has already taken a course that is equivalent to RLGN 1301 or 1302 at a non- BGCT/non-Baptist school has the option of taking an upper-level Bible course instead of retaking the beginning survey course. This means that someone who has had the equivalent to RLGN may take RLGN *4306, 4316, 4317, or 4318 in lieu of Students who have already taken the equivalent to RLGN 1302 may take RLGN *4306, 4320, 4322, or 4324 in lieu of No other RLGN/RLED courses may substitute for either RLGN 1301 or 1302. POLS hours COMS 1301, 1303, 2302, or hours EXSS hours ORIE hours Here is the breakdown of the general education section of the Associate of Applied Science degree. Please note that there are special requirements for any student wishing to transfer in either an Old Testament History or a New Testament History course.

7 Associate of Applied Science Degree Academic Major Requirements:
33 (34)Semester hour requirement These 33 hours may come from either traditional or non- traditional credit. Core courses as listed for most major/specialization should equal 15 hours in major (i.e. Core courses as listed plus additional business courses to total 15 hours). Applied Science major must have at least 18 hours of specialization courses. If Experiential Professional Development hours are needed to complete the degree, four (4) hours may be used as elective hours and major/specialization reduced to 29 hours. The 33 (34) semester hour requirement of the AAS degree can be made up of credit that is transferred in from another institution, CLEP/DANTES testing, or from another approved source. When transferring credit, advisors must ensure that the credit was given from an approved source and is acceptable by the University. Most of the majors have a requirement of 15 hours, except for the Applied Science major which has a minimum of 18 semester hours.

8 Associate of Applied Science Degree Academic Requirements:
COGNATES, TECHNICAL COURSES and DUALING LIMITS: A total of 3 semester hours of cognates may be used. A total of 3 technical hours may be used in the General Education core. A total of 6 hours, that is, 2 classes of dualing are allowed for the AAS degree. A maximum of 21 test credit hours. Only 3 hours of “D” in transfer. This is a list of the academic requirements concerning cognates, technical courses and dualing limits. Advisors need to accurately use these options on the student’s degree plan. Please note that there is a limit to the testing credit that can be used on the degree plan, 21 hours. Also, only 3 hours of “D” may be transferred onto the degree plan. Advisors need ensure that the overall GPA of the incoming transferred credit meets the minimum requirement of a 2.0 GPA.

9 Associate of Applied Science Degree Available Majors:
Business Administration ACCOUNTING – From one set – 6 Semester Hours: ACCT 2305 – Principles of Accounting I ACCT 2306 – Principles of Accounting II OR ACCT 3307 – Financial Accounting ACCT 3308 – Managerial Accounting Per catalog, Credit will not be awarded toward degree for both ACCT 2305 and ACCT Credit will not be awarded toward degree for both ACCT 2306 and ACCT 3308. ECONOMICS – From one set – 6 Semester Hours: ECON 2307 – Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 2308 – Principles of Microeconomics ECON 4346 – Survey of Economics Per catalog, Credit will not be awarded for ECON 2307 and ECON Credit will not be awarded for ECON and ECON 4346. Plus 3 semester hours from approved business electives Plus Twenty-One (21) hours of Business Electives The Business Administration major is available to students as a major under the AAS degree. This major exposes students to a broad array of business fields such as management, marketing, accounting and economics courses to prepare for a variety of business careers.

10 Associate of Applied Science Degree Available Majors:
Business Administration Here we have the Business Administration major as it appears on the degree plan.

11 Associate of Applied Science Degree Available Majors:
Human Services PSYC/SOCI 4310 – Social Psychology SOCI/JUAD 3304 – Social Problems SOCI/JUAD 3320 – Cultural Diversity SOCI/JUAD 3322 – Introduction to Social Work Plus Twenty-One (21) hours of Human Services Electives. Human Services electives consist of the following: Psychology Sociology Criminal Justice/Justice Administration Child Development/Early Education The Human Services major is available to students as a major under the AAS degree. This major exposes students to coursework in sociology, psychology, ethics and electives in those areas in order to prepare individuals for careers in social service fields and social work.

12 Associate of Applied Science Degree Available Majors:
Human Services Here we have the Human Services major as it appears on the degree plan.

13 Associate of Applied Science Degree Available Majors:
Justice Administration JUAD 3300 – Criminal Law Ethics – Any ethics course Including DANTES – Ethics in America) based upon course title and description (3 hours) BUAD Business Ethics, PHIL 4319 Ethics, RLGN 4323 Basic Christian Ethics or JUAD/PSYC/SOCI Ethics for the Behavioral & Social Sciences. If student is not bringing in an Ethics course it is preferred they take JUAD 3318 Ethics for Behavioral & Social Sciences JUAD 3319 – American Legal System RSWR 3345 – Research Writing Methods Three (3) hours from the following: JUAD/SOCI 3310 – Criminology JUAD 2300 Administration of Justice JUAD 3311 – Law Enforcement Administration JUAD 3312 – Law and Society JUAD/SOCI 3320 – Cultural Diversity Fifteen (15) hours of approved JUAD related courses The Justice Administration major is available to students as a major under the AAS degree. This major is designed for students who want a career in some aspect of corrections, courts, law enforcement, probation and parole, or a local, state, or a national justice agency.

14 Associate of Applied Science Degree Available Majors:
Justice Administration Here we have the Justice Administration major as it appears on the degree plan.

