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machine protection in CLIC
MPWS /06/06 M.Jonker machine protection in CLIC
Outline CLIC beam power and destructive capacity
Base line CLIC machine protection Identification of failure scenarios Introduction to failure simulation Various issues MPWS /06/06 M.Jonker
Beam Power and destructive capacity
Beam Power = BeamCharge × ParticleEnergy × CyclingRate Drive Beam: 2 × 70 MWatt Main Beam: 2 × 14 MWatt this makes a sustained disposal of this power a challenging task. Energy Density = BeamCharge × BeamSize-1 × dE/dx (ionisation loss) Destructive capacity: determined by BeamCharge × BeamSize-1 not Beam Power. Safe Beam:: yield limit in copper (62 J g-1) Drive beam Hz 1.4 MJ /pulse = 340 Kcal Single cycle heats 100 litre water 3.4 OC melt 2.3 kg CU Main beam, TeV 289kJ / pulse = 70 Kcal Single pulse: 0.7 OC 100 litre of water, or melt 450 g CU @ 2.8 GeV ? 14 cal 0.14 OC in 1 glass of wine This will not harm? Do not ignore the ENERGY DENSITY Particle Energy [GeV] Pulse Charge [μC] Beam Size [mm2] Energy Density in copper [J g-1] Incident Beam Shower Core Drive Beam Train (1 of 24) 2.4 25 1 40 Main Beam @ Damping Ring 2.8 0.20 0.34 @ β collimation 0.18 120 Energy density in shower core is less significant than energy density of the incident beam. Main beam already unsafe in the damping ring even with low beam power. Particle energy is not the primary worry, however, no doubt at 1.5 TeV you ‘drill’ deeper holes.  Historically, electron machines have been less impressive than hadron machines, in part because hadron machine have a larger activation potential. CLIC challenge: Drive beam of unprecedented power (70 MW/beam) Note Hz = 1.4 MJ for a single pulse = 340 Kcal = 3.4 OC in 100 litre of water. Not so much? It will become steaming hot after 0.5 seconds. Charge densities: (orders above damage thresholds) 2 orders (drive beam) 4 orders (main beam) main beam already destructive at 2.8 GeV (such beam exists in light sources, but are they ever extracted?) Challenging task: fixed masks to protect extraction channels against RT errors. Main Beam : × ‘safe beam’ Drive Beam : × ‘safe beam’ MPWS /06/06 M.Jonker
Machine Protection Timeline
- 2 ms Next Cycle permit - 0.1 ms Beam in flight - 20 ms: Last delivered pulse Slow errors and drifts: Post cycle analysis In flight errors: Masks and RT protection No modification in the basic concept: Post pulse analysis to protect against slow machine drifts. Interlock for equipment faults at inter-pulse time down to 2 ms (next pulse permit decision). Safe by design for last moment equipment errors Fixed masks for “In Flight” error (or RT where possible in the injector complex). Inter cycle equipment errors: Interlock system Last moment equipment errors: Safe by design (equipment inertia) MPWS /06/06 M.Jonker
Failure types and Protection strategies
Slow Failures Time scale larger than the machine cycle period (10 ~ 20 ms) . Temperature drifts Alignment drifts Beam feedback saturations. N.B.: Normally, the beam feedback system should keep drifts under control. Any deviation of the expected behaviour is potentially dangerous. Inter-Cycle Failures Time scale comparable to machine cycle period (10 ~ 20 ms). Power supply failures Positioning system failures Vacuum system failures Last moment Equipment Failures As above but to late for the Interlock system to react (< 2 ms) Fast Failures Time scale of beam flight time through the accelerator complex (in flight < 0.2 ms). RF breakdown: (transversal kicks...) Kicker misfiring: (damage to septum magnet). RF klystron trip. (disrupt beam, large losses) N.B. the drive beam linac: 1.5 drive beam train in the pipeline: i.e. two orders above damage level. Next Cycle Permit Systematically revoked after every cycle Re-established if predefined beam and equipment quality checks have passed: ≈10 ~ 20 ms to analyse the previous cycle and to decide if OK for next cycle. Equipment Interlock 4 Beam-permit chains: DB e-, DB e+, MB e- MB e+ Network for diagnostics and control Beam permits Local Abort Local Interlocks Local MP Supervisor Master MP Supervisor Post Cycle Analysis Combination of hardware and embedded software. False PASS decisions rate must not lead to intolerable risks. False VETO decisions rate should have a low impact on the system availability. Certification protocol: Strict test procedures must be defined to certify the reliability of the post cycle analysis. These test procedures must revalidate the system every time a quality check implementation has been modified. All beam observation systems will be scrutinized for abnormalities Beam Loss Monitoring system: workhorse of next cycle permit and line of last defence for detecting