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Interesting-Didactic Cases

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1 Interesting-Didactic Cases
Vasilios Papademetriou, MD VA Medical Center Washington DC

2 Vasilios Papademetriou, MD
  Disclosures: I have no relevant financial relationships

3 AJ - Unusual presentation
68 YO M with DM, HTN, HLD, CKD-3 Drove to the ER at 9 am, feeling dizzy, c/o nausea/vomiting. Got out of the car and passed out in the parking lot ER personnel to the rescue ER, c/o N/V, lightheadedness, but no C/P. Thought had food poisoning BP 80/54 mmHg, P=110 ECG ?? Troponin in ER 2.3 Bedside echo shows inferolateral hypokinesis’ Overall LV function preserved. Patient denies h/o c/p, or h/o CAD Labs: Glucose 110 mg/dl, BUN/CR= 34/2.4, K=4.1, Na=141


5 AJ-8/2013

6 AJ

7 Case-1 JA

8 Mr-JA

9 Mr-JA

10 Mr-JA

11 Mr-JA

12 AJ-Next day 2-14-17 Moral: N/V can be lethal, need ECG
Q: Large thrombus: Aspirate or just STENT Q: Just the Culprit or complete revascularization Good things are happening in Cardiology at the VA

13 Case-2, Mr-W Patient is 78 YO oriental male
Admitted with chest pain and positive cardiac enzymes Serum troponin, 1.2 Initial cardiac cath showed : Occluded LCx, Collaterals from the left Occluded RCA, Collaterals from the left 90% proximal LAD EF 45%

14 Ecg at presentation

15 Mr W. diagnostic cardiac cath

16 Mr-W Patient admitted and schedule for by pass surgery the next day

17 Mr w At 2 AM patient taken for pre-op shower, and…. coded!!!
Code blue called, CPR performed for 20 min, Patient intubated, stabilized, pulse palpable ECG significant for marked ST elevation/depression Acute MI team called for emergency PCI

18 Ecg after the code

19 Patient taken to the cath lab for revascularization
Mr-W Patient taken to the cath lab for revascularization

20 Mr-W

21 Mr-W

22 Mr-W Patient did well, stabilized. Transferred to CCU,
low dose dopamine, planning staged PCI next day

23 Mr-W

24 Mr-W

25 Taken to CCU in stable condition
Mr-W Taken to CCU in stable condition

26 Post 3 vessel pci.2 days later Patient doing well

27 Mr-W Unfortunately the next day patient developed bleeding PUD and perforation! underwent surgical repair !!

28 Troponine -I

29 Serum Creatinine

30 Blood Pressure

31 Good things are happening at the VA
Mr-W Patient did well, Discharged to home Pre-discharge echo, EF =45% Attends clinics regularly Very compliant to Meds Enjoys life Q: Is waiting a risk? Q: Severe 3V CABG? PCI? Good things are happening at the VA

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