15 Associate of Applied Science Degree Available Majors:
Religion RLGN 0001 – Theological Research and Writing Lab must receive credit for the lab RLGN 1301 – Old Testament History RLGN 1302 – New Testament History RLGN 4302 – Christian Theology RLGN/PHIL 4314 – Biblical Interpretation RLGN/RLED 4315 – The Christian Ministry Upper Level New Testament Elective (3 hours) Upper Level Old Testament Elective (3 hours) Plus Three (3) hours from the Historical area: RLGN 4307 – Church History RLGN 4325 – Historical Theology RLGN 4330 – Baptist History Plus Three (3) hours from the Educational area: *RLED/RLGN 3309 – Spiritual Formation RLED 4301 – Survey of Christian Education RLED 4302 – Church Administration This major is designed to afford both academic and professional depth for individuals who possess recognized competence in a ministry.

16 Associate of Applied Science Degree Available Majors:
Religion Plus Six (6) hours from the following: *RLED 1301 – Introduction to Baptist Ministry *RLED/RLGN 4361 – Supervised Ministry OR Upper Level Religion Elective (3 hours) ELECTIVES: Elective (3 hours) – This elective is necessary for students to reach the minimum of 63 semester hours required for the AAS degree. The 3 hour deficiency is due to the dual counting of RLGN or RLGN 1302 from the General Education block to the Major/Specialization block. *If on ministerial scholarship and not taken in the Major: RLED 1301 – Introduction to Baptist Ministry RLED/RLGN 3309 – Spiritual Formation RLED/RLGN 4361 – Supervised Ministry Here we have additional courses required in the Religion major.

17 Associate of Applied Science Degree Available Majors:
Religion This is a screen shot of the Religion major as it appears on the degree plan.

18 Associate of Applied Science Degree Available Majors:
No core courses are required Except for Education, Training & Development on the Associate degree. Education, Training & Development – 18 hrs of approved coursework of which 9 hrs must be from below: CTED 4302 – Aims and Objectives of Workforce Development CTED 4303 – Human Relations for Technical Instructors CTED 4316 – The Adult Learner CTED 4333 – Statistics EDIT 4311 – Multimedia and Video Technology EDLI 4325 – Developing Reading, Study, and Thinking Skills at the Secondary Level CTED 3321 – Principles of Supervision for Education & Training CTED 4304 – Designing, Delivering & Managing Instruction EDUC 3313 – Educating Students from Diverse Backgrounds CTED 4308 – Implementing Instruction & Assessment CTED 4309 – Fulfilling Professional Roles and Responsibilities CTED 4330 – Counseling Theories and Techniques CTED 4334 – Instructional Systems Design The Applied Science major is available to students as a major under the AAS degree. The major is designed for students to complete a degree in special fields for which they have already completed training, choosing a specialization that encompasses that work.

19 Associate of Applied Science Degree Available Majors:
Up to 6 hours of management courses may be used in any technical specialization. These are not considered cognate hours. Of the 30 hours for the major/specialization at least 18 hours must be in the specialization. These are additional guidelines for the Applied Science Major.

20 Associate of Applied Science Degree Available Majors:
This is a screen shot of the Applied Science major as it appears on the degree plan.

21 Associate of Applied Science Degree Majors NOT Available:
Management Business Administration/Health Care Administration BUAD/Human Resource Management Career and Technology Education Christian Studies. This is a list of Majors that are NOT available through the University under the Associate of Applied Science Degree title.

22 Associate of Applied Science Degree Graduation Requirements:
In order to have an AAS degree posted to transcript and receive an AAS diploma, the same process must be followed as for the BAS degree. A Request for Degree Plan must be filed, and a preliminary degree plan worked up by the advisor. These should be sent to the Plainview campus. If a Request for Degree Plan has not been filed, at least six working weeks before the application for graduation deadline, a student may not apply for an AAS diploma or posting at the deadline for Application for Graduation. The AAS may no longer be posted only to the transcript. Students must make application for graduation and receive the diploma at time of graduation. In order for a student to be awarded an AAS degree, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all of the proper documentation, tuition, and fees are submitted/paid. Students will need to ensure that a Request for Degree Plan is filed and correctly identifies the student’s desire to obtain an AAS degree. The Request for Degree Plan MUST be submitted to the BAS/BCM Office at least 6 weeks prior to the application for graduation deadline. It is also the student’s responsibility to make certain that their graduation application and graduation fee is paid on time and is submitted on or before the deadline. Advisors need to announce to every potential graduate the deadline dates and may want to post these around the campus.

23 Common Mistakes:  Transferring in courses from another institution that have not been approved through the University’s courses evaluated or by the evaluator. Allowing students to take courses without the proper prerequisite or in an incorrect order. Offering an AAS Major that is not available. Allowing more than 21 test hours to be transferred in. Not ensuring that the residency requirement has been met. Not advising graduating students the proper procedure to graduate with the AAS degree. This is a list of some common mistakes made by the advisor and the student.

24 Summary Review:  This training module focused on the Associate of Applied Science degree. At its conclusion, the user should know the core, the available majors, and the graduation requirements. Advisors should be able to explain the major and its components to interested students and counsel them appropriately based upon the University’s governance. To sum up the module for the Associates of Applied Science, there are 5 majors a student may choose from and the AAS degree is designed to feed directly into the BAS degree.

25 Training Record In order to receive credit for Associate of Applied Science Degree, please click the link below. All information must be complete in order to receive credit. You may return to this module at any time for a review. After filling out the training completion form, you will need to close out this slideshow. Thank you for taking your time to listen to Training Module – Associate of Applied Science Degree. In order to receive credit for this module, please click on the button marked “Complete Training”. A internet browser will open and you will be asked to enter your first and last name, , your employee ID/PIN, and select which campus or department for which you are associated. Failure to complete the form will not provide you with credit for the module. If you would like, you may return to this module at any time for review. We thank you for your service to Wayland Baptist University and dedication to her for future generations. Complete Training

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