any failure. Static Protection In flight failures: Difficult to detect beam failures and dump the misbehaving beam. Impossible for the head of the beam (causality, speed of light). Passive protection: masks and spoilers. Make passive protection robust enough to provide full protection for the whole pulse. Many of the systems are already designed along this principle. Locations (mostly associated with kickers) Extraction channels damping ring Extraction from combiner rings Drive Beam turn around Protective masks. (Picture of an LHC Collimator) Covering the 2 ms blind period prior to the each cycle: Remain within tolerance (for safe beam passage) for 2 MS after a power converter fault (Magnet circuits inertia τ=L/R) Preliminary studies: acceptable tolerances ~10% Þ need magnet circuits with a τ=L/R > 20 ms. Same principle for all active equipment (vacuum, positioning systems, RF-HV, kicker-HV etc.) Safe by construction Addressed by Patrice Nouvel Addressed by David Nisbet Next Cycle Permit Safe by construction Post Cycle Analysis Addressed by Javier Resta 4 Beam-Permit-Chains (2 drive beams and 2 main beams). permits (in both directions) for different beam types (pilot, tests, nominal). contains local nodes with user permit inputs the local node also provides local beam and equipment abort signals. Decision time: 2 ms before next pulse Equipment Interlock Static Protection MPWS /06/06 M.Jonker
Failure types and Protection strategies
Slow Failures Time scale larger than the machine cycle period (10~ms) . Temperature drifts Alignment drifts Beam feedback saturations. N.B.: Normally, the beam feedback system should keep drifts under control. Any deviation of the expected behaviour is potentially dangerous. Inter-Cycle Failures Time scale comparable to machine cycle period (10~ms). Power supply failures Positioning system failures Vacuum system failures Fast Failures Time scale of beam flight time through the accelerator complex (in flight). RF breakdown: (transversal kicks...) Kicker misfiring: (damage to septum magnet). RF klystron trip. (disrupt beam, large losses) N.B. the drive beam linac: 1.5 drive beam train in the pipeline: i.e. two orders above damage level. Next Cycle Permit Systematically revoked after every cycle Re-established if predefined beam and equipment quality checks have passed: ≈ 10 ~ 20 ms to analyse the previous cycle and to decide if OK for next cycle. Post Cycle Analysis Implemented in a combination of hardware and embedded software. False PASS decisions rate must not lead to intolerable risks. False VETO decisions rate should have a low impact on the system availability. Certification protocol: Strict test procedures must be defined to certify the reliability of the post cycle analysis. These test procedures must revalidate the system every time a quality check implementation has been modified. All beam observation systems will be scrutinized for abnormalities Beam Loss Monitoring system: workhorse of next cycle permit and line of last defence for detecting any failure. Static Protection BEAM Interlock Covering the 2 ms blind period prior to the each cycle: Remain within tolerance (for safe beam passage) for 2 MS after a power converter fault (Magnet circuits inertia τ=L/R) Preliminary studies: acceptable tolerances ~10% Þ need magnet circuits with a τ=L/R > 20 ms. Same principle for all active equipment (vacuum, positioning systems, RF-HV, kicker- HV etc.) Safe by construction In flight failures: Difficult to detect beam failures and dump the misbehaving beam. Impossible for the head of the beam (causality, speed of light). Passive protection: masks and spoilers. Make passive protection robust enough to provide full protection for the whole pulse. Many of the systems are already designed along this principle. Locations (mostly associated with kickers) Extraction channels damping ring Extraction from combiner rings Drive Beam turn around Beam Interlock System controls 4 parallel Beam-Permit-Chains (2 drive beams and 2 main beams). Each chain carries the beam permits (in both directions) for different beam types (pilot, tests, nominal). A Beam-Permit-Chain contains n local nodes with user permit inputs that can inhibit the beam permit chain . In case the beam permit chain is interrupted, the local node also provides local beam and equipment abort signals. Decision time: 2 ms before next pulse After this time, the machine must be: 4 Beam-permit chains: DB e-, DB e+, MB e- MB e+ Network for diagnostics and control Beam permits Local Abort Local Interlocks Local MP Supervisor Master MP Supervisor  Protective masks. (Picture of an LHC Collimator) MPWS /06/06 M.Jonker
Potential problems Drive beam Linac. Turn around kicker.
CLIC overall layout – 3 TeV Drive beam Linac. 1.5 drive beam train equivalent in the pipeline… Turn around kicker. One drive train equivalent Kicker failure Need protection of decelerator structures Betatron collimators Disposable equipment One hit you are out Combiner rings. One drive train equivalent Kicker failures Decelerators and main linac RF breakdown RF Structures Use this figure to indicate beam and beam powers and brillance Damping rings. above safe level Kicker failures. Septum protection. Transport line protection MPWS /06/06 M.Jonker
CLIC Machine Protection
Main Beam 2 injectors e+ e- 1 Linac, 2.2 GeV, 234 m, 2 GHz 2 Pre-damping rings 365 M NB: Synchrotron power from damping rings: Mev turn-1 x 204 nC /1.2 ms turn-1 = 656 KW, (13 KJ pulse-1). 2 Damping rings 365 M (same as PDR) 2 Bunch compressors (4 GHz RF) 1 Booster linac, 6.6 GeV, 561m 2 Transport lines (24.2 km) 2 Turn around loops 2 Bunch compressors (245 m, 12 GHz RF) 2 Main linacs (24.2 km 12 GHz RF from Pets) 2 Beam delivery (2.75 km diagnostics, collimation, final focus) 2 Post collision lines (beam dumps) Drive Beam 2 Drive beam linac (2x326 klystrons, 139 us) 2 Delay loops (2 RF kickers) 2 Combiner rings m (2 RF kickers) 2 Combiner rings 434 m (2 RF kickers) 2 Transport line with 24 extraction kickers 2x24 Decelerator sectors, each n PETS structures and dump. MPWS /06/06 M.Jonker
Failure Inventory Many failure cases to be evaluated:
Components Classes Main Beam Production Injectors PreDamping Rings Damping Rings Booster Linac Transfer to tunnel Long transfer Turnaround Bunch Compressor Spin Rotator Drive Beam Production Linac Delay Loop Combiner Ring 1 Combiner Ring 2 Transfer to Tunnel Long Transfer Two Beam Accelerator /Drive Beam Turnaround loop Decelerator Beam Disposal Two Beam Accelerator /Main Beam Accelerator Interaction Region Diagnostics Section Collimation Section Experiment Post Collision Line Equipment Failure Classes RF System Cavity Break down Synchro System/Timing error Powering System HV trip Kicker Systems Spurious kick Timing synchronization error HV generator Error RF Deflectors Synchro System Timing error Magnet Powering System Power Interlock /Fault Magnet System Winding Short Alignment System Stabilization System Control out of range Beam Feedback system Control out of Range Beam Instrumentation System Beam Dump Dump Not ready Collimators, spoilers… Vacuum System Bad Vacuum Fast Vacuum Fault Environment and infrastructure For every combination (~ 700 failure mode +including multiple failures), evaluate: multiplicity, frequency and damage => risk equivalent MPWS /06/06 M.Jonker
Failure catalogue Will be addressed in more detail by Andrea Apollonio
a model: LHC failure catalogue under development by Sigrid Wagner, Andrea Apollonio TE-MPE-PE. Problem: Collect LHC failure scenarios related to beam induced damage Result: Heading - ‘pull down menu’ - list of component failure modes - list of prevention/protection systems Ongoing/next: iteration process - filling of catalogue in collaboration with experts - documentation Will be addressed in more detail by Andrea Apollonio Failure catalogue also useful for availability analysis (addressed by Marc Ross: Avail-sim) MPWS /06/06 M.Jonker
Failure analysis Consequences of individual failures do not have to be studied in detail: Common underlying mechanism Fault effect on beam transport damage Perturb beam and look for impacts on most sensitive and restrictive elements Collimators in main linac RF structures Extraction septa Once we know which beam perturbations cause harm, look for possible equipment failures that can causes these beam perturbations RF breakdown Kicker misfiring Power supply failure Vacuum failure Magnet failure Falling magnet UFO MPWS /06/06 M.Jonker
Analytical estimates First guess, approximation with linear optic
Kicks in the vertical plane Betatron collimators half aperture = 100 μm, 1500 GeV, βy = 483 m Acceleration structures at the end of the linac half aperture = 2 mm, 1500 GeV, βy = 67 m Acceleration structures at the start of the linac half aperture = 2 mm, 9 GeV, βy= 67 m Kicks in the horizontal plane Betatron collimators half aperture = 120 μm, 1500 GeV, βx= 270 m Energy collimators half aperture = 3.51 mm, 1500 GeV, βx= 1406 m Acceleration structures at the end of the linac half aperture = 2 mm, 1500 GeV, βx= 67 m Acceleration structures at the start of the linac half aperture = 2 mm, 9 GeV, βx= 7 m Energy [GeV] Beta [m] Max Kick h-App eq Max Vtrans 9 1.8 / 7 22 μrad 155 μm 200 KeV 1500 18 / 67 0.56 μrad 37 μm 830 KeV Energy [GeV] Beta [m] Max Kick h-App eq Max Vtrans 9 7 35 μrad 250 μm 320 KeV 1500 67 0.9 μrad 60 μm 1340 KeV Energy [GeV] Beta [m] Max Kick h-App eq Max Vtrans 9 1.8 / 7 1.2 mrad 8.3 mm 10 MeV 1500 18 / 67 30 μrad 2 mm 44 MeV Energy [GeV] Beta [m] Max Kick h-App eq Max Vtrans 9 7 460 μrad 3.2 mm 4 MeV 1500 67 11 μrad 0.77 mm 17 MeV Energy [GeV] Beta [m] Max Kick h-App eq Max Vtrans 9 2 / 7 290 μrad 2 mm 2.6 MeV Energy [GeV] Beta [m] Max Kick h-App eq Max Vtrans 9 7 1.2 mrad 8.3 mm 10 MeV 1500 67 30 μrad 2 mm 44 MeV Energy [GeV] Beta [m] Max Kick h-App eq Max Vtrans 9 7 290 μrad 2 mm 2.6 MeV MPWS /06/06 M.Jonker
Failure simulation Why detailed simulation
A beam deflection that is large enough to send the beam into the collimators may also blow up the emittance of the beam (non linear effect). Optimistic: Reduction of beam charge density Less destructive beams Pessimistic: Beam fragments may hit the collimators already for smaller kicks Reduction of effective aperture Simulate multiple error conditions Simulate failures in non standard conditions Will be addressed in more detail by Andrea Latina & Carlos Maidana MPWS /06/06 M.Jonker
POST PULSE analysis A lot of redundancy?
The primary role of the Post Pulse analysis: detect in time the onsets of beam instabilities (temperature drifts, ground motions, TGV Lausanne-Geneva, etc) that develop over a medium length timescale and which may cause radiation damage to the machine. Any not understood excursion from standard values will inhibit the next pulse permit and require the system to go through a fast commissioning cycle (intensity ramp up). The system will learn by experience. Based on information from BLM BPM, Transverse profile monitors BCT Dump profile measurements Post collision diagnostics Ground motion sensors Beam Feedback performance (And everything else) But all within 20 ms A lot of redundancy? Good news: better reliability Bad news: more options for false alarms Can learn from LHC experience (presentation Verena Kain) MPWS /06/06 M.Jonker
RT protection: Only a few opportunities for a shortcut:
Damping ring (dump after one turn, or spoil the emittance) Important protection against synchrotron radiation causing quenches of superconducting wigglers. Turn around loop at entry of main linac (1000 M) Dump in case of, position errors, phase errors, energy errors… Important also to reduce radiation Special tricks with Drive Beam turn around ... Drive Beam Linac failures: cut the source ... 1.5 Train equivalent in the pipe-line! ... do we need intermediate dumps? Beam Quality Monitor MPWS /06/06 M.Jonker
Equipment Interlock with Beam Feedback
We can restrict the maximum cycle to cycle changes on individual correctors. A failing beam based feedback system may apply a lot of small changes with a damaging effect. What freedom can we give a beam feedback system? Do we need certification and formal testing of the feedback sofware (like we will need with the equipment interlock and post cycle analysis) Can we define and independent limit on a vector sum of all the feedback corrections? Any experience out there? MPWS /06/06 M.Jonker
Purging a pipeline If a real-time problem is detected in
a decelerator section Option: the extraction in the decelerator and dump the train at the end of the line the drive beam transport line Note: Stopping the source will not solve the problem: long delay to reach the source (a huge pipeline). However we can clean the pipeline by switching the trains prematurely into decelerator lines. Not likely to be a realistic fault scenario MPWS /06/06 M.Jonker
Other issues Radiation background in main tunnel
Impact on electronics Need better tracking of loss locations for “operational” losses (addressed in presentation of Helmut Burkhardt) RT protection of the Drive Beam Linac Kicker upstream channel protection Masks may be in the limits (presentation of Alessandro Bertarelli) Tune up dumps for commissioning. Commissioning of MP system. Certification validation of software components in MP system Bootstrap of next cycle permit after an interlock (fast intensity ramp) (addressed in my presentation on Friday) MPWS /06/06 M.Jonker
Conclusions Time for a break ? i.e. lunch
We will learn about it more in following presentations MPWS /06/06 M.Jonker